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Guild Leader
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Everything posted by Calendar

  1. Just a heads up, both Rahgesh and I plan to play this game. We are both really excited about it! It's going to be a bit of a juggling act at first since we are trying to determine how to bring together as many of our real and virtual friends together We know a lot of folks planning to join and don't want to miss out. I'm not sure what servers will be available at launch and how folks even get to pick what server they'll be on. So anyways, if any of you start making decisions keep us in the loop!
  2. Hey guys, I got back earlier from vacation and will be available for raiding tonight! Yay!
  3. Very funny! Although I think that by most people's standards, karate chopping a dwarf in the neck is just as non-Kosher.
  4. The first time we got to P3 I tried healing him as best I could without moving. However we ran out of room to kite the mobs. The second attempt I dedicated myself to healing him and just did the best I could for the raid. It's going to be a tricky balance because at the start of P3 he doesn't need a lot of heals but as the fight goes on it's starts getting difficult. The range and movement issues are terrible. I think we have two options here: A) Have Uglutz or I heal Ascoli: - Reduces overall raid healing (meaning Kadi would need to pick up some group heals) B) Have Kadi heal Ascoli: - Reduces MT heals (meaning Ugz and I would need to pick up MT heals) - Kadi would need to learn how to move and heal
  5. I support this strategy. Add kiting in P3 is where the difficulty is at. It will be important for us to strategically place them in P1 so that they rise in the right spot for P3. The image is most likely for 25man as I think we could make do with a single healer on the OT.
  6. Just a heads up, I have an errand to run tonight so I might show up at the last minute or a few minutes late.
  7. Operation: Face Kick was a success (or, in Kailand's case "Operation: Tea Bag"). Good job everyone!
  8. Sorry guys, I have to cancel as well. I have to attend some lame ass information session and won't be back in time by a long shot.
  9. Thanks for the analysis Ascoli. I think everyone needs to spend some time and read this and other material to try and find ways on how they can improve their performance for P2. The truth is that as a healer, this particular portion of the fight is HUGELY frustrating. We spend our time in pure panic mode healing everyone and yet constantly see DPS not doing what their supposed to be doing or flying away in tornadoes.
  10. That was awesome everyone! We really started coming together for that fight and Holy was able to prove his boss status once again.
  11. Hi guys, As most of you know by now, I'm putting my PvP night on hiatus. It was a fun month or so while it lasted, but truthfully it was not what I expected. PvP requires FAR more organization and planning than I was willing to give it. In order to be moderately successful you really need people who are dedicated to gearing themselves, have PvP specs, you need a team with the right balance, etc, etc. Unfortunately, it simply does not work with random group members with variable gear levels. I'll support anyone else trying to put something together, but since I'm not finding this fun I think I'll move on. Thanks everyone who participated, it was great grouping with you guys. Best of luck, Zu
  12. I only have 1 weapon at moment and so if I were to enchant it it'd either be a DPS or Healer enchant. I don't really care which, but I was waiting to see what my predominant role was going to be before blowing away a bunch of mats. I think that for the time being a healer enchant would be more appropriate. Got the food, the enchants are no problem but the flasks are a bit problematic. I'm wondering if anyone else was in the same boat as me: Basically I don't have an herbalist nor an alchemist which means that I have 0 access to the mats and other things required to help make flasks. Normally in WotLK I'd just buy the materials or the flasks. However this time around I'm noticing the flasks are sold for near 200g/ea (I'll have to check again). That's 200g per hour * 6 = 1.2k gold per week. That is a budget I'm having a real hard time funding. I'd basically have to devote all my playing time simply gathering gold to buy flasks. What acceptable alternatives are there? Are WotLK flasks acceptable?
  13. Alright folks, I'm giving up on Rated BGs (for now)! I've quickly come to realize that Rated BGs are to PvP what Raids are to PvE. They are simply not feasible with a group of casual players. You need dedicated, committed and geared individuals in order to get any amount of noticeable progression. A lot of folks had joined the fray in the hopes of using the Wednesday Night PvP as a means of gearing up. Unfortunately, looks like you need to have the gear to begin with (not the other way around). However, if... Rated BGs are to PvP what Raids are to PvE it would seem that Arena is to PvP what Heroics are to PvE. So I'll be switching my Wednesday Nights to instead focus on Arenas. My plan is to organize folks on the roster into sets of Arena teams. Maybe 2 or 3 3v3 groups and 1 5v5, I don't know, we'll see. Small Arena teams helps folks get Conquest Pts quicker and also forces them to learn how to play with one another. If you're still interested and will be showing up on Wednesday, be prepared to spend some time dealing with administrative stuff while we get teams organized. I also need folks to come up with some good team names I will do whatever I can to get a spark of PvP life going in this guild! Hopefully folks aren't too fussy about their Arena teams.
  14. I'm not sure there is much I can do in the way of flasks. I don't have an herbalist nor a alchemist, so it's difficult for me to contribute. I will try to buy herbs off the AH rather than flasks (that should help right?). Hopefully that won't be overly expensive. As for enchants, that I can help with! I'm always willing to give up some of my mats to help others (especially this early in the expansion where most of them are cheap). I also had this deal with folks back in WoTLK that if they provided me with a semi-steady flow of junk greens they get a free enchanting membership (i.e. ask me for whatever whenever). Some of the enchants need to be bought, so if you have something specific in mind please let me know so I keep some shards reserved to buy your enchant.
  15. Hey everyone, PvP Madness starts this coming Wednesday (January 5th) at 8pm. Don't forget to sign-up on the calendar! The invite has gone out to all CSC guild members. If you're not a guildie but would still like to participate, send me a mail, forum msg, whisper (or whatnot) to be added to the invite list! Fun times are coming! Zu
  16. I'll start the invites after the holidays (likely the first week of January). I might start off with a guild wide invite, just as a means of getting an initial base of folks.
  17. Hi everyone, I hope you're all having a blast questing and exploring the new expansion. I know many of our guild members have hit level 85 already (congratulations!) and I'm sure it won't be much longer until the majority of the Clan is maxed out So as many of you know, I retired from raid leading after WotLK and I'm not looking to get into anything overly complicated for Cataclysm. I do however have a keen interest in trying to put together some more "casual" style activities (i.e. somewhat like Kailand's old Monday Classic Runs). More specifically, I want to try and put together a PvP night once a week. It would be totally casual, with a focus on building guild cohesion and help players get some PvP gear. The way I want to set this up: - There will be a calendar event from 8 to 11 server time - Invites go out to anyone and everyone who is interested (or has in the past demonstrated an interest) - We hit the Rated Battlegrounds and melt some alliance face! If we don't get enough players we'll PuG it up as best we can and if we get too many we'll try and get two groups going. If you are interested (even if you're not level 85 yet) and want to be on the invite list send me a shout either on the forums or in game. Yay PvP! Yay kicking Alliance in the ballsack! Yay madness! See you on the battlefield, Zu
  18. Although I took a bit of a breather after we downed LK (I was feeling a little burnt out). I'd be more than happy to start raiding again (as a participant, I'm not interested in leading). I'm very much interested in pursuing the raid achievements and would be more than happy to fill in as a healer, DPS or both.
  19. I'll sign up...I haven't been doing much lately and a few stabs at an instance might be fun
  20. Calendar

