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Posts posted by Chris

  1. I bought a code off ebay for a 7th anniversary gift, but now I see I should've used the money for crafting gold instead. Has anyone been looking for one to buy? I'll take either gold or real money that can be used to buy gold.

  2. Does anyone know a good place to buy tons of regular leather relatively cheap or somewhere it can be farmed quickly? I need to get my tailor up to 120 so I can start on blacksmithy :smurf:

  3. 1045776003_pathos.jpg

    You are the Tragedian! Your characters often harbor dark secrets, impassioned vendettas, or heartwrenching pasts. This doesn't (neccessarily) mean you're evil or unfriendly, but your characters often tend to be dark and broody. You favor vampires and similar character types who promote inner conflict. Though often interesting, be careful. If not played VERY carefully, a pathos-wrought character can get boring very quickly.

  4. Ah, the good old days... and the even better days we can now build!

    True, pk dominance at champ spawns can't be contested... yet.

    As for the idea of recruiting some pvp-savvy feluccans, the only problems will be finding ones willing to rp (especially as members of a guild with such a strict moral code) and finding someone within the empire who they will respect (or fear) enough to listen to long enough to be recruited.

    There is no can't. There is only do or do not.

    So let it be written. So let it be done.

  5. What's the highest value of each bonus type that can be found on items (especially hit chance increase and defense chance increase)? Also, are there caps to how much of each bonus can be applied from all your equipment combined? :lostit:

  6. luck and loot will be fixed.

    Comment: Still wanting to know when it'll be viable to bring out my luck suit on monster hunts, or when loot/luck will actually be looked at...

    so luck doesnt work right now or what? >??

  7. all that matters is the highest luck possible :lostit:

    I just acquired a Holy Sword and a 200 luck necklace and have been having fun one-shotting liches, but need more luck to get better results

  8. If I recall correctly Greg was the author of the original codex (I sure wish I knew what happened to him) and Gladiator may have had something to do with the roman theme :smurf: -Chris

    Nope....Gladiator was way way after the foundation of the guild.

    Movie though did allow us a nice show to see on the bigscreen of the roles and various mechanics that we had adopted prior into the guild.....ie black/purple, cohorts, etc.


  9. Today, the decision was made to discontinue the production of Ultima X: Odyssey. This was done in order focus resources and talent on Ultima Online, the upcoming expansion, and an unannounced Ultima Online project.

    and six months later: "We are pleased to announce that Ultima Online: Age of Sporks has gone gold" >:0

  10. I was thinking I'd keep myself healed up using chivalry skills and Spirit Speak (which i plan to drop later for powerscrolls). I havent been able to find anywhere to buy large ammounts of arrows, so I saw a need to take enough fletching to craft those reliably.

  11. the skills im aiming for on my new character are:







    spirit speak

    What stats should I aim for? What stats should I start with? What skills should I start with to avoid going insane raising them?


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