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New Expansion?!?!

Sei Teirson

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Why dont they fix whats broke first :cry::(>:L

Posted by Tiggs :


Hello Folks,

Here is Part 1 of 2 Friday Features

Leipzig Games Convention - Leipzig , Germany - August 19, 2005 - LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment Inc. ( SOE ) today unveiled Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan to the cheers of Star Wars Galaxies ™ enthusiasts gathered for a fan breakfast at the 2005 Games Convention in Leipzig , Germany. This third expansion to the popular immersive online game is scheduled for release on November 1st, alongside the Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith theatrical DVD and Star Wars Battlefront ™ II video game. The companies also revealed that more than 1 million units of the Star Wars Galaxies franchise have now been sold, a testament to its ongoing popularity. Click here to read more about this upcoming expansion!


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Here are the full details :


Trials of Obi-Wan


Star Wars Galaxies ™ : Trials of Obi-Wan heats things up - literally! -with all new mustafar content inspired by Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith

Leipzig Games Convention - Leipzig , Germany - August 19, 2005 - LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment Inc. ( SOE ) today unveiled Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan to the cheers of Star Wars Galaxies ™ enthusiasts gathered for a fan breakfast at the 2005 Games Convention in Leipzig , Germany. This third expansion to the popular immersive online game is scheduled for release on November 1st, alongside the Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith theatrical DVD and Star Wars Battlefront ™ II video game. The companies also revealed that more than 1 million units of the Star Wars Galaxies franchise have now been sold, a testament to its ongoing popularity.

Like Obi-Wan Kenobi after his death, Star Wars Galaxies has become "more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Appropriately, Trials of Obi-Wan allows players to better understand the meaning of these final words spoken by Luke Skywalker's mentor, as they embark upon missions delivered directly from the spirit of the revered Jedi Master himself. From the very shores of molten lava where he defeated Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan guides players on quests that span the planet Mustafar - some of which might even convert devotees of the dark side over to a more virtuous path. This expansion features many new high-level quest rewards, including the ability to find a fiery red crystal found only on the volcanic planet that creates a lava-like lightsaber for the lucky owner. Players who fulfill all of Obi-Wan's directives will also receive a rich reward.

Mustafar colonists present many exciting trials of their own, too, as Trials of Obi-Wan includes more than 50 new quests for the galaxy's bravest adventurers, from rescue missions to the exploration of a crashed Republic cruiser. Many quests also revolve around a prominent figure from Star Wars ® : Knights of the Old Republic ® who returns 4,000 years after his prime with one simple mission in mind: Eliminate all meatbags.

"With Trials of Obi-Wan being an expansion set for release via digital download the same day as the Episode III DVD, we can't think of a better planet to add to Star Wars Galaxies than Mustafar," said Julio Torres, Producer at LucasArts. "Meanwhile, including the spirit of Obi-Wan nicely bridges the prequel era and the more classic-oriented time period depicted in the game. We're really excited about continuing mythology established by other LucasArts games, as well."

The release of Trials of Obi-Wan will provide a significant boost to a franchise that has already sold more than 1 million units worldwide. In recent months, interest and subscriptions in Star Wars Galaxies has grown, fueled by recent game additions, as well as the connection of the game content to Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

"A lot of positive changes have taken effect since Star Wars Galaxies first launched," said Nancy MacIntyre, LucasArts' Senior Director for the game. "We've picked up quite a few new fans and reintroduced many others to the game, especially since the Rage of the Wookiees expansion in May. Trials of Obi-Wan will only further this positive momentum."

For more information on Trials of Obi-Wan and the entire Star Wars Galaxies experience, please visit www.starwarsgalaxies.com .


Dont get me wrong I think its cool and it will be great and all.. but how do they expect us to do this stuff if our toons are BROKE .. oh well, guess battlegrounds II and the new Star Wars games will keep me company till its fixed.

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Yeah .. although .. I would very much like to create some havok there :cry:

And from what I can tell it may be the expansion that includes the FRS (Force Ranking System) .. probly going to make you pay for the expansion to get in the FRS too, sneaky little hobbitzesss :(

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Capital ship expansion would be more interesting than the obi wan thing if you ask me

FRS should not have had to come with a new expansion, thats old content we were supposed to get.

Hell, maybe just fix the bugs would be a great expansion.

Call it, Return of the Game

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The screenshots look really neat.

My problem still with this whole expansion remains. I somehow doubt the average rifleman/combat medic is going to get a vision from old kenobi.

My guess is that the majority of this expansion is Jedi specific. So now they are admitting that Jedi is pretty much the end game, or why else would they add an entire expansion dedicated to the "jedi only" crowd?

If they wanted to retain accounts and ensure a steady stream of new ones they should simply deliver on the original design... an ACTUAL GCW. Make it meaningful! Why can't Vader be an NPC char coded to spawn anywhere there is a group of say, 9 jedi together and wipe them out?

