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Everything posted by Ghules

  1. It's late, I'm bored at work, and having entirely too much fun looking through the abilities the guys at Curse have data mined from the expansion. This one nearly made me choke on my soda though. http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/spells/31984-.html Finger of Death Requires Level 73 50000 yd range 0.500 sec cast Strikes an enemy with the finger of death, inflicting 19999 shadow damage upon them, their children, and their children's children. If you've ever seen a GM do what appears to be a /point emote and something dies a horrible screaming death....odds are this was what did it.
  2. Here's an example of one of the new enchants available in the Burning Crusade Enchant Weapon: Mongoose -------------------------------- Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack speed slightly. There are also Ring enchants among tons of other stuff, including new set bonuses. Enchanting appears to now max at 375 as well Lots of neat new stuff can also be inferred just from taking note of some of the things they have listed. As always take with a grain of salt until it's posted by blizzard, but here is the list so far http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/news-321-1-...l-database.html
  3. Just a word of warning and an FYI If you would be terribly upset if you lost your macros or Auctioneer/Lootlink/Gatherer/Mobinfo data....Back up your WTF folder. Any data that a mod stores over time, the channels that you've joined, window placement in your gui, etc. is written inside the World of Warcraft/WTF folder. All Mods will recreate these files if they go missing, screens can be dragged back, and channels rejoined, but if you would be devastated if you lost something, back it up. With a good backup, the worst case scenario is you redownload your mods, copy a few files from the backup and your good to go. *This Public Service Announcement brought to you by Gamers for Less Hair Pulling on Patch Day and the Ad Council* --Ghules
  4. There are definitely quite a few to choose from. No mods are necessary at all to have a lot of fun. Most are there just to add some neat functions that might normally be hard or cumbersome to do. Others just make life a lot easier from an information gathering and sharing standpoint. One that I've always loved is Mobinfo/Mobhealth http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-...-mobhealth.html It in essence shows you how many hit points a monster has instead of the plain old red health bar. It also keeps track of which monster dropped what loot and where. Another good one is CTMod http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-273-1-ctmod.html It adds some some really wonderful features that that in my opinion should have been in the game from the start. Like the ability to move around, any icon, bar, bag, or frame that appears on your screen instead of having them locked in WoW's default spot or having your chat messages show what time they arrived. It also allows you to see X and Y coordinates on your map , make notes/stickies on your map, and the people in your friends list. There are tons of other mods/addons out there for anything and everything. If there's some feature that seems missing or doodad that looks out of place with WoW I'd bet good money there's something out there that will make it do just what you want it to. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask myself or anyone else in the Clan in game or on the forums. We were all new at some point and most likely had the same questions. --Ghules
  5. Yep Yep. Good stuff it is too. Some new goodies in it I think the raid leaders will like. CTRA 2.0 is on the horizon as well and from what I've seen it's absolutely delicious. For some more info and links to other mods that are effected by the changes see my reply on the patch notes post. http://forums.thehonorempire.net/index.php?showtopic=10314 --Ghules
  6. Ghules

    Patch Day

    The addition of some new API functions in patch 1.12 allows mods to communicate with each other without the requirement you all be joined to a mod spefic channel. Now all that's needed is you be in the same Party, Raid, Guild, or Battleground. No more CTRA broadcasts! Woohoo! Between the two guild alliance channels, hordehelpers, gatherershare, and a couple of friend channels, I'd often have to leave a channel before I could even recieve the broadcasts. Several of the more popular mods have already been tested and built to take advantage of this. So if you use CT Raid at all make sure you update it. Old versions and the new version of CTRA will *not* communicate with each other. Also if you use Threatmeter or Natur Enemy Castbars, these should be updated as well, as their raid functionality was dependent on the CTRA channel that is no longer necessary. If for some reason any of these links go belly up due to patch day craziness. Just message me in game or drop me a reply here and I can host the files. --Ghules Direct links to the latest versions of all mentioned mods CTmod Homepage http://ctmod.net/ CTRA Standalone http://www.ctmod.net/CT_RaidAssist.zip KLH Threatmeter http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-...hreatmeter.html Natur Enemy Castbar http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-...emycastbar.html
  7. Ghules

    BUBOSH Odenn!