    Undying run

    on Thursday?... I might give it a go Just give me a shout on IM if you don't see me in-game soon enough (I tend to lose track of time in the real world).
  21. Lol. Good post Haha! That movie was great! Good catch there Orcala
  22. After all this time, our perseverance has finally payed off! The Lich King is no more and we have marched onto the stairs of the Frozen Throne. Icecrown now belongs to the Clan! Congratulations everyone, we have worked hard for this and deserve this victory.
  23. You with a gun Orcala scares me ######less. This is why I don't cross the border, bunch of wackos! And no, you getting a gun didn't make me cancel Wednesday. Working on LK for 9h a week made me cancel Wednesday
  24. Hi Everyone, As many of you know by now, I've been playing around with the idea of finally retiring my raid leader tabard once and for all. This is something I have been communicating to the senior members of the Clan and of the raid. This post is simply to formalize my resignation. It's been a terrific 3 year run! I've met tons of great personalities and awesome players. We've accomplished a great many achievements and have succeeded at conquering quite a few raids. From Karazhan to BT and from Naxx to ICC, I'm proud to have lead the bunch of you. Raids have always been my passion in this game and I thank you all for helping me pursue this endeavor. My retirement is solely based on the fact that I want to concentrate on other things in my life right now. It's summer after-all and I want to take advantage of that. I have no regrets and I don't hold any grudges. This is not a "burnout", I sincerely think it is my time to move on. I am pleased with our progress in ICC and I am genuinely convinced we will conquer the Lich King together. As for my position as Elder of Campaigns, I formally request that the council allow me to take my rightful place among the Longtooths of the Clan. I will watch over our band of merry clompers, but this resignation means that I will no longer be able to fully my duties as Elder. Future Game Plans: The plan is to drop out of the raid by the end of this month. I will hold my position until we formalize a plan to switch up the leadership. The likely candidate to take over is Kailand, but I wouldn't be oppose to considering someone else if they want to throw their name in the hat. Lastly, I'm not going anywhere! I may be resigning from raid leading and dropping out of the raid, but I do not intend on quitting the game altogether. I'll still show my face once in a while and I'm sure I'll be going full force again once the expansion comes out (hell might even make another 10 man group). I feel bad letting go of my Elder position, but the reality is that lately I haven't done enough to warrant such a role. I need to do a bit of soul searching to figure out how best to serve my Clan and in what capacity I wish to do it. Thanks for the many years of entertainment and the best of luck in your conquests. Your former raid lead, Zuworty & Cal
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