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Everything posted by Kaatya

  1. Rose of Trinsic: A large rose bush, with green stem/leaves and purple roses. In The Second Age of Britannia, the peaceful town of Trinsic was attacked by the forces of chaos. After a fierce, bloody battle, the town was overrun and destroyed. This rose commemorates the Honor of the Trinsic defenders. Properties: Every four hours, produces a purple rose petal that when consumed adds +5 to strength for 5 minutes. Stores up to 10 petals. Owner double-clicks to obtain petals as a separate stackable inventory item. 'NUFF SAID!!! I'm definitely hoping to get at least one of these.
  2. *Omi grabs Malk up and takes him out for continued practice in keeping hold of his weapon AND shield*
  3. Every Wednesday and Sunday evening, 8 p.m. Eastern. Auction house is just south of Luna, a smidge east of the Bag Ball Arena. Lady Ulanie of my line would be quite happy of your company, though she does not attend the Sunday auction as this interferes with the guild meeting. Look forward to meeting you!
  4. Welcome home, Tass man. We sure did miss you! Dinna worry overmuch about Bishop. When last seen, he was sprawled out on the floor of Olympus, a big ole knot on the back of his head.
  5. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, Alister!Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  6. Wonderful progress on perfecting your skills, James! I'm sure your tutors are thankful to have such an avid student. When you have tired of the classroom and wish to test your talents in the field, just let us know. Mayhaps Omi can help you find that lost bracelet, eh? Much easier to see things on the ground when you are sprawled out. For HONOR and Empire!
  7. Her hands deftly worked the wax along the supple curves of her bow, the sixth one she had tended to since awakening from a fitful night's slumber. She heard the first stirrings of the creatures as they greeted the new day, but she paid them little heed. She paused momentarily to douse the candles as the dawn's rays slid through her workroom window. She picked up the seventh bow, the one tipped in silver, and continued her ministrations. Events of the past few days were uppermost in her mind. It had long been this way for Kaatya; the quiet solace of the repetitive strokes served to chase the spider webs from her head and she could better contemplate matters at hand. The Emperor's health was failing, the healers unable to reverse his decline; the cure beyond even the ken of her elven family. The young Heir was becoming despondent, worry was etched on the face of each Guardian. And a man of great travelling had again stepped forward, relating vague tales of folklore and rumor. Kaatya thought back to yestereve and could again hear Omi's steady voice telling her of the encounter, and repeating the words of Alexander Halen after he learned that the evil wizard had been slain but no sign had been found of the crew of the Wind Chaser. "The crew turned into almost an undead entity .... still living, still breathing, but incapable of thought .... consumed by lust for riches and gold. They are great rogues of the land, seeking one treasure after another." "Folklore has it that the crew would return to Montor in search of revenge on the wizard who transformed them into vile beings. It has been many years since this happened; their powers could be great, feeding upon adventurers and lost travelers. Search the town again for clues pertaining to the crew." "Though I have heard a rumor that the crew, considering their fate decided, left for another realm. One they could rule, one named The Second Age. They would build a city of dead, the base of their operations where they would feed on the powerless and the weary. It is said that there are two well secluded entries to this land; one lies between the great inn of Britain and its main bank, the other through a tight passage formed by a crack in a mountain range." "Release the crew from their curse and maybe your Emperor's will lift as well. No healers will slow the illness which plagues him. Time is your enemy."
  8. ooer .... great banner, Cyric!
  9. *dances around in great merriment, convinced that she has finally mastered the intricate moves of the Cabbage Patch, but as you watch, you can't help but wonder if she's being electrocuted* Lord Randolph found the 15 barbed gloves for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  10. Lady Akroma, you have waged an arduous battle to overcome the assaults to your health that have led to your prolonged absence from Sosaria. I have watched your tireless giving of prowess in battle and wisdom on the Council. You are greatly missed. Please know that we support you in this decision to vacate your Senatorial position and pray that you are one day able to return to your Guardian family who waits with open arms. Through the cloud of sorrow at our loss, a warming, illuminating ray bursts forth in the form of Lord Steel DarKnight. I cannot adequately express my appreciation to you, sir, for accepting leadership of our Legion. Based on your prior accomplishments as Senator of War, I am certain your renewed guidance will be a cornerstone of the foundation we build for the future. *watches dawn approach* The morning has come.
  11. Lady Ulanie needs only two more small BODs to get two barbed kits. She's been searching all over hell's half-acre to find them, but has met with no success. If you have these BODs or find them in your travels and would be willing to trade or sell them, please let me know. 10 exceptional barbed leather tunic 15 exceptional barbed leather gloves Thank you! Kaatya
  12. I'm not sure I fully understand your question, Charlie, but I'll try to answer what I think you are asking. The Dragoon Cohort has a leader and has had one for many months now. Kendarick is the Dragoon Centurion, hence he is the leader of that cohort. Some stonework was done today to reflect the titles of our members. In addition, Logan reminded each of us at the guild meeting tonight to be sure to visit the UO guild page and update the information about each of our characters on the guild roster there. So .... we should have two sources to identify all Cohort members in the very near future. I'll defer to Logan regarding any other leadership positions within the Legion. But rest assured, the family bond is intact and we are looking toward the future. Best Regards, Kaatya
  13. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to a very talented fellow! The BIG 30! How does it feel, Wolf? Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Best Wishes, Kaatya
  14. *stands with her arms akimbo, tapping her foot*
  15. No tar, nor asphalt either!!! *gives them a stern look* Tho, I will admit that a feather boa would be most attractive. *preens* Where oh where will we get the feathers??? *spies Rooster's tail* AHA!!!
  16. Omi'Ravanya will glady join tonight's excursion. *sends her off to Lady Ulanie's shop for armor and kryss repairs* (And Omi makes three)
  17. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, Steel! May you have many more! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  18. I wish it to be known, as I pledged to Lora I would declare, that she and I discussed the nature and contents of her post which was originally recorded on the private Leaders Board. I proposed no changes to her. This is the story of her life in the guild and her departure from it. She had a long history of service as a Guardian and was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Rest in Peace, Lora DeBlood.
  19. Erm .... uh .... *gets a very sheepish look on her face* I, um .... have a +20 Smithy PS that I told Rusty I'd give him, but .... erm .... I forgot about it until just now. Can we please just blame it on jet lag???
  20. Ulanie has the two spined BODs you seek, but none of the barbed ones. She will continue to look for those particular BODs as she visits the various vendors in the land. She will gladly deliver the spined BODs to you tonight, and looks forward to witnessing your unique happy dance ... fully clothed please. If anyone has the following BODs that they are willing to trade or sell, please let me know: 10 exceptional barbed leather tunic 15 exceptional barbed leather gloves Thank you!
  21. 7 pm EST at Southern Comfort Emperor, Magistrate, Senators and Head of State will meet to discuss proposed Resolutions.
  22. You work nights. I work days. It's been that way for years. I'm pretty sure Tass works days too. Hudson, you and I spoke over ICQ less than twelve hours before you posted this, so ....... what is up?
  23. Kaatya

    Blade using Charlie

    If you wish to "take him out", you'll need to meet him in Felucca. We'll not put him on the stone and allow him to fly our banner.
  24. Until Madison gets her pets better trained, some other mage from our branch of the family tree will have to go with you. *skootches Cheyenne forward* This one! D'ya recommend LRC suits or FC/FCR combos? Yeah, I know it'd be super to have both, but she doesn't. Earliest I can join in a hunt is 7 Eastern, 6 Central, unless I decide to let myself go home early one day.
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