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Everything posted by Lunessa

  1. I vote we all chip in and get him a bath for his Birthday. Or maybe ten baths......
  2. Well that wasn't bright at all. You should have held out for Reece's Peanut Butter cups. That stuff would definately have been worth a box of those.
  3. Lunessa


    My online time for a bit is going to be limited as well. Between getting over strep throat, trying to get over mono, moving, and having to pound the pavement looking for work I find myself left with less energy than I would like to have. Once time frees up and I'm feeling better I will be back in force to trounce my way up to 60.
  4. Actually, I take that back. You could always juggle gnome heads. As long as it involves dead gnomes I will be happy.
  5. Forget juggling. Go for a talent of showing how many gnomes you can skewer in under a minute!
  6. Lunessa

    new pvp

    I will be curious as to how this will work, cause if it's just an all out war between factions there the alliance will get most of the spots due to sheer numbers.
  7. Lunessa


    Currently I'm looking for help to get through RFD and SM as these are the only spots I have yellow quests for. If anyone is interested let me know and we can set something up.
  8. All lies! I deny everything!
  9. Well, at least I'm not the only one stuck sitting here. I got booted from in game and now here I sit.
  10. Bah. Put up a list of the things you're gonna be farming and I will work on it right now.
  11. Something like that. Gives me something to do at times like this when I can't quest all that much. Besides, I have no soul.
  12. This is an open offer to any clanmates. If you need anything mined, farmed from enemies, money, or made via goblin engineering, don't hesitate to ask. I will go and get the stuff as it's needed.
  13. Another option that would really screw with the alliance if we could get enough horde together is to just form up and attack every alliance town/outpost in the game at once save for the capital cities and goldshire. They probably wouldn't know what to do when the world defense channel would light right up. This would take a ton more effort to put together and keep secret though.
  14. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I love it!! I must find that on mp3.
  15. Lunessa


    Well, if anyone wants to donate living essences, essences of undeath, and large brilliant shards to the 'Enchant my Hanzo swords by level 50' fund, let me know. I'd just buy the stuff, but they're usually aren't many on auction at all.
  16. Lunessa


    If anyone needs ore mined, herbs picked, fish caught, or critter parts gathered just give me a holler when you see me. I can get my hands on most anything pretty easily.
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