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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Cheblis and his family have moved on. They have been removed from the guild. Enjoy.
  2. Copied from Tower of Roses ********************** This game has its roots in the mighty Orc-Clan of the Severed Heads Orcs [Orc] based in Yew - Yew Orc Fort / Nohkmar - on the Europa Shard. All credits and the idea belongs to them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Game 'Rat in a Jar' is a very violent and bloodthirsdy game - nothing else could be expected from Orcs I guess ... The aim of this game is to carry the 'Rat in a Jar' behind the goal-line (red boxes) into the goal (stairs) of the other team to make a score. The Jar can only be captured by eliminating the opposing 'Pawn' who is carrying it. Also a basic for the successful conquest is fast looting the Jar for sure. Each team needs at least 3 (up to 6) members. - One will be the 'Goly', others are 'Pawns'. The 'Pawns' are not allowed to carry any armour and only can use 1-handed weapons, neither are they allowed to do any healing. The 'Goalkeeper' can wear full AR, so he can also use any combination of shield and weapon. The 'Goly' is the only member of the team who is allowed to do bandage-healing (to himself and his team). Rules Start of the match: the Referee drops the 'Rat in a Jar' in the middle of the Neutral Zone all teams must be behind the home Goal-line the Referee gives a sign for the start End of the match: a team makes a Goal (reaching the stairs) a player carrying the 'Rat in a Jar' dies in the home Goal-zone all 'Pawns' are dead the Referee declares the match at its end (mayhaps due to a penalty) Expressions: Neutral Zone : the area of the middle tower Runway : the passage between the Neutral Zone and the Goal-line Goal-line : the line between each Goal Zone and the Runway (the 2 crates) Goal Zone : the area of each outer tower The Goal : the area of the stairs from each outer tower -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generally not allowed are : to re-enter the ongoing match after Death looting stuff (besides the 'Rat in a Jar') yellow/orange Potions (not yet decided about purple ones) drinking Refreshment outside the home Goal Zone Magery Magic stuff of any type Poisened Weapons carry Items which might block (like a table/crate etc.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'Goly' The Goalkeeper has some special privileges, aswell as some restrictions. The 'Goly' is allowed to: wear Armour, Shield use 2-handed Weapons bandage-heal (himself and his team) He is not allowed to : carry the Jar (neither hold it in hands) leave his goal-zone (onto the goal-line is the farest he can go) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'Pawn' These players can be compared to Pawns (chess). They look weak on first sight but they will decide how the battle is ending. A 'Pawn' is not allowed to : heal (bandages/potions) wear Armour (besides an Orc-helm/-mask to show his orcish nature) wear an 'Evil Orc-helm' use 2-handed weapons carry the Jar in bagpack (must always be visible in the hand) disarm or pass the Jar (the Rat is always only loyal to one person until he dies) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Score Full Score : 5 points (orcish: 'H' = Hand) for a Goal - (goaling team scores) for dieing in the home Goal-zone carrying the 'Rat in a Jar' - (opponend team scores) Extra Score : 1 point (orcish: 'Wun') for each dead opponent - (both teams score) Penalty Score : 1-10 points (orcish: 'Wun'-'HH') for each penalty - (opponent team scores) Referee decides in general (may cause the End of the game, which will be 10 points against the penalty causing team) **********************
  3. After emerging from the swirling mists the Stag that Cheblis was following promtly disappeared. In it's place hovered a magnificent creature aloft on wings of pure light. He spoke to Cheblis, but not in words, more in thought. The feelings of agony and despair washed over him. This demigod was angered, saddened, vengeful. The destruction of his people, his pets, his friends. He had tricked Cheblis into coming, for he knew him to be a powerful leader among those humans that use his pets for their whims. "This will be my stand, I will hold you to draw them here, to vanquish them. Let them come to find you, they will find their demise!" He then waved a hand and Cheblis became encased in a token, which the Lord tossed into his pack. He knew they would come for him, and he would have his revenge!
  4. My brother Humphries finally got of his lazy bum and got to training, I'm happy to announce that he is now of Grandmaster status in both Blacksmithy and Tailoring. So if anyone needs anything, please feel free to ask. -Cheblis_
  5. Struck down in spirit by the ambush that he was unable to stop, Cheblis, his head hung low, ambled away from Olympus. The cries of his fellows echoed in his head. How could he let them down so? How could his powers of persuasion over the beasts of the lands have faultered in such a dramatic and conclusive manner. As he walked a mist gathered about his feet, he paid little notice to the hour which had grown late. A yellow moon shone in the shy, burnishing the land in its jaundice glare. Of the sudden he was nearly chest to chest with a great white stag. It spoke to him in a soundless voice. "You must come with me, if you wish the return of your gift. The mistress is in need of your service." He didn't question, he knew immediately the path must be followed. The two vanished into the mists...
  6. As he approached Olympus on a mundane errand, something in him urged him that there was aught amiss. The air fairly crackled with a feeling of dread. He rushed into the mighty doors of the castle, trusting in its sanctity. No sooner had he stepped in than he knew his mistake. A trap spell, finely attuned to his aura was set on the castle. His spells, his magical items, his power over the beast, stripped from him instantly. He ran into the central chamber and is surrounded by a swirling mist, and out of this mist emerge the jointed sections of thousands of legs. Jumping at the last opportunity for flight he dashed for the only open direction, toward the ankh and the banners of the Empire, and with his small dabbling in the arts of concealment, was able to hide away from the horde that was emerging. After what seemed days of standing and waiting, finally help arrived, he took a chance... He sprang from his hiding place and dashed for the stairs in order to warn his friends. The instant he showed movement, the horde was upon him, every mandible grasping, every sharp fang piercing. He fell to the ground and was covered by their crushing weight. Just as it seemed all hope had faded, whirling blades slivered the bodies on top of him, decimating them to mere confetti. He was saved. His friends did not escape without casualties though, many were injured. Including his dearest friend Leah. How could he let them down like this? How could his powers of persuasion over the beasts have failed him? After assuring that his friends were in fact still living, he quickly departed for his private chambers...unable to face them with his shame.
  7. Shaun

