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Posts posted by Chris

  1. very good advice Liz.

    I had a thousand times more fun hanging out at Empath Abbey participating in rp as a no-skill character than I did getting a couple of characters up to having lotsa gm and above skills

  2. Your type is: SEA. 12% of respondents so far fall into that type.

    The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.

    Your answers were split as follows: Socializer 86%

    Explorer 46%

    Achiever 40%

    Killer 26%

  3. that shinies one reminds me more of an ekirh than an orc...

    ((for those of you who never saw one, an ekirh is a 3-4 foot tall lizard person who is obsessed with gold and other shiny objects and calls them "shinies" [from UO])) :cool:

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