Grrrr. this next expansion just iritates me

/rant off

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I think you hit the nail on the head IMHO Sav.. though I am a Jedi and like the fact of Jedi content it shouldnt all be "Jedi Spacific" . it is really hypocritical to the whole notion of trying to make it difficult and challenging and rare to be a Jedi.. instead they incourage and imbrace it to get $$$, pretty lame if you ask me.

And I understand weree youa re coming from ont he GCW stuff.. only thing that matters atm is how annoying it is to go to Theed and have some rebs shoot at you.. annoyence shouldnt be motivation to act.

so once again : SOE = :laugh:

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My feelings on the expansion is this...

It's good they are introducing another 'adventure' planet. And if it's geared towards Jedi so be it I'm neither worried nor concerned about that. Pure and simple if I wanted to play a Jedi I have MANY opportunities to do so, but I choose not to because that's not my character or what I want from SWG.

As for the Capital Ships I have a feeling they are going to introduce that content to everyone. So it will be like the Combat Upgrade except for Jump to Lightspeed. You have JtL you can do the Capital Ship stuff. So no need for an 'expansion announcement' when it comes to Capital Ships.

Summery of this expansion is it for Jedi - Yes, do you have to purchase it if you are not a Jedi or have no interest in playing one - No.

As for the GCW, it is one of the VERY FEW things we can do as players that actually affect the game. We can RP to our hearts content but that has little to no impact on the game itself. Busting bases may be 'boring as all get out' but for some reason it's there for us to do and I intend to do it... It's like planting the bomb in Counter Strike. It's an objective you can do or not do... I choose to do it.

Oh and don't be surprised if the FRS system comes back with the new expansion.

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Dont get me wrong Sy, I like base busting and things like that, I just wish it made more of an impact in game when doing so. GCW has great potential, but it has gone no were sence release. Now if they could only incorperate thing such as the new SW War game that is coming out into SWG that would be great. or persay, have faction based content that is pvp/pve related.. such as "The rebels have taken over theed, you must destroy those who have taken our terratory and the bases surrounding to regain the position for the Order" .. then you have to hunt down those (PvP) that destroyed the surrounding bases, as well as destroy the bases themselves and replace them with our bases (PvE) .. and there you have it, full emersion for content in the GCW, not for the people that sit afk grinding out faction on their alt and buying bases and placing/deleting charact/placing/rins and repeat .. To see a spread in the numbers from only 4 days going from 268 IMP/106 Reb - 128 IMP/605 Reb is rediculous.

In regards to your comments on the Expansion: It is intirely up to the player as how they would like to use the game, if they want to be a Jedi or not, but you have to admit it is not a good thing to do if there is still bugs to be fixed and errors to be corrected, allt hey are doing is adding to the mess. And I understand the fact that it is seperate teams that do expansions and those that work on troubleshooting bugs and fixes, but pull together and fix what is broke before digging the hole deeper.

/throws his 2 credits in :laugh:

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Yea I saw that... may be good news in the future for bored Jedi...


Bored Jedi .. thats ME!.. lol, naw I have fun helping out, nothing else to do , and to be honest Base Busting is quite enjoyable .. especially when it results in a city ban.. I cant count the amount of cities I cant fly to on tat LMAO :laugh:

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How about an actual space expansion?

Taking over a few npc bases in the naboo system, the rebels have instituted a planetary blockade of the planet. All NPC and PC vendor characters will no longer be doing business with Imperial aligned chars, whether they are overt, covert, or special forces.

The only way the Imperials are able to once again use vendors and such is to destroy the rebel capital ships that are blockading the planet.

So many more interesting things that can be added. Don't get me wrong, I still want to have a jedi character (hopefully one day).

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How about an actual space expansion?

Taking over a few npc bases in the naboo system, the rebels have instituted a planetary blockade of the planet.  All NPC and PC vendor characters will no longer be doing business with Imperial aligned chars, whether they are overt, covert, or special forces.

The only way the Imperials are able to once again use vendors and such is to destroy the rebel capital ships that are blockading the planet.

So many more interesting things that can be added.  Don't get me wrong, I still want to have a jedi character (hopefully one day).

Excelent Idea's there Sav, I would also liek to see new things for space such as that .. which reminds me, I still need to finish off my space stuff lol, have xp for but I have to do 2 missions or im stuck at atm :laugh:

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  • 4 weeks later...

poor Sei!! :D

Well this new expansion will keep the bugs flying!

I expect them to fix the hero of tat before then.

I also expect that Napoo, along with all the other planets to stay Rebel because of this expansion. What shall we do about peeps in the guild that want to go reb to do some of the quests?

I say um. . . well you know.

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we may have more spys to gather info for basebusting for a bit?

that is if i can get the people in this guild off thier hind ends and go with me and oonan to base bust...

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we may have more spys to gather info for basebusting for a bit?

that is if i can get the people in this guild off thier hind ends and go with me and oonan to base bust...

Sorry Dement, I have been working on my alt lately , actually got her glowie tonight :p and I am allready capped on everything (Medical, Pike, Scout, TK) and ready to trade it in for some FSxp :cool: I will plan to join you all more often as that was my get out of boredom stage with my alt. :tease:

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