    Power Scrolls

    OK, finally getting around to listing out these scrolls. This list will be updated constantly as I go to champs almost every other night now, if not every. These are all free for the taking to any PGoHers. Please take only what you need. If you have friends that need I will sell at really low rates compared to market to fund future trips. I'm working towards taking us to a Harrower soon in the future. I will be enlisting all of your aid soon when it comes down to taking out that Lord Oaks. As always, if anyone is interested in joining for a champ, we go after restart, so if you are awake, let me know. I'm also ready to go for some artifacts, so I'll be recruiting a team to go over there as well. Anyway, here comes the list: 105's: Musicianship x3 Peacemaking Healing Archery x2 Focus x2 Discord x2 Parry x2 Necromancy x2 Wrestling Provocation Veterinary Magery Fencing Animal Taming 110's: Veterinary x2 Healing Peacemaking Wrestling x2 Parry x6 Tailoring Fencing x2 Animal Taming Discordance x3 Stealing x3 Mace Fighting Animal Lore x2 115's Animal Lore Discordance 120's Tailoring And that's all for now, more to come soon. Even if you aren't planning on taking the skill up to 105 or 110 it is always good to use the scroll since jewelry won't take you above your cap. So, I look forward to hearing from you all, and let me know if anyone wants to join in the fun. *Cheblis* *Updated again already*
  8. Good to hear that you are ok. I had been wondering where you were off to. From the looks of the bike it was a pretty nasty accident, I hope you fared better than it did. Be well, and hope to see you soon.
  9. Finally got the internet working up here in Seattle. I am back though it may take a few more days before I am completely active again. Hope to see you all soon and join in some romps! I'm sure I'll be playing more now that I have all this lovely Seattle liquid sunshine to bask in outside...
  10. Friends, I must appologize profusely for my recent absence! I have been away on vacation and returned to a horrible mess at home. Now I must also inform you all that I am moving and this may well cause another delay in my return to the realms. I hope you all can forgive my lack of attendance. I hope you are all well. I shall return post haste. Cheblis
  11. I'm taking a break away from home tonight, so no event for Friday. I will plan something Grand for Saturday or Sunday though. And a little bird has told me of the reawakening of an old ally soon to come. *Cheblis*
  12. Let us tonight gether some force and venture out. Our goal will be to defeat a dragon hoard and steal their riches. We will gather their hides for the guild crafters to fashion their marvelous wares. Their treasures will be for our individual delight! So come one and come all for an evening of slaughter and togetherness. Meet tonight (8-7-03) at the gates of Olympus on the 9th hour of the setting of the eastern sun (9pm est). Lest ye be afraid... (then come anyway) [[[i edited this, haven't got responses, so I hope 9 is ok. I misjudged West vs East time]]]
  13. I read your postm and for some reason my eyes skipped right over the last part. Then fell dead on it when I scrolled back up. Guess I am going blind in my old age...25 on the 20th...how the time flies! I am holding together, barely. My father has taken his leave, and I have spent the week working out the details. It may be just a short while before I make it back to Sosaria. And I must confess, I feel sort of like a Manic Depressive as of late, moods all over the board. Like everything else life has dished out to me, I will carry on. I do so look forward to seeing all of you soon though. I hope things haven't changed too much in my absence...especially with me being the center of the universe and all *winks* *Cheblis*
  14. I thank you all for your support. You all are the reasons that I joined and stay in PGoH. I hope to see you all again soon. Though we merely await the inevitable at this point...it won't be much longer, they say. *sigh* It's funny that things that have no real world value can be stolen away, but not for the bennefit of anyone really. 'Cept some higher purpous...I feel so cheated. *Cheblis*
  15. I'm sorry that I haven't gotten on here earlier and let you all know where I've been. My father was recently admitted to the hospital with brain cancer, his third type in a string of them over the last few months. I'm not dealing with it very well and I am not sure when I will be able to come back to join you all. I hope you are all well and that life is treating you with some semblance of fairness... *Cheblis*
  16. Indeed, I have taken out many a blue miner murderer and each time I just wait 8 hours for those counts to slide away. (That's in game time) So I say: Let them have it! *Lye nuguernuva sen a dagor!* *Cheblis*
  17. Shaun

