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Everything posted by Karrock

  1. I am pro-progress, and therefore I am anti-achievement. My progression order input: 1) Full clear 2) Full clear hard modes 3) Achievements K
  2. July 7th I have an association meeting starting at 7:30pm server. I do not think they run more than an hour so I may be 30 min late. K
  3. are there stats for thursday's run? K
  4. 1 dps needed, melee or range. K
  5. As a constant hater, I must speak up, as comments are obviously flowing in this direction. I love it how people are so full of themselves (for whatever reason) they think that anyone would waste time to hate or belittle them specifically. Eigun is absolutely correct-the majority of the hate is circulated amongst the "haters" and well, maybe Orcala but that I would say is semi-justified (ha). As soon as people get over their personal hang ups, the hate will go back to what it was in SSC, just fun. And TS has been much quieter the last few weeks...so I guss that wasn't the problem... And if you continue to suck, or do something stoopid, you will catch hate. I would expect no less from myself. K
  6. I also am an Herbalist/Alchemist/Douche
  7. Pretty much.... Wed 7-10pm. Mostly CS 25 man raiders, with one slow-turning exception. 1 melee and 1 range or 2 range would do. Post, in game mail and in game pst would do. thx K
  8. Sorry guys-had to decline last night for tonight's run due to traveling. Good luck with the new content! K
  9. So please tell me how this group can wipe on trash, then 2 shot the Cat Lady {not counting my premature pull-age wipe } and Hodir (while getting the "no flash-freeze" achievement) and 1 shot Throim when this was the first time the group got to those 3 in 10 man? With a dpser still having blue gear? I say hard mode thorim next time...if we didnt forget about the middle circle freeze shields of death we would have had it last night... Damn you Draegloth-move date night to another day! K
  10. <I went to get my ass waxed by our Brazilian pool-boy before the hot oil massage> K
  11. Yeah so...is Zu ever coming back to this run? Damn slacker...we got a replacement for tonight? K
  12. Great job last night considering the lag issues we were dealing with-no lag and we could have arguably gotten through the cat lady....dps was up. K
  13. Well tonight all hate can be directed towards me if you want. As long as i'm AFK i'm immune haha The only person I know that takes a 30min afk in the middle of the run to sing happy birthday....must be difficult to remember all of those words... As for the hate in the raid, I never thought I'd see the day when we had complaints of too much hate. -I do not think any one person is singled out and berated intentionally -Do not take the hate personally and consider the source. If you really think that any one person in the raid is better than another (on a personal level), you are wrong, and no one should dictate how you feel besides you. -If people don't like you, they would ignore you. The fact that folks "hate" is just their way of "pulling hair" -take the time to do better. allowing yourself to suck does not help you or the raid-so don't suck and pay attention. Allowing people to continually screw up is not the answer either. peer pressure works. -if the raid was meant as a family get-together, then I think I may be in the wrong place. If I wanted to hang out in a stress-free environment, I would go sit around a table and RP. raiding is stressful-hate is a way to release stress and it works. I personally like the hate and it is one of the things that bring me to the raid. I don't want to raid in a sterile environment, and frankly, would get bored. If you do not want to be hated, let everyone know and I am sure everyone will make a conscious effort not to. K
  14. As a reminder, I will not be in attendance tonight. Let's hope the cable co. actually shows up this weekend or next week could be sketchy... K
  15. Karrock


    Not my normal game day but if I get a free day I'll hop on and pst. K
  16. To the previous points, DPS and Survivability will increase as we get more familiar with the fights...moreso than with gear upgrades is my guess (for normal mode). We did very well last week considering it was the first time we have been seeing some of this content and it will get better. In the same breath, please do not continue to take fireball after fireball (Razor fight) in the face before moving. Those are PROXIMITY attacks a.k.a if he targets you, move...if he hits you, move...which makes me think clumping up is a better strategy (to better disperse the attacks), but as long as she dies, its fine with me. And do not underestimate the importance of the 10 man runs. Many of us are in 10 man Ulduar and the fights are very similar, if not exact. If you don't have a 10 man, you may want to to think about getting in one (time permitting of course). As far as gear, there are BIS items for me personally that I only get out of 10 man, not 25 man. K
  17. After countless fruitless searches and finally finding a guy for the steady spot? You are the worst....yup-pretty much sums it up...slacker! K
  18. Shame there is no one to fill this spot....we had to DE so much stuff last night...for shame you slackers. ::shudders at the site of a male Orcala raid healing:: K
  19. Way to go guys-glad to see there is interest. No one likes free loot? Or did team WoW-Atlas reserve all CS healers for that run.. K
  20. Are we filling in tonight to make 25 or 20? K
  21. My comments: 1) we will wipe-gotta get used to that. 2) more than halfway through the night we realized which strategy would work best for our makeup-so we had few "actual" attempts using the final strategy. 3) I agree-TS chatter gets confusing. Use raid chat to dish hate if you have to...but if you are typing, you're not fighting..so you figure it out. 4) All things considered, I am surprised Tyr hasn't died more-that group is doing a fantastic job. 5) Fact: the same group of folks keep dying to the same stuff. Please pay attention to your environment-essentially the void zones and flame wall=not that difficult. not throwing a heal or casting a spell is ok-dying is not. just move. 6) great idea with the food buffs-send stuff over to Kalea. 7) Should I tame a gorilla to help with adds? dps will suffer but it will increase survivability. 8) Worry about your own jobs. when you start looking around at what everyone else is doing, you fail 9) You are all douches, no matter what happens-your douche status will not change. K
  22. Good luck with with the new job, I hope the break does you good. K
  23. I would also volunteer to sit out. Maybe if the 20 man is the VERY LAST achievement before the award (pre-Ulduar), then maybe we can revisit for the folks that sat out. If not, its a moot point. K
  24. Missed the Patchwerk ach by 8 secs. Any chance this is the outcome of folks passing up the small upgrades in gear to hoard dkp? K
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