    Congratulations you old dog! Those demons never stood a chance.
  8. I'm not sure how many stacks of Kingsblood I have but they'll be on their way -Ghules
  9. Best of luck to you. Hopefully both our raids will enjoy a lot of sucess. --Ghules
  10. Process of elimination Do you have any other kinds of strange lockups, crashes, etc outside of wow or when playing other games. Open a few browser windows, watch a movie on a website, etc. If not, try any other seemingly resource intensive game you have outside of WoW. First person shooter, flight sim, etc. If you're fine until you hit another resouce hogging game...might be a directx issue, drivers, or still maybe hardware, something over heating or what not. If it only happens when you're running WoW. It moves it down to a much shorter list of things that it could be. Does it only happen when you login to that specific character or does it happen just after you've logged into the main WoW login prompt? Might be Wow itself, conflict with WoW and a new device driver, or a few other things. I know you've probably done a million and one things with Blizz support trying to get it fixed, but any information you can provide us might help steer you in the right direction as well. Any information you can provide about the computer as well would be helpful, Windows or Mac, Operating system, etc. -Ghules
  11. Ghules

    RP Add on

    Myroleplay http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-...myroleplay.html Compatible with people who use FlagRSP and has a bit more more utility. Basically the continuation of flagRSP since it hasn't been updated in a while. Both are great mods though. Give `em both a try and see which one suits your fancy. I was a diehard flagRSP fan for quite a while on the other side of the fence. Also tastes great with Lore Dialect/Language Addon http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-862-1-lore.html I do have a rough Skullcrusher dialect already built for Lore as well, but never used it. Kinda felt like cheating a bit. <<Ghules is still learning the language so to speak>> If anyone has any interest in it. Let me know.
  12. Courtesy of Fark.com It was only inevitable... http://wowdate.fullwiki.com/ and Poker Tournament anyone? Great way to kill time while waiting for people to show up to raids and groups, or while waiting for a Battleground to pop. Not too shabby for waiting out those 10 man turtles either. http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-...zac-holdem.html
  13. You will be sorely missed. *hug* I know how much of a drag it can be when it seems like you're clocking into the game rather than playing. No matter where you go or what you do, always have Fun! <clicky> Fortune Favor you in finding the balance you're after. --Ghules
  14. Here's the patch notes directly from the PTR client. This is by no means complete. They're still adding and tweaking things expecially in the world pvp/cross realm battlegrounds area. I played with the built scrolling combat text. It is kinda neat and another example of them building in the functionality that a lot of the players like from the most popular mods. The new fuctionality for the enemy/friendly healthbars you get from the V key is *greatly* improved For some odd reason looks like they're actually nurfing some encounters in the 40-50 level dungeons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - World of Warcraft Public Test Patch 1.12.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross-Realm Battlegrounds - For the first time in the history of World of Warcraft, you will be able to face off against players from other realms in the Battlegrounds. PvP Battlegrounds link Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, and Arathi Basin so that players from several realms will be combined into one huge matchmaking pool. Replenish your mana, sharpen your blades, and get ready for some brand-new challengers! World PvP - The stage is set for intense, objective-based land battles as Horde and Alliance vie for control over important strategic positions and resources around Azeroth. Head out for Silithus and Eastern Plaguelands to engage the enemy on the field! General - Threat Reduction Effects This system has been redesigned to eliminate inconsistency in how the effects work. Previously, some were additive (for example: 30% reduction + 20% reduction = 50% reduction) while others were multiplicative (30% threat reduction multiplied by 20% threat reduction equals 44% threat reduction). They are now all multiplicative. This also prevents unpredictable behavior when the total reduction percentage was equal to or greater than 100%. - Haste and Slow effects Previously Haste and Slow effects worked inconsistently, with spells working differently from weapons, and hastes and slows not acting as inverses of each other. We have revised the system so that all haste and slow effects work the same way, and haste and slow percentages perfectly cancel each other out (30% haste and 30% slow combine to no change). As a result, we had to change the tooltip numbers on all spell haste effects, and on all melee and range slow effects. The numbers in the tooltips are different, but the game functionality is unchanged (other than slight rounding errors). Those tooltips that changed will now display larger numbers than they used to display. Conceptually, haste values indicate how much more of that activity you can perform in a given time. 30% melee haste means 30% more swings in a given time. Slow values indicate how much longer an activity takes to complete. 