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Call to Arms


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The stocky orc sat overlooking the common walkways of Orgrimmar. Flickering orbs of lightning danced around her still body as her intense gaze swept over the Orcs, Trolls, Tauren and Undead. Rumors of the infiltration of Warsong were whispered everywhere.

Vegonna grunted and tugged on her greasy ponytail of hair. 'Pushdug Elvzies. Thrall sed dhat Kalimador wuld be Vegonna's home. Warchief say Horde lay claim to Dis place. Nub our fault we here.'

Caught in her musings she heard the battle cry go up, the Alliance was invading the Lumber Camp again. With a growl, Vegonna stood, called the Spirit of the Wolf and dashed off to the camp. Claws clicking on stone, a feral snarl curling her lip the orc in wolf form ran. The balls of lightning that was her bond with the elements swirled in a faster frenzy around her transparent form. A howl burst from her throat as she lept, clearing the gate. Nine other Horde stood gathered, waiting for the push from the Elven Alliance. Vegonna sniffed the air, she smelt the fear from both sides. Returning to her thick skinned Orc form Vegonna growled at the horde around her.

"Vegonna steal dere weapons and dere tools. Den we Crush dem Pushdug!" Pressing her massive mace into the ground she called forth Rockbiter to bless her weapon. Beating the mace against her shield she began her battle chant.

Some Rogue barked an order Vegonna did not agree with and the Orc turned on him, baring her teeth, 'Theeb, Vegonna nub let weakling infiltrate! Vegonna BORN to do dis.'

The Rogue sneered at the Orc, 'Well I am telling the priest and the druid not to heal you then. So you will be slaughtered before the Alliance like the pig you are.'

Vegonna grinned wickedly, eyes lighting up with the bloodlust. "Mehbe so... but Vegonna has her pack." an offhand gesture to two of her recent fighting companions, one a Hunter by name of Ikky and another a Warlock by the name of Ronstin. "Deh keep Vegonna going!'

The Rogue snorted, 'And neither can heal.'

"Vegonna no need heal. Vegonna has dah Spiruts!" And off she loped towards the brilliant sunlight of the battlefield. The Alliance were pouring from the Silverwing Lodge, but Vegonna was off, running full speed in Wolf form. She heard the paw and footprints of Ikky behind her and knew the hunter would have her back. Up and around Vegonna ran, her senses keeping her away from the hidden rogues and elves. Into the hold she came, licking her lips in anticipation, Ikky on her heels.

Three of the enemy sat guarding the commanders Flag... Vegonna's target. A silent nod to Ikky and she was down, dropping totems and grabbing the flag. The Alliance, surprised by the sudden ambush gave Vegonna the moment she needed to break free of the pack as Ikky charged in making the Alliance defenders break into panic. A mage rooted the Orc in place with a frost nova and began to wind up a pyroblast, Vegonna winced, Fire was painful when coming from a mage... but before the spell was complete he was running in terror across the chamber. Ronstin had arrived and was covering her retreat.

Flag in her hands Vegonna made for the exit. Dropping the flag for a moment, she shifted to wolf form, grabbed the flag in her teeth and ran for the Mill. The battle raged midfield but Vegonna had a single purpose, break the morale of the alliance... capture this token of their ineptitude.

And so she did. Three times did she steal items of import from the mill, but never without backup from her Pack.

The battle won, Vegonna limped back into Org to the Skullcrusher Camp. Showing her wounds proudly Vegonna stood in the camp beat her shield with her mace.

"Vegonna calls her Pack. Vegonna will have her Pack. Who will be Vegonna's Pack?"

Her eyes fell to a few among the wings, Rodala, Narlla, Vedka and Ssyndra... "Join Vegonna's Pack an we push dah Pushdug back!"

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  • 3 months later...

*Note: The story is fragmentary. I wrote most of it months ago, couldn't figure out how to properly begin or end it, put it aside, and have done minor fiddling since. It doesn't look like I'll finish, so I decided to just post what I have*


Silently, he glided into the chamber, eyes scanning the chaos for the flag which Vegonna had made their objective. He spotted it, and her, trapped in ice while a gnome incanted quickly behind her, waves of unnatural heat radiating from his tiny body. Ronstin paused and tranced, focusing his will and overwhelming the mage with a sending of sheer terror. He then turned on the other battling Alliance in the room, spitting out curses and shadows to bedevil them. When he saw his imp, Piprot, start to mirror the recovering mage, tossing a bolt of fire for every spell the mage cast, Ronstin turned to follow Vegonna and drive off any remaining forces that persisted in slowing her. He was almost out the door when he realized the steady chanting beneath the clash of arms in the room behind him had changed to a liturgical descant and then he was flying about in an uncontrolled panic himself. A priest! One of human women in robes he'd noted in the back of the room in his first quick scan had been a priest, not another mage! A priest who dabbled in the darker secrets of her order, no less, what they named, in their conceit, the "shadow cast by the Holy Light." Ronstin almost turned and re-entered the chamber, to teach the arrogant whelp the true power available to those with the strength to tap the Nether, but he'd seen Ikky's body on the floor, and felt the sting of rebounding power as the mage and priest broke the dark magicks he'd left in his wake. Going back into the Silverwing compound would be decidedly unwise just now, he decided, and so continued on toward the battle-zone between the respective camps. Maybe he could cowe some of the nattering incompetents following that rogue into leaving off their pointless skirmishing and preparing for a second assault. . .


I sat back in the Lady Sylvanas' chamber while the Warbringer went over his reports on the skirmishing in Warsong. The fighting had been fairly easy; the Alliance were plainly not prepared to push hard in their encroachment, probably fearing the consequences should they violate the peace treaties of the Grand Alliance too blatantly. I had even managed to crush that upstart priestess twho thought she understood the Nether. Still, I was dissatisifed. That mage... the mage had challenged him. I'd been able to destroy him on those occasions when a pitched battle allowed me to run the pushdog down, but I was unable to shake the memory of their encounter in the lumber mill serving as the Horde headquarters.

I'd been in the central chamber, punishing Piprot, my imp, for his insolence when that gnome, that mage Nori, had managed to sneak in and use his energies to twist my very form in a way I had never encountered or considered possible, to steal my rotting flesh and leave me in the shape of a mere animal, in the body of a sheep. He'd quickly gone on to attack Piprot, damn him, savaging him badly enough that Piprot was able to break my thrall and flee our world entirely. I knew it would take considerable effort to rebind him to my will and to protect myself from his attempts at revenge before I could do so, and the fury and panic of this knowledge had given me the strength to break the energies binding me to such a feeble form. I threw a bolt of dark energy at the gnome, but the twit took my blow, and grabbed one of our battle-standards. When I started to pursue him he threw a tiny pellet of ice at me while he ran out of the building, and it rapidly expanded into a circle of ice, temporarily trapping me. I went after the wretch as soon as I'd fought free, but the ice and steady blinking had gained him lead I was unable to overtake.

What sort of power could I count myself if that dratted gnome could incapacitate me so quickly and then escape my wrath with only few paltry spells? He'd surprised me, but that would be of no note to the beings I bargain with in the darkness, nor with their weaker minions that I'd dominated for my own uses. They'd see my failure and know it for weakness, and they'd try to tear me apart. Even if I prevailed I would be set back years in my delving the Nether's secrets, I'd dare not continue until I'd forged new demonic alliances to forestall unpleasant interruptions like the one which cost my former mentor, Xaos, his memory. While the Warbringer barked out orders to a new patrol heading to forests of Ashenvale, I considered ways around my dilema. I'd heard rumors of a powerful curse, one that drained the energy from people and left them unable to muster the strength to move much faster than a walk. Such a curse would be a useful tool in a pursuit situation like the one Nori forced me into, and I'd already wracked Piprot to get the name of a demon who might be able to teach it to me. The name, Fzuukun, was a powerful one, but I had an idea on how to dominate the one bearing it. Nori himself gave it to me. If I could find a way to trap the demon in a more biddable form, say that of a dog... I gave my head a shake. This would need more study, study I would be unable to do if I let myself get caught up in this fight for a few paltry trees. I'll inform Vegonna that I won't be fighting beside her anymore, and head back to the Clan's camp. Maybe I'll be able search the library Volonazra had left behind...

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Vegonna licked the blood from her blade - gleaming yellow eyes watching. Her Pack had formed around her.

Only one loss had marred their record - but the alliance would pay... and they would pay dearly!

(( first Sunday Clompin group - 8 wins 1 loss =) Loss I attribute to running AB without better coordination :lostit: it was a close game tho! ))

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Smiths and Martok huffed and puffed, running for their undead lives. Smiths looked behind his shoulder. Yep. Still there. Four alliance that had been chasing them for a good minute now. Weaving in front of Martok, Smiths nonchalantly dropped a banana peel and made for the blacksmith.

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Narlla stepped out from under the Blacksmith's awning. She'd heard a shout... there it was again. She scanned the road on the other side of the river, seeking the source of the noise. She stiffened when she saw the Alliance patrol running down it, chasing after two all-too-recognizable figures. Narlla quickly yet carefully placed down a trap by the smithy to catch any sneaking Alliance pushdogs who sought to take advantage of her coming absence, and then sprinted down to the bridge which Martok and Smiths were making for, loading her Chesterpiece as she went. The two deaddies streaked by her just as she reached the foot of the bridge, and she quickly took a shot at the bridge itself, right in front of the leading Alliance warrior, sending several chips of stone flying into him and his companions.

Narlla dared a quick look behind her as she loaded another bullet, expecting to see the two priests taking up position behind her for healing and spell-support, only to watch with horror as they continued to race pell-mell up the hill toward the main smithy building. "No, you fuc-" was all she had time to shout before the Allies were mobbing her. She set about desperately with her greatsword, Corpsemaker, trying desperately to dodge and parry the blades and clubs seeking her life, and to cut down at least one of her foes, but she was over-matched. Narlla leapt desperately into the air, trying to push past the figures surrounding her, and managed to tumble herself and one of them into the river below.

The paladin she'd taken with her was stunned by the fall into the water, and his heavier mail dragged at him, allowing her to kick swiftly for the far bank, swimming beyond his reach. Narlla turned toward the bridge when her feet found solid purchase in the sand on the bank, and watched as the rest of the Smithy garrison swiftly overwhelmed the rest of the Alliance patrol. She half-ran, half-trudged back to her position, to find the two priests who'd started everything sitting comfortably in the sun by the Horde flag demonstrating their possession of the island. She glared at them, her ire strengthening with every breath, and opened her mouth to roundly curse the pushdogs... and then turned, sighing with resignation, and headed back to her post.

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