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Patch 2.4 is here!


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Took em long enough.

So what are you looking forward to the most?

- Moar dailies = moar moolah!

- 5-man Sunwell instance.

- No diminishing PvP returns. Although WSG is going to suck now...

- BoE Primal Nethers/Nether Vortex. Let the price-gouging begin!

- Badges from 25-man content.

- New T6 pieces (belt, bracers, boots).

- Turn Evil. Rawrghlsauce! Warlocks will pwn me lesser in PvP now.

- lol attunements. Although I do look forward to getting my "Hand of A'dal" title. ^_^

- Blue PvP gear for alts. Yum!

- Skipping straight to Vashj & Kael.

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I'm looking forward to:

- BoE Primal Nethers/Nether Vortex. Let the price-gouging begin!

- Badges from 25-man content.

Plus abilities that chain (chain lightning, multi shot, etc) will not break CC, and a third tier token dropping from bosses (it still will be defender, but at least our warriors/druids/preist will be tier geared in no time).

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Im looking forward to the minor arena changes to Shaman decreasing snare times, although it forces me to lose my decreased mana cost of shocks. Also, the new weapons/rings/trinkets from SSO and Magister's Terrace will be very nice for me as they eclipse most things in BT.

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Two words: fishing daily (Yeah, I'm insane), followed by the combat log changes and the addition of two hawkstrider mounts.

There's quite a bit to like about this patch. The increase to 25 dailies, new daily quests to fill the wallet faster, and some nice new patterns and jewelcrafting cuts to fill in some gaps....not to mention some new clothes and weapons available through badges. I played a bit on PTR on the new Isle and through the new dailies and, while some are tedious, they really did a nice job at decorating the place. Call me silly, but I kinda liked setting fire to the attacking ships' sails and busting up their crew as well (an idea they should've introduced earlier, given how many pirate factions we see along the way to 70). I never ventured into Magister's Terrace (or obviously Sunwell), but the addition of another five-man instance was sorely needed and I was hearing pretty good things about it from other people.

As for the combat log changes, they are NOT the Second Coming and will definitely not solve all of the tracking problems raid-wise (for the number crunchers out there). Lifebloom and earthshield are still credited to the target rather than the originating caster and it has been stated that it wouldn't be changed due to mechanics. Also, pets that don't belong to the person logging will not have an obvious association with their owner, so they must either be called during the course of the raid/logging period or resurrected during that time...otherwise, they will effectively be "ownerless" for the purposes of meters or WWS. Folks running Omen/Violation should have an accurate sync of pet ownership, however, since they added some code to sync/track these things. I could go on about the flaws in the new logging system that I've found, but overall, the new system is a vast improvement over the pre-2.4 combat log from every aspect. Newer players should find it much easier to configure and read, while experienced players will find that they don't need as many add-ons to filter events to their liking.

A little-mentioned change that will benefit those frustrated by endless turtle matches in WSG is the increase in damage to the flag carrier the longer the flag remains uncaptured (it's a drastic increase). From what I could tell, this does not "reset" when the flag is passed to another person, as it's tied to the the uncaptured flag rather than the player. Of course, let's just hope nobody starts dropping flags in terrain to avoid this (I've seen this a few times). Also, the Horde starting point in AV has been moved backwards to fall more in-line with the relative location of the Alliance cave to their initial objectives. I'm seriously hoping this will force the Horde to start considering defence...

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This was from yesterday afternoon on MMO-Champion - if this is correct, the changes for multi-target abilities breaking CC was removed :D

the cyclone nerf is now confirmed and the changes made to spells like multi-shot or chain lightning to avoid breaking CC spells have been removed. Below is the difference with the latest PTR patch notes.
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Rawrghlsauce! Warlocks will pwn me lesser in PvP now.

QFT! I soooo wanna smack a felpuppy in the head with that! It also makes pallies actually a bit more useful for CCing things in PVE since it's now a stun effect instead of a fear effect.