30% slow means an action takes 30% longer to finish. For those interested, the new haste and slow effects work mathematically in the following way. Each effect separately multiplies the attack timer of your weapon or casting time of your spell. They are multiplied in sequence (order doesn't matter) and the final result is the attack timer or casting time. The multipliers use the following equations: Haste effects: multiplier=1/(1+percent/100) Slow effects: multiplier=1*(1+percent/100) As an example, a 50% haste generates a multiplier of 0.666; a 50% slow generates a multiplier of 1.5. If they are multiplied together the result is 1. A 50% haste on a 3.0 speed weapon makes it 2.0 speed, resulting in you getting 30 swings per minute instead of 20 swings per minute: 50% more swings. A 50% slow on a 3.0 casting time spell generates a casting time of 4.5. It took you 50% longer to finish casting the spell. - The deserter debuff will now continue to expire even while you are offline. Druids - Barkskin: The tooltip has been changed to 25% due to the haste effect change. - Ferocious Bite: The Book of Ferocious Bite (Rank 5) now drops somewhere in the world. - Furor: This talent now works correctly with Cat Form again. - Improved Shred: The discounted cost for Shred will now be displayed correctly even when you are not in Cat Form. - Rip: Lesser potency Rips will no longer overwrite greater potency ones. Hunters - Spirit Bond: This ability will now be correctly reapplied when you resurrect in a battleground and your pet is polymorphed or otherwise unable to act normally. Mages - Arcane Missiles: It is no longer possible to cast this spell on an evading mob. In addition, the animation will now stop when the target is dead. - Arcane Power: It is no longer possible to gain the benefit of this spell and Power Infusion at the same time by careful timing. - Frost Armor Chilled effect: The tooltip has been changed to 100% due to the haste effect change. - Ice Armor Chilled effect: The tooltip has been changed to 100% due to the haste effect change. - Polymorph: This spell will now be removed when a player leaves a battleground. This prevents some bugs involving polymorph from occurring. - Evocation will no longer be usable while silenced. Paladins - Divine Shield: The tooltip has been changed to 100% due to the haste effect change. Priests - Mind Control: The tooltip has been changed to 25% due to the haste effect change. - Psychic Scream: This spell now uses the same resistance checks as the Warlock spell Fear. Rogues - Due to significant talent changes, Rogues will have all talent points refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell replacements have been significantly reduced. - Eviscerate: Manual of Eviscerate (Rank 9) now drops somewhere in the world. - Garrote: The damage from this ability has been increased approximately 50%. - Relentless Strikes: This ability will no longer trigger when your finishing move does not hit your target. - Sap: Enemy rogues will now always lose stealth when you Sap them. Shaman - Grounding Totem: This totem will no longer absorb multiple effects from Entrapment in a 10 second period. - Windfury Totem: The weapon enchantment from this totem will now only trigger off normal melee swings. This means abilities such as Sinister Strike, Mortal Strike, and Hamstring will no longer trigger the Windfury Totem. - Reincarnation should now display the cooldown timer when used. - Chain Heal - After the initial target is healed, the healing effect will jump to the most damaged target (by absolute health) within range. In addition, if a raid member is the initial target it will look for valid raid targets to jump to rather than non-raid targets as a priority, making it consistent with group targeted Chain Heals. Warlocks - Cripple (Doomguard): The tooltip has been changed to 45% due to the haste effect change. - Enslave Demon: The tooltip has been changed to 40% due to the haste effect change. - Health Funnel: This spell will now work correctly on low-level enslaved demons. - Howl of Terror: This spell now uses the same resistance checks as the Warlock spell Fear. - Siphon Life will now properly gain a benefit from Shadow Mastery. Warriors - Flurry: The text on the tooltip has been corrected to indicate it triggers on all types of attacks. - Shield Slam: This ability will sometimes no longer remove more than one beneficial effect from the target. - Sword Specialization: This ability can no longer trigger off of itself. Items - +30 Spell Damage Enchantment: Fixed a bug with this enchantment which was preventing it from benefiting healing spells. - Blade of Eternal Darkness: The triggered effect from this weapon will no longer occur when the spell being cast has its effect broken by causing damage. - Blazefury Medallion: The triggered effect from this item will no longer break Gouge. - Bonescythe Armor: The Eviscerate bonus will no longer trigger when your Eviscerate does not hit your target. - Darkmoon Card- Twisting Nether: The dialog for this resurrection will now always reappear after the Spirit of Redemption effect has completed. - Eye of the Dead: Holy Shock now interacts properly with this item. - Ranged Elemental Damage: Our ranged combat system does not allow a ranged weapon to do a mix of Elemental (Fire, Frost, Arcane, etc.) and Physical damage. Many ranged weapons existed which were listed as doing Elemental damage and did not function properly (the damage was dealt, but was treated as Physical). All