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Everything posted by Kaatya

  1. *adds her name to the list* The Guardian spirit lives in the hearts of many of your comrades, Martok, who would be glad of your company.
  2. Ah, brother Rico. I'm sorry to hear of your departure from Sosaria. Safe journeys on your adventures in World of Warcraft. Remember there will be family here should your travels lead you back home. (I'm going to ICQ Cheblis who once owned that house to see if he wishes to have it back. I have an open account that can hold the structure for you in the meantime. ICQ 42755612)
  3. Kaatya

    Ya'll Come!

  4. Kaatya

    Ya'll Come!

    Aw, man!!! I wish I had known you crossed the border. Well, let me know if business or pleasure brings you back. I'll protect you from those evil Dallas freeways too. *brandishes her rusty corkscrew*
  5. For the past 2 or 3 days, I've been unable to access the Forums from my home computer and from my work computer. Was it just me? Or was the site down for a few days?
  6. Kaatya

    Ya'll Come!

    We've planned a meet-up for mid-May 2005 based in Fort Worth, Texas (my home). I'll be off work from May 13 through May 22 --- come for the entire week if you can or only a few days. Fly into DFW Airport and we'll come pick you up. My house won't hold everybody, so we'll be booking some rooms at a nearby hotel. Events planned so far: Day trip to San Antonio to tour the Alamo and the famed River Walk. (We'll be stopping in Austin along the way to pay homage to UT -- YeeHaw!!!) Dunking Hudson in the pool. A local rennaissance festival -- Scarborough Faire, held only on weekends, tho. Dunking Hudson in the pool. Trip to Dallas to see JFK Museum, Southfork, etc. Dunking Hudson in the pool. Fort Worth Stockyards (Hudson wants to ride Pecos Bill, the longhorn, again.) Hosing Hudson off and dunking him in the pool. Please check your schedules and see if you can make it --- we'd love to have as many members of the family as possible!
  7. I'm so glad to hear that you are home from the hospital and able to enjoy the holidays with your family. It sure put a scare into us when we heard of your mishap. How in the heck did you manage to break your ankle in three places??? Bless your heart, Lori --- you're such an over-achiever! Best wishes to you and yours for a happy, SAFE, and prosperous New Year! Lesley
  8. *nods* You're right about the "OSI" Guild Roster. I sure wish they'd update it more often.
  9. Not sure where you got the number of 16. The most recent roster can be found here: UO Guild Roster I don't know how often it is updated, but it seems to be fairly accurate -- 60ish members.
  10. Congratulations! All that hard work comes to fruition. I hope you find immense enjoyment in your new world.
  11. Kaatya

    The Witch's Eye

    You have such a masterful touch!
  12. If the law won't ensure that these workers get paid fairly, then the law needs to be changed!
  13. "DISPEL! DISPEL! DISPEL", Kaatya called out to any mages within earshot. With a poorly camoflaged smile on his face, Hudson readied his magics to bring her back to life yet again. Ah yes, the memories, my brother Kal'lason. I hope fate smiles upon your real-life circumstances and that you are able to return to Sosaria. I have not seen many who enjoyed the fine art of Necromancy as much as you did. You will be in our thoughts. Please keep in touch, either here or ethereal pigeons, if at all possible. Safe journeys to you. *lights a candle for him in the Hall of Remembrance*
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUDSON Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! THOSE SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS ARE SURELY JUST AROUND THE CORNER!
  15. I am fresh out of Blacksmithy scrolls at the moment, but Ulanie will check through her orders to see if she can procure one for you.
  16. I'd be glad to dispatch Omi'Ravanya or Savanna to stand beside you against the forces of evil. Just send a pigeon when you need help and hopefully I'll be around to receive it. For HONOR and Empire!
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIS! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  18. EVERYONE contact EA soon! (I'll get mine sent off this evening after Macy has gone to bed.)
  19. Kudos to the Guardians of Light for organizing this event and putting all the hard work into listing each name of the 9-11-2001 casualties in purple books. The time of reflection proved to be very moving. .
  20. Logan, I'm so sorry to hear this. Your co-worker and his family will be in my prayers, as well as you and your family because I know how devastating such a thing as this can be. *gives him a comforting hug*
  21. HONOR Virtue, the EA Way <- - - Link WHAT DO YA'LL THINK ABOUT IT?
  22. It's been a long, cold, dry spell without you. Welcome back, Akroma!
  23. Superb job, Wolf! Tis by far your best work yet. I remain in awe of your talent --- consistent Gold Medal material! *makes this her new desktop*
  24. We look forward to your return, brother. Good luck with your finals!
  25. Mike (Hudson) was taken to the hospital Wednesday night. He has pneumonia in one lung. The doctors plan to keep him there for a few days -- until it clears up. He is doing fairly well, but getting a bit bored. He tried to find a hospital computer with ICQ, but was busted by the nurses for leaving the ward. Hudson sends greetings to his UO family and wants ya'll to know that he'll be back as soon as he can.
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