That change, and resilience being applied to mana drains are what I'm looking forward to the most on the PVP side, and I'm looking forward to Sunwell the most on the PVE side. Anything that gives me a chance to kick Kael'thas in the family jewels has to be a good thing!

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I'm looking forward to:

- BoE Primal Nethers/Nether Vortex. Let the price-gouging begin!

- Badges from 25-man content.

Plus abilities that chain (chain lightning, multi shot, etc) will not break CC, and a third tier token dropping from bosses (it still will be defender, but at least our warriors/druids/preist will be tier geared in no time).

Kailand, I'm afraid to say that the buff to the chaining abilities is no longer in the patch notes and I read yesterday that it had been reverted. I figure it's because people on the PTR were reporting it was buggy as hell, and Blizzard decided they to didn't want to delay the patch any further.

I'm personally looking forward to doing a different set of dailies *I sure won't be doing no 25 a day, I just want some different ones to cycle through* and Magister's Terrace. And maybe a regular Magtheridon raid for more 20-slot bags :D

Edited by Scryll
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Well, there aren't that many dailies to do out there *yet* (more will be revealed as the Isle is further unlocked), but there's quite a variety, including a new bombing quest, and a few of the typical "kill x demons" style quests. Eventually, there will also be a portal revealed from Shattrath to the Isle to make getting there easier. Now, properly ordering the quests so that you don't end up with your hearthstone on cooldown...THAT is the challenge.

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Draegloth, Orcala (offtank/DPS), Taidenenuwy (heals), Karrock (rawr traps), and myself (main tank) cleared the Terrace last night on Normal. Some thoughts:

+Very challenging, yet not too lengthy of a progression pace. I can easily see farming the first 2 bosses over & over for rep & shards.

+Really nice cinematic for those that did the orb quest inside.

+Very AoE-friendly. Each pull had at least one or two casters, but they were soft like tissue paper when matched with our DPS's gear level, and it'll be a bit easier with more controllable CC in the group (mage, rogue Sap).

+Loot from what I saw is decent compared to L70 Outland blues. Not a bad place to gear up friends before tackling Badge-azhan or Gruul.

-Way too much trash. Each pull after the first boss had maybe 5 to 6 mobs per pack, usually including a healer, caster, or multiple combinations of both.

-Too reliant on CC. The amount of casters is kind of silly, and a poorly placed mob or timed Fear can easily spell doom for even a heavily geared group.

-I got an uncomfy feeling of deja vu from the boss fights...

~Selin Fireheart: an utter joke, even with our healer locked outside (because we didn't read up on the fight like noobs. Hey, it was late :D). It's Kalithresh 2.0, but even when he channeled the crystals to full power, he didn't lay a dent in me.

~Resistance fights FTL. Vexallus (the white voidwalker guy) dropped fast, but bringing Arcane Resist will make him a lot less painful on Heroic. He's Curator with AoE.

~Priestess Delrissa. The word "douchebag" immediately came to mind when I saw her with 4 adds:

We got a Shaman (he heals & plops totems at blazing speed, but went OOM really quickly), Rogue (crippling poisons & he stunlocked me at his leisure), Gan'arg engineer (chucks bombs & does an occasional fire breath), & Mage (Ethereal guy that can sheep & spam fire/frost spells). To my surprise, all of these guys could be stunned, but not taunted off other group members, which made for an icky mess. They died fairly quickly once we got an understanding of what their spells were.

~Kael was a pushover once we understood how Gravity Lapse worked (hint: learn2swim!). Phase 1 was about DPSing his bird adds & surviving Fireball spam (they hit me for about 2400 even with my Aura up). Phase 2 was icky, and we wiped twice because we had trouble avoiding the orbs, but put the rotted Prince in his place once we figured it out. He dropped some nice epic gloves. Great practice for when we take on the 25-man version.

Overall? The new 5-man isn't bad, and I am very excited about doing this on Heroic. But it requires some very funky group composition, good coordination, and more importantly: lots of patience.

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