of those weapons have been changed to deliver the Elemental damage as a chance on hit effect. Hurricane was previously changed this way in 1.11. The following ranged weapons are also fixed in 1.12: Bow of Searing Arrows, Dwarven Hand Cannon, Heartseeking Crossbow, Dark Iron Rifle, Galgann's Fireblaster, Quillshooter, Shell Launcher Shotgun, Venomstrike, and Verdant Keeper's Aim. - Talisman of Ascendence: This item will no longer trigger from physical damage effects. In addition, if either of the buffs from the item are cancelled, they will both be cancelled. - Zandalarian Hero Charm: Item tooltip corrected to match the effect tooltip. - The Items that summon mounts have been changed in their color/ quality. Items that summon normal mounts are now blue(superior)items and items that summon swift mounts are now purple(epic) items. - Fixed a bug that allowed you to use items which restored health or mana while you were already full health or mana. - Fixed a bug with the Jom Gabbar trinket which was causing it to trigger a category cooldown for a duration longer than intended. - Fixed a bug that prevented Arcane Missiles from being able to trigger the effect of Wrath of Cenarius. - Clarified the tooltips for the Stormshroud armor and Kalimdor's Revenge to explain that they deal Nature damage. - Fixed a bug that caused the Blooddrenched Mask to hide a character's hair. - Warbear leather now stacks to 20. Professions - Engineering: The damage from sapper charges can now be resisted. The overall DPS of the charges should not be significantly altered from what it currently is. - Engineering: Explosive sheep do fire damage instead of physical damage. Raids and Dungeons - Uldaman Reduced the number of Shadowforge Ambushers that attack after looting the quest chest. Shadowforge Ambushers are no longer elite. The respawn of the Stone Stewards has been changed to 2 hours (from 30 minutes). - Zul'Farrak The respawn of the 2 Troll/1 Basilisk patrollers should now be 2 hours. Reduced the damage dealt by the Sul'lithuz Abomination and Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler. Dead Heroes are no longer elites. Theka the Martyr will now only remain immune to physical damage for 30 seconds before reverting to normal. Antu'sul's Sul'lithuz Broodlings now only hatch 4 at a time and are significantly weaker. Witch Doctor Zum'rah will no longer call as many dead heroes to his aid when aggroed. Weegli Blastfuse now has slightly more hit points. Antu'sul's Warden no longer attempts to knock adventurers into Antu'sul's lair. Sandfury Cretins who engage the party during the pyramid event are no longer able to cast shadow bolt. - Mauradon Noxxious Scions will no longer spawn when you cleanse Celebrian Vines. User Interface - V key functionality has been improved in several ways. V key now shows summoned monsters (such as the gargoyles in Stratholme.) V key now shows both monsters and player enemies. V now shows enemies only (no longer shows friendly targets.) Shift-V now shows friendly targets only, not enemies (with a new bindable hotkey.) Control-V shows both friendly targets and enemy targets (with a new bindable hotkey.) - New floating combat text has been added to the game with a number of options. You can see when you take damage, when you are healed and how much, when you acquire and lose auras and much more. You can turn on the new options in the newly revised options screen. - The Need Before Greed and Group Loot countdown timers will now have a 3 minute countdown when there is a bind on acquire item on the corpse. This should allow a bit more time in making a decision to roll for an item. - Automatic Quest Tracking has been added to the game and is turned on by default. Any time you advance a quest by advancing one of the requirements, the quest information will appear on your screen for 5 minutes before fading. You can turn this option off from the options screen. - There is now a confirmation dialogue when you attempt to disband your guild. Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug that caused some non-combat pets to be referred to as Minions instead of Pets. Mini Diablo however has escaped this fate and will continue to be referred to as a Minion.
  15. I suggest bringing a lot of resist gear, and don't forget to stock up on Water and food ((Gatorade and Powerbars anyone?)) You two have fun...er....farming each other for rep. --Ghules
  16. A sound plan. Any thought as to the retaliatory attacks following though? Any alliance defenders showing up to Stranglethorn will more than likely vent their frustrations on Grom'gol. They may also send a group from Ironforge to the nearby post of Kargath or Arathi as well. Not necessary to defend them, but not bad spots to hunker down if you want to take a swing at the alliance war party either. As for a possible strike on Ironforge itself.....I know of a couple of spots one can summon an entire raid in complete seclusion
  17. Arcanist crown +10 Drakefire Amulet +15 Flarcecore Mantle +24 with +5 enchant Chromatic Cloak +9 and +5 to all enchant Funeral Pyre Vestment +10 Tidal Loop +15 Blazing Emblem +15 Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas +10 Torch of Austen +10 +8 to all Resistances from Sorcerors 2 piece set bonus with Mage armor +15 Resist to all and <recently respecced to> talent that gives +10 resists to all 161 FR I can craft 3 pieces of wizardweave with Deb as well, should anyone want some. Wizardweave Turban +18 FR Wizardweave Leggings +16 FR Wizardweave Robe +18 FR Ghules
  18. Ghules