    BOD Books

    wow, wow, great, wow! Finally to have free storage space in my house! Did I say wow? I'll take two please *Cheblis*
  18. Didn't mean to displace your post, so: *bump*
  19. Sorry I had to duck out before it even got started. I only really had a limited time, just wanted to be there to get you all started, and maybe if we had gone fast enough: to finish. Work is pressing me though, and I'm going crazy with buisness! *cheblis*
  20. Earwen, no worries about making it on time, last time we were at it for 6 hours straight. We did 3 champs in succession, capping off with Abyss. This week we were mainly focused on Oaks, but it has come to my attention that our skulls for Undead and Rikktor have been stolen, so I think we will start with those (they are much easier than that oaks spawn...*runs away at the sight of ethereal warriors*). Things to remember: Don't fret if you don't get a scroll, we usually give whatever is needed to whomever needs it at the end. I also have plenty of scrolls at my house for anyone that needs something. People that control the spawn or heal while others attack the champ are in fact more important than the ones that kill the champ...you may not get a scroll right away, but this is a group event, with the spoils spread as such. Reds are abounding, we may see some show up. We will set a rendevouz point and gather as a force to deal with them. Though we need to make sure we have the escape route ready...I saw 12 reds at Deceit just the other day (granted it is a dungeon and they prefer it, but the sightings have risen all over fel because of the insureance payout to the pker). Try not to bring things you wouldn't like to lose. If you can save some insurance money by wearing disposable armor, great! Most importantly, and even I need to remind myself this sometimes: have fun! Oh!... I will be taking screen shots, so make sure you brush your teeth and hair! I don't want no scrubs *chuckles* *Cheblis*
  21. Will be held again at the same Bat time, same Bat channel. 6:30 pm est meet at Trinsic North bank. We will be looking to take down the mighty Oaks, so get that karma up, up, up! This is the last skull we need for our shot at the Harrower! If things go as well as last week, champ wise, we will probably end up scouting for a new location after and doing 2 more. So let the Valor flow, and bring on the champs! *Looking forward to seeing shining PGoH and A^E faces* *Cheblis*
  22. Yes indeed. Very well done. Any spots available in that mall?
  23. *wipes sweat from brow* You really shouldn't frighten people so. With that intro I surely thought we were about to read another "Farewell to the realms" *wags a finger* I am glad to hear someone has their priorities straight though, I wish I could someone give more weight to RL...I think I need a clinic for UO addiction. Hmmmm *ponders the thought*
  24. They have also said that Bod Books may be included in this next publish...let's cross our fingers! *Cheblis crosses his legs and starts counting his bods and dreaming of all those available lock downs*
  25. Shaun


    After so many losses it is hard to find the words anymore. I hope to see you again, either in this realm or another. Let the ties that bind never fray. Honor and Strength brother. *Cheblis*
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