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Everything posted by muru

  1. lol...... ya will catch me in about a week ... hehehhe
  2. Main-Beenem Alts-None yet WOW-Krer,Derson,Aleis Forums-muru
  3. Geeks Gone Wild hehehhehehehhehehhehehhehhehehehhehhehehhe
  4. ...better call up Papa Johns fer the SWTOR special, Stan....Pepp pizza blended into an IV bag...
  5. Better yet, 15 years. My wife will have me in a nursing home by then! Anyone know if they have decent WIFI?
  6. I can say that we have 19 major worlds," he said during a Q&A session. "Then we have an indeterminate number of minor worlds. And our goal, obviously this being an online game, that we're hoping is going to last for decades, we're going to be, obviously, adding more to the galaxy map as the game progresses. We want to add dozens of worlds. Hundreds of worlds eventually. In 2025, we'll hopefully have 500 worlds." This quote was from an interview back in June with one of the Senior Creative Producers in a Toms Hardware article. I had no clue that they had that kind of galactic scope in mind! Plus, a 15 year timetable!!!
  7. Awww, shucks...I hate when the story gets all sappy...
  8. Hmmm....interesting.... The Combat Tech seem to be wearinga pizza box as a helmet! Perhaps a ruse to throw Morgh off his game in the throes of battle...hmm...*scratches his head*...
  9. I'm all dressed up with no place to go!!!
  10. ...and then my 14 year old son said he was sure I did not qualify.
  11. Man up, Huato! Has it been that long??? Where is the fire in yer belly??Two trees? Who wears the pants? If that was me...well...errrr..well....ehm..yes,ma'am..two trees it is!!!
  12. *checks son's Scooby Doo watch*...about 45 minutes ago:)
  13. Same rule my wife has, so as always, I shall find a new creative way to bump! HHhehehe- seriously though, the thread on the SWTOR forum could use some bumps to keep it on peep's radars.
  14. No idea even what class name equates to what role!!!Lol!! But, as always, will devote much time to a healer.
  15. Hooo attt tooo! Don't worry, I snuck in, with my credit card in tow, afore the field was back up AND my wife was putting my kids to bed!! See you in game, mister!! (You too, Ug!)
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