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Everything posted by muru

  1. No,indeed, that is not normal. The whole queue thing is supposed to ensure yer place in log in! I have never seen or heard before of anyone's queue growing larger?!?!
  2. Ooopppspsss - those last two from me!!!
  3. Whattzisss??? Quit?? Ya can't!! I know how frustrated I was when I had my account stolen;Crusher support was amazing. We all dealin' with these Q's Blues:( Hang in there Maube- we cannot lose our muddah!!!
  4. Benim would be up for a healing role;although he certainly is no Meffio!!!
  5. Wednesday after the Benim obligatory 9:30 EST or so works. Will definitely join in when I get on Wednesday! Sounds outstanding!
  6. Dang, Benim still needs to enter the Spire. As usual, ya guys are already running when I tucking the lil' ones into bed!!
  7. I have just started a -level 6- Warrior. I currently bouncing between a 26 Rogue, the warrior and any instances for 60 priest benim. Always willing to group!!
  8. Why do we get 8 Hamburg buns in a pack- when all I get out of a po Happy Birthday! und of beef is one BIG patty? Go figger!
  9. muru

    Might be scarce

    Yup- we will be ready when ya get back! Good luck with yer studies!
  10. Crushers cannot be defeated- even as I end my wait , 79 minutes, to get on tonight!!!
  11. Congrats Kody!!! (Thank goodness my wife didn't see the picture-she would want a fourth!!!!)
  12. Yowser- wasn't that the Funky Chicken on 1978 Denny Terrio's Dance Fever. Those Time Life compilations are priceless!!!
  13. I have seen this over and over when Crushers group together- the fact remains that we stress maturity and helpfulness more than anything. It says a lot for all of us and I know it makes me feel good about all of our conviction in regards to what makes a Crusher!!
  14. muru


    Heeee-got booted off- at 9PM EST- over 900!!! Cya in about an hour!!!
  15. muru


    6:57 PM EST today- 492!!! Dang- was gonna hop on fer a half hur while wife shopped:(
  16. muru


    Lol-4 Gigs!!!! I remember my old 486 having a hard drive of 424 megs and thinkin' - how am I ever gonna fill this up:)
  17. muru


    Yup, I am lucky number 452!! Guess I gonna start logging in for evening play when the lil' orklings wake me up at 6AM!!!
  18. muru


    Frustrated? You? C'mon der Taz, just put on Maube and get to klompin' high end a bit!! And ya wanna know sumtin' about lag? Two things- 1- Make sure ya have 1 gig of RAM! Makes a HUGE difference. 2- Turn down yer graphics settings! (I know I might be pelted fer this one, since peeps like to play at 1600 * 1200 at 800 billion colors to show off their vid cards:) I run an old 1.4 Ghz AMD TBird- about as old a CPU as you can find, but I run it at the lowest vid settings at 800 * 600 resolution. Honestly, it looks fine to me. I did this months ago when Muru was pvping, cuz who cares how far ya can see the horizon in Durotar when ya runnin' at 2.3 FPS:) Now, I have virtually no lag anywhere.
  19. Whoa!!! Imagine my surprise when I logged in after work tonight at 10:30 est to see a queue of 491! My previous record was 290ish!! What happened - server restart??
  20. muru

    AD Forum

    Lol- I just read that whole thread. The amount of alliance backbiting is simply amazing. Guess I gotta get back into pvp again soon:)
  21. HHhehehhhe- Guess this means I don't have to devote time to this project now, heh??? Tanks der green and Bal!!!!! My part of the thread is done!!! BTW folks, check out the link in Balander's post or Greenbull's signature-sweet roster stuf here!!
  22. Hey all! I am starting a thread to update roster on roster page. List your main, rank, and any char with warden status-please:) I just wanna make sure we get up to date. BTW thanks, Greenbull, for the roster site-looks like that will be sweet for me!! Heheheh- I know I could do this through game window, but Muru nub gett anee yunger!!!
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