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Everything posted by Karrock

  1. Holy's not going, so no worries. Day/time has been set-still need a few healers. F you Harne-clear TS Douche K
  2. As boring as it may seem, there may be some benefits in doing this. It would help if your gear is T5/ZA/Badge level. K Roster: ?=Waiting on confirmation (D)Karrock (H)Remmetta (D)Draegloth? (D-CC)Nazdregg (D)Gauntilgrim (D-mana battery)Anmut (D-CC)Elrikk? (D-CC)Saints (H)Patty (D-CC)Orcala (T)Mook (T)Zaljin (D-CC)Monoxidus (D)Xeno (H) Aazr (D-CC) Scrib's mage (H) Morphie Alts: Lagduff, Ulgoroth Needs: shaman healer (1), druid healer (1). Day/time: Sunday 4-6 Oh yeah: If folks have personal issues with our members I don't want to hear about it. If you can't go b/c you don't like someone, then fine don't go. Interaction is not a must for this, just do your assigned job and it will be fine....I don't tolerate bs-this is supposed to be fun, let's keep it that way. And find your own replacements-preferably like for like-mages must find mages. This run is Rated ® due to graphic violence, harsh/abusive language and brief nudity. Pre-req: Omen (or other threat meter that is compatible) Bigwigs (not sure if we'll need it but you should have this anyway) TS (Ani) Loots: It will more of an attendance-based system with future obligations. It is an honor-based system and you will be looked down upon for non-compliance. Assuming 1 run per week: 1) I will collect all gems to be given out at the end of the run. If you get a gem drop, you must attend at least 4 runs total in 5 weeks per gem or until everyone gets one. 2) If you get a BOP pattern that creates an item that is BOE, then you must train on this immediately and have to be available for anyone that wants one (who is related to this raid-in it or a friend) for the foreseeable future. I can be the moderator/go-between for this. You will be required to attend 3 runs in 4 weeks. 3) If you get an item that is BOP, you must attend a total of 8 runs in 10 weeks. 4) If you get a BOE pattern that creates an item that is BOP, then you must train this immediately. In addition, you will be required to attend a total of 8 runs in 10 weeks. 5) 10 attendace points per hour of run will be accumulated. 6) Class priority will be decided/given. 7) Off-spec loot will be rolled on for no penalties if all main specs have the item. 8) Sunmotes: I will collect them until enough are gained to make an item. If there is a pattern in the raid that requires them, people that need that item will bid. The winner of that bid must have all mats ready for when we have the final sunmote or they will go to the next bidder. The same obligations for the BOP item applies. 9) Marks will be looted as a green, which will be the luck of the draw on whosever corpse it is. Or, we can make this a PUG-like run and just roll on everything, no matter the attendance, no matter the number of drops one gets. I will get the group opinion when we settle on a final roster.
  3. Good morning Sr. Raidleader Douchemaster... Ahhh crap....are you registered to the ani site specifically? Alright, enuff of this back and forth, I will copy and post here-if interested please post here... Bar-why dont you respec to resto and join the fun? And where Ug and Kalea? No one wants free epics? K
  4. It's not the casters you have to worry about... Mwahahaha.... <hugs FD> Douches K
  5. Hmmm it works fine for me...well, its Ani Ayastigi on Guidportal, google that shizzle... It's a 2 hour run either on Monday (anywhere from 7-10) or Sunday (4-6). K
  6. Good day douches, I'm trying to get a group of 20 ppl together to farm the first few mobs of trash in sunwell. The thread is here. http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?Guil...TopicID=7270508 We need some healers: 2 shaman, 2 druid, 1 priest to be exact. I also may try another mage or two, but wanted to keep the headcount to 20. Please post here if you are interested, or in the Ani forums above. I will have everything finalized (day/time, rules, etc.) by Sunday. Thanks, K
  7. Maube-as I said, this is just an explaratory group. Everyone knows that trash drops are not guaranteed-you go in there for 2 hrs and get nothing, the next hour three things drop. Your case seems bad, but if you figure 4 gems X 400 gold =1600 gold/25 ppl = 64 gold/person. For a crappy night we cover repairs/consumables. This subject is not related to our current raid in BT, so I do not want to continue this discussion here. If you are interested in doing this, let me know in game. If not, I don't want to know. K
  8. lol Most likely not. Amount of time vs. possible reward = loss. We have other things we probably need more, like getting the newer folks their vials and neckpieces. I dont think anyone would stop you if you wanted to try and organize on an off day, but most of our folks are involved in SOOOO many things. This is what I found while researching gear upgrades: Ever hear of Sunwell trash farming group? google it. You dont need to be in t6 to farm this ######. All you need it is minimum 5 mages, 1-2 good t4-t5 tank, good aoe healers. DPS doesnt really matter. You can do this with 12-15 ppl. Have a hunter MD the 1st pack AVOIDING the Sunblade Protector. (The protector cast chain lightning non stop for 4k, impossible to take down in a small raid) Sheep all targets and except 1 (healer) and burn it 1 by 1 while keeping the rest sheeped. Loot it. Proceed with 2nd pack. Repeat the same thing and loot it. Run out, disband raid, switch another raid leader and reform raid. Rinse and repeat. My server does this Pug all the time to farm new leet patterns, epics, sunmotes and gems. Ya. Shivering Felspine drops like candy too. In fact, it drop twice in one run last 2 weeks ago. Its not that hard. Note: Its important to kill the 2nd pack coz it contains a different variety of mobs including Archmage. The Archmage likes to drops stuff from what i have observed. I know the chest pattern and weapon are best for Hunters atm. Please look into trash drops for your classes. I am sure a few of the Ani will be interested in this, so I may try to form an exploratory group just to check it out. Don't know what day/time yet, but I will update. If you are interested, please pst me in game. K
