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Everything posted by Tepheris

  1. I keep wanting to do a review for you guys, but i keep finding myself drawn back into the the game. I keep going back and forth between two characters as well. I Sith, and of coarse a Jedi. My god it really is great to play something new and fresh. Although I am a little bias because of the Star Wars name. I mean in short will it be the great Wow killer? Out of the gate, most likely not, however does it have the potential in the long term it sure does. The pro's it's totaly new and fresh. The multipule choice story really makes for something new in a MMO. It has really good animation as far as the in game combat goes . Although I have yet to see the space combat. I love how each Character class has there own and seprate story lines, even from the Sith and Jedi. If they dont baby it up as they seem to do more and more with Wow, it could be something special. Cons, well a couple of things I personaly noticed. The new Quest system, although the total voice overs from the quest givers is a cool and unique idea the 10-15 second load time for every one is a bit of a pain, especialy when you have a group of quests to pick up or deliver. I alson dont care so much for the way you explore. Its kind of like you are stuck going to one certain area. You really cant just go all over. I dont know though we'll see what launch brings. All I know is dual wielding lightsabers is just the cats ass!!! Mortok if you choose the path of using just one you will be a tank sir, sorry Teph
  2. I got the extened one been playing the jedi/sith for a week now.... My god is it awsome!
  3. So who else got a beta invite?
  4. Tepheris


    Can we all see ourselfs as some of these people? Jestin
  5. Yeah Ugz your the "drunk" uncle no one really wants there LOL Jestin
  6. You know mw and E would be down either as DPS or healy bud Paul
  7. Wow that brought a tear to my eye...... Just not sure if it's one of sorrow or happiness? Just kidding!!! Good luck to you kid. You'll be missed Fo sho! Jestin The hatefull raid will live on....
  8. Hey Crushers my "alt" run for ICC 10 man is looking for a permanent DPS spot maybe 2! If your interested please leave me a not here or in game mail plsease! We run on Sundays 3-6! Tepheris
  9. Kingslayer nuff said! Jestin
  10. yet you'l make us run on a patch day when the server comes up 15 minutes before the raid???
  11. E and I are both down on whatever role you need clan brother..... Starcaller Jestin.....
  12. I'm over the hit cap in preperation for the T-10 pieces...... and for the last time I hate depending on raid buff for the hit. That is all
  13. Zu, bud in no way am I blaming you, or saying you should police us. You do more then enough as raid leader and you've got us through some time ######. You've done your part brother. It just goes back to the old addage, EVERYONE else must do theres for us to succede..... Jestin
  14. You know Zu, You are the raid leader, and how ever you see fit to set the DKP. Up to you. I will conform to how you see fit to lead the raid. That being said, when you checked our toons a few months back how come the issue with Zenita using a BLUE trinket was not called out? Further more, why was he allowed to carry it for 2 1/2 tier levels?? Christ the badge one for himw would have been better off no?? Further more, you wait to bid on a upgrade trophy before the trinket? You Zenita, my friend are a prime example of a DKP horder, and one of the reasons this raid has not succeded further! You know there was disscussion about what you pulled because Zu took considerable time to give it to you! Don't give me any grief about how you can't get more badges, Anyone whos a decent player has oppurtunitys to get into 10 mans. I'm sorry Zu, I'm pretty hot about this. I bit my tounge during the raid, but I need to say this. If this bull###### EVER happens again, I seriously am done with this raid. Nothing personal. Hell you all gave me grief about a wrong enchat on my boots, and 1 stam gem, but you'll let someone walk around for 2 1/2 tiers of content, with a blue trinkent? I'm sorry Zenita, but you are #1 on my ###### list... That is all Jestin
  15. I totaly agree with the above mentioned statements.... I am all for back to 3 nights a week. My only issue with with this raid and Kailands, could we please observe the 3 hour time on raiding. I'm sorry but pulling trash and a boss at 10:58 is just not that needed. Some of us do have work early. (4:30 am for myself) I signed up for the 3 hour raid not the 3:15 or 3:30 minute raid. I understand that as a whole when a night is going good lets push a little past the time, but not 90% of the time lately. Just my two cents. Jestin
  16. Kadi we took a straw poll, you are the weakest link!!! Good bye! Just kidding. I say we skip RS and Ignis, and do what ever hardmodes you want. At least the time spent killing hard mode bosses, we can make up some time by skipping a couple of the lesser ones Jestin
  17. Through icewalker on my shoes....
  18. Wait wait... I missed where getting to and beating the General and Yogg was to easy?? Did I miss a couple weeks when you guys put those to on farm? Zu, my point is how do you expect to push people and do all this when we cant do it right for the "Easy mode" stuff. Also please no one be offended. This is just my opion and mine alone.... Jestin
  19. Ok I agree with Markenhoof and Karrock. I think the instance as a whole on regular should be completed before we attempt hard mode on any of the bosses. Also I played this game for a long time before the achievments were implemented. However for the good of the raid I was willing to participate and do my best to help the raid progress. Now we want to start hard mode?? To use our "untapped" raid potential? Hell a couple of nights ago we had a big issue with people not even wanting to flask regular! How much more "Raid potentioal" can you get when people won't even use a flask all the time? We are in fact wiping on bosses in regular mode still, yet you want to do the same boss in hard mode? Where is the logic in that? This will only end up using valuable time that could be used to first complete the instance as a whole on regular mode. We also cant have constant replacements either. Dont get me wrong I will be there week in and week out to do the raid however you see fit Zu, but I strongly disagree. I feel that us attempting this before we truly are ready and have beaten the instance will do more damge to the raid then you for see Jestin
  20. I'll throw Tepherdoodles in there if ya be needing any heals... Tepheris Holy/Disc
  21. Hello my fellow Clan members! I would just like to say thanks first of to the group as a whole for allowing me to be part of the 25 man group. So far I have totaly enjoyed raiding with you guys! You all have been great and we have had some good laughs! I just want to say though I'd be more then willing to give up my spot for a night or "ratation" for any healer that would like to repec and go dps for the night. No complaints here. I just want to see us progress and contiue to have fun. Remember it is just a game and ment to be fun....... Teph/Jestin
  22. I am down to bring Tepheris my healy priest, or Jestin my mage
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