    Patch 1.11

    Less than 5 mins left till the patch download is complete. As soon as the server is back up, I'm making a run for the new sheep/pig quest in Azshara, along with every other mage on the server probably *le sigh* I still can't wait though! I've been looking at different builds for the past few weeks on the test server and now I feel like I'm buying a last minute xmas present and second guessing every option. Wednesday MC is definitely going to be interesting. It will be fun to see how the new stackable frost crit debuff pans out in the core. Until then...place your bets as to which of us frosties ends up with the biggest repair bill from chained crits.
  19. Just to clarify. Do you need 7 more transmutes done or 7 more crystals and transmutes? My stone is usually free so anytime I'm around I'd be more than happy to transmute for you, or if need be just mail the materials and I'll transmute and mail them back.
  20. I have a Blood of the Mountain I can send your way as well. I'll send it along as soon as I get home in the morning. I will readily admit to being a forgetful old sack of bones, so feel free to give me a poke in game if you're ever in need of something and I haven't made a post here.
  21. This one popped up on the forums a few days ago, but I thought I'd repost here for those that might have missed it. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...mp=1#post233992 Haven't made it past the 5000+ queues on the test server these last few days to confirm some just yet but from what little playtime I had there earlier this week, most of these are on the up and up. A few of my favorites: * Players can no longer queue up other players with the deserter debuff for a battleground by forming a raid and having the leader in a different subgroup, and joining as a group. * A permanant version of Aqual Quintessence (called Eternal Quintessence) is provided after completing the Hydraxian Waterlords quest chain. This is avaliable to players who have a reputation level of Revered. See Duke Hydraxis for more information. * The terrain was raised by Orgrimmar in order to prevent players from reaching the top of the Orgrimmar Gates. There are even more class changes as well. Mage * Evocation - Cooldown reduced to 8 minutes. * Cooldown on the use of a Mana Gem has been decreased to two minutes and now shares a cooldown with tuber/night dragon/healthstone. * Pyroblast - Cooldown removed. * Arcane Missiles - Cancels channeling immediately if its target moves out of line of sight. As we all know however, nothing is ever official until it makes it to the official Blizz patch notes.
  22. Count me in. I always loved the Edge of Madness fight. There is something about all those *huge* critters stomping around that's just funny.
  23. The kodo's are wonderful beasts aren't they. I have a kodo-coupe myself, a little small but great in the turns If you ever need any help farming let me know. I ran through the whole process back before the AQ war effort made the runecloth market nuts. There are a few good spots that can net you a fair amount of runecloth as well as rep with a few of the other factions at the same time. I just finished a leather grind for the Darkmoon Faire as well, so anything I can assist with to make someone else's time toiling in the fields a little easier I'm more than happy to do.
  24. I have a stockpile of crystals I keep for transmutes. Just clonk me on the noggin the next time you see me running about and remind me to root around in the vault for ya.
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