  9. Hey Douches- Would there be any interest in setting up an off-day trash farming run in Sunwell? I think a lot of people had a good time the other day when we went and bs'd around with archi. Figured we'd have to be uber enuff for some of the trash in there...so we can just take a couple hours of relaxed kill time with opportunities for loots....there are a few great drops for folks and it would undoubtedly help out. plus more new crap to see.. Sorry for the Jr raidleader comment clear ts. K
  10. I have a comment: You are all douches. That is all. <wink> K
  11. Don't let that douche fool you Ug, he's almost as helpless as I am. I have removed a bunch of programs, reduced effects and such in game, defrag'd, scanned, updated drivers...pretty much did all I knew to improve. I was on last night and had about 6 d/c's in 3 hours-I heard they were screwng with the server yesterday and wasn't the only one in my group having issues; so let's hope it was not my setup. However, I was streaming Sat radio thru my pc and noticed that whenever I d/c'd, the sat radio would go silent as well. This leads me to believe that I am still having issues. I run Vista, which I heard gives people issues-not sure what to do at this point but pray. Could it be the protection I have set up on the pc? If I have an aftermarket software installed, should I still run the windows stuff? K ya... if you are using norton firewall or mcaffee fire wall, get rid of them, they are known to cause some major issues. I personally use the vista built in firewall - its free and does the job good enough. The problem probably isn't vista, alot of people are running it and wow fine. Oh, and stop downloading tauren porn douche... that's probably what is causing all your connection issues . I prefer GoG-elves and trolls, mostly...but you can throw Kalea in there anytime <winks> Yeah I run Vista and Trend Antivirus...shi**y thing is that I have not had any issues up to a few weeks ago... K
  12. Don't let that douche fool you Ug, he's almost as helpless as I am. I have removed a bunch of programs, reduced effects and such in game, defrag'd, scanned, updated drivers...pretty much did all I knew to improve. I was on last night and had about 6 d/c's in 3 hours-I heard they were screwng with the server yesterday and wasn't the only one in my group having issues; so let's hope it was not my setup. However, I was streaming Sat radio thru my pc and noticed that whenever I d/c'd, the sat radio would go silent as well. This leads me to believe that I am still having issues. I run Vista, which I heard gives people issues-not sure what to do at this point but pray. Could it be the protection I have set up on the pc? If I have an aftermarket software installed, should I still run the windows stuff? K
  13. I am working on the connection issues this weekend and see if I can figure out the problem. On the bright side, it was looking better towards the end of the night. If it is a Comcast issue, I fear the worst. There is no VIOS avalable in my area so I will have to be happy with what I get from Cable. As for Cal's commetns yesterday about "selective raiding," I totally understand what is expected of me. If I cannot deliver, I will bow out of the raid as a whole before having to be asked-no worries. K
  14. Sadly, this is true...tried to eek out another day but it seems the G'ma from FLA is also in town-which means my plans get the shaft. I know you have a hunter on standby, but let me know if yas want me to find a replacement K
  15. So what's up for tomorrow? Is the run still on? It is "Canada Day" and all...bwahahaha K PS-depending on plans, I may not be able to make it Thursday because of the 4th's travelling plans. I will confirm as soon as I know (better yet, as soon as the girl decides whether she wants to stay in Boston for the 4th or head down to NJ).
  16. Best of luck Xeno.. You coming out to Philly to watch Rem? If so, we could grab a bunch of folks (the NYC trip crew) and meet for dinner and debauchery... K
  17. Thanks to Elrikk, Ug, Bar, Kadi, Harne for their help in killing Zuljin. 10 minutes for 3 badges ain't a bad way to end the night . That being said, you all are still douches. K Crap forgot Draegloth-but he's Ani so he's obligated Douche K
  18. Bar- I've had the mats for all the gear for some time now, but I'd rather the healers/tanks take first dibs on the HOD's. Any chance on working it like we did the cloaks? K
  19. Yes. I have a very understanding better-half. K
  20. Due to an unexpected death in the girl's family, I must attend a funeral scheduled for Friday morning. This would normally not interfere with the raid schedule, however the funeral is in NJ and we are in Boston which leaves me driving down to NJ Thursday night. That being said, I would like to attend the Hyjal portion of the event tonight. When we kill Archimonde, I would request to be excused from the rest of the activities so I may start my 4-5 hour drive. I apologize for the short notice, and understand if my request is denied. <can I say douche on the forums?> Karrock
  21. Would it benefit the raid during phase 4 to: 1. Have the ranged folks group up on a marked character (a-la Solarion) for (a) easy of movement out of the flares, (b) keeping out of the way of the phoenix aoe's and a clear path for holy to pick them up and drag away and © to give the mc-breakers (rogues) a reference point to run to or for immediate breaks if a ranged person is used for this purpose (hunters-below) . 2. Have a few ranged folks pick up the mc-breaking weapons? This would (a) cut down on the mc time, (b) allow rogues to stay on kael and deal with melee dps mc targets if needed. Hunters could easily dual wield as well and have high hit ratings/agility. Kail and I should be sufficient i believe. CC'ing mc'd folks would take just as long as peeling off and whacking them, using the above strategy. K
  22. Same here-I had some troubles with the old site registering...but this seems to have worked fine. K
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