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About Kal'Lason

  • Birthday 10/10/1986

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  • Interests
    Bass, Drums, LINKIN PARK
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Kal'Lason's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well, for the last 6+ months iv been struggling to keep from finally admiting that my time is done. but with this last account expiration notice and no funds to put it off.. as well as no internet connection at home O.o it looks like im finally having to say goodbye. The time that i was able to put into the guild was awsome, id like to thank you all for being such excellent people (even the trammies ) i have left my account with someone that has my complete trust.. maybe when i get my financial issues fixed (this is assuming i ever get something in the financial area) then maybe ill be able to come back on and remind you what its like to have a revenant chase you around castle olympus ^_^ good times... *salute*
  2. *tips hat to maven* Thanks for that expert intro to the game.. if i had wrote it it would been 4 sentences long *smiles*
  3. *smiles* thanks.. ill do my best to keep the whiping of my knights to a minimum... ... at least around Emperor Logan
  4. Unfortunatly the connection i had has been cut off (damn bills) and i havnt had a phone for a while so obviously i wont be able to connect untill these issues get fixed! (runs out and gets a better job!!) ill go visit my dad this weekend... and carry a UO CD in my pocket.. .. unfortunatly hes on Dial-up so i wont be able to do any hunting =/ but hopefully ill be on for the meeting and the codex test. Cya all then!
  5. Unfortunatly Rico, you can get bronze hammers at the brit bank for 400k or less sometimes and a shadow hardly goes for 100k. the 600charge +10 would prolly sell for 100k heres a list of all the prices i have seen Dull copper - 45k Shadow - 95k Copper - 150-200k Bronze - 300-400k Gold - 3mill+ i dont know the others cause iv never even seen one :-P +10 - 80-150k +15 - 500k+ +30 - ? +60 - ?
  6. I am sorry to tell you all that i am resigning from the guild. i have no hard feelings twards anyone in the guild.. its just not for me anymore. i have a blessed cloak and a blessed half apron if anyone would like it icq me or find me ingame. thanks.. bye
  7. Triston... Its been an HONOR knowing you. You wont be forgotten, but you WILL be missed. Strength and HONOR, Friend!
  8. I shall serve to the best of my ability, thank you.
  9. BAH!! at one of the key parts of the storyline.. my account is suspended.. i figurd i would be able to get the funds in time.. but i was wrong.. so.. regretfully.. unless god transmits $12.99 into my paypal account in the next 10 minutes (prays) i wont be able to attend the fight tonight :-(
  10. im not sure what my PC had.. im coping over the nesscarry files over to another computer for now so i can go ahead and re-format. i know that when i ran the virus scan on the comp i had 3.. one was called Luvgate, other was the backdoor and one more but i dont remember the name of it.. all 3 are gone now.. i only wish i had ran the virus scanner on my PC BEFORE it crashed.. well.. looks like ill be out for the weekend as well.. keep your fingers crossed.
  11. Ok.. a fairly substantial virus hit my PC yesterday .. and now i am stuck with only a P.O.S. laptop that has problems running MS Calculator!!! so i wont be atempting to install UO on this. and being that i cant run DOS on my PC im toast for the moment in my UO life.. maybe this is god telling me to get another life .. but i got one finger for any god that would tell me to stop playing my UO!! *places a lightning rod 10 ft away from him* but yea.. untill i can get my PC up and back ya wont be seen me. hopefully no more than a week.. im trying to get a copy of XP so i can just completly wipe the entire hard-drive out and start over... maybe this is a good time to look for my UO: AOS CD eh? :-P so this sucks.. but untill i get back i wish you all the very best. *secretly begins a contest on who can use the most emotes *~*~*~
  12. The Best time would be either saturday or sunday... as it gets closer to the weekend i can probably set a specific time frame... what hours on saturday would be available.. and about how long will the quest take. (best guess) Thanks
  13. I will be starting a RuneBook Library in my house soon, and i would like to collect runes to each of the PGoH members houses. Those of you that are friended to my house.. i will be putting a Container on the 3rd floor in the south-east most section of the house. if you would, just drop it off in there with the title of the rune being "*Name*'s House" and anyone else please ICQ me when you see me on sometime so we can meet up. i would like it for ALL PGoH members to be friended to my house. Eventually i will make the current "bedroom" of my house into a PGoH ONLY vendor shop. (discounted prices of course) as well as a PGoH Grab Bag, filled with armor.. weapons and things of that nature.. of course i will be hosting all this but any donations would be excellent. Thanks! OH.. and on the subject of the Rune Library.. if anyone finds any place worth making a rune for, please do so and i will add it to the library. again thanks!
  14. I was able to attend... *sighs* Unfortunatly i was placed agaisnt someone with a lack of honor.. a good amout of time into the game, (which i was winning at this point) he moves his queen.. thinking he was to have me in check mate.. so i move my QUEEN which he thought was my queen and over took HIS queen.. He Complained the board was "Weird" and how it was so "Gay." the Match was reset.. and he was able to win the next match.. he advanced.. i was to walk off as the defeated... I am sorry i could not take a win for the guild. i am greatly ashamed by this... The only thing i can say that isnt of a bad note is that the Guild name or Honor was not harmed in anyway.. i conducted myself as i should.. even though the event was... unfit.. i would say.. that is all i say for the moment.. again.. i am sorry for not coming out with a win...
  15. I am also fair at chess, i like to think at least. *grin* Being that only one member of PGoH can attend.. we should have our own games to see who the master of chess is. who ever is the victor goes and claims the glory for the PGoH. The Gold won, assuming we shall win, should be donated to the guild of course.
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