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Everything posted by Volonazra

  1. STOP! this must not be permitted! do not respond here! ninjas obviously are superior, you noobs
  2. Ive got the +15 to 1h, never came across the +20.
  3. Until we meet again. Take it easy.
  4. We are on the Argent Dawn US. make a character there if you want. We should be able to help you and show you the ropes. When you get in game, type /who skullcrusher.
  5. welkum ta camp ol fren.
  6. I dont think you want any tour those two might give ya.
  7. Lizzen up Itz time wonz agin ta gathar, az a clan, in council. Me agh dem uddah nobs hab sum wizdum ta blah at latz. Dere am peonz ta be finally weighed agh meashured. It iz tradishun dat lowly grot Peonz muzt be gib da clan an oat of loyaltah. Diz nub gunna be easah, ey latz ...harhar Wez meetin diz Saturday nite round seben ticks pazt high sun. Be dere, o git clomped!
  8. Not sure if anyone else has heard of The Guild from Youtube. Its pretty fun to watch. hehe retarded cousin of the guild....WHO might ours be?
  9. congrats on being an official uncle Crik. Of course, you've been an uncle in spirit for my girls a long time. btw, i need you to come over and babysit. you owe me. the pics arent scary. the only things scary, are your myspace friends. especially that Melissa person, eeek!
  10. Volonazra


    Glad to have ya! Thanks for coming and staying up to the wee hours of the morning.
  11. What addons and/or mods do you like? Which cant you play without? Personally. I use Ctmod package. I like the ability to tun on and off any bars, and move them where I want em. Love the mail mod. Love the scroll chat text, and time stamp. I love CTraid too. So much to like. I have to have Necrosis. If you have a warlock, you should check it out. It frees up alot of hot keys and adds some functionality to a smaller number of buttons. Also, has some cool verbal warnings to let you know things have happened or your doom is nigh. I also have to have Totemtimers. It puts all your totems in just 4 hotkeys. Adds a shield monitor, a reincarn timer, and weapon buff timer. Awesome on saving space and organizing all those totems. Looking into Totemus soon also. I love Healbot. If you have a heal spell, you should have this addon. You will be a healing machine with this. Crikrunner said recently:"i feel like im cheating, in a way" Incredilble. Many more less vital ones, ill add more when i get more time. What is everyone else using?
  12. Volonazra

    Burnt out!

    Its been my experience that burn out happens when the perceived investment/effort out weighs the perceived reward. Compounded by real life pressures and limitations. Ive been there too, Id lost perspective. Its that perception, that has to be carefully maintained lest you feel that burnt out feeling. Like Muru and others wrote, its the people that really keep the game fun. The amount of time ive spent is frightening when I measure it in terms of what else I could have accomplished. Then again, I have to say Ive enjoyed this experience. I can talk at length about this "game". I will remember this game, the guild, and experience forever. Thats the bottom line is for me. Many, no most, people dont get what drives a gamer. WoW isnt a game to me nor most of you. Its more akin to a hobby. Tiddlywinks is "just a game".
  13. No worries Tonac. Its great. Gives much more life to the character and explains that old public message. Now, work your battle cry into the story. That would be killer.
  14. OUTSTANDING first post Ro! Are the rest of you Crushers going to let this PEON show you up like this?!? For shame
  15. This thread fails to deliver! Theres no morning surprise here.
  16. If it is true that things have went down how you suspect. A quick search on the Armory points out some curious things. Muru has two likely suspects. But, Benim has no match Makes ya go "hmm"
  17. Im not sure of the "max", but wowmath points out that 202 is the effective cap. (or all that you will need @70) Vol's spell ratings in a nutshell
  18. Betelgeuce, Molox, Morgh, Rajuul (from Guru Na) all mentioned interest.
  19. bah! cant leave you noobs in charge of anything
  20. I appreciate it, but my ol buddy Myrdoch helped me out.
  21. ***Volonazra Skullcrusher***(aka Volnazra) Physical Traits: Medium height and build for an orc. Estimated age 75 to 80. His skin is dark jade green and weathered, scarred, and wrinkly. He bears tattoos of many black tribal glyphs. Jet black hair with long streaks of grey. His crimson eyes are burning and intense. Has a slight hunched over stance and walks with a noticeable limp. His speech has slight impediment due to 9 inch jagged tusks. He speaks the in the old dialect often becoming incomprehensible to any but the eldest of the clan. Early Life: Born and raised on Draenor before the fall of the orcs. Descendant of Nekros Skullcrusher of the Dragonmaw bloodline. A former shaman, taught the shadow magic by Gul'dan himself. Corrupted for many years during the demonic possession of the orcs. He fought in the first, second and third wars following Doomhammer on many campaigns. Middle Years: Vol was captured and enslaved by the human King Terenas. Spent many years as a human prisoner and slave. Eventually freed by Thrall and Grom during their raids upon the prisoner camps. After his rescue, Vol still was gripped by blood lust and rage. He was unable to accept the new Horde laws and ideals established by Thrall. He decided to roam alone and free in the orc kingdom of Durotar. Cut off from the shadow power he slowly returned to the spiritual path of shamanism. During this time of wandering, he found a kinship with a rogue band of orc outlaws and their friends. Whom historians refer to as Skullcrusher Orcs. Emergence of a Chieftain: Soon Vol was looked upon to lead the band of misfit outcasts. First as captain, under Grulg and then became chieftain when he was assassinated. In time, the blood lust subsided. Then, the wisdom of Thrall was realized by the outcasts. It is then that the band formally became Clan Skullcrusher. The first base camp was established and relative peace reached the clan. Soon after, the Clan was besieged by enemies. Scourge, force of nature, and Demi gods alike were crushed by the now mighty clan. Exodus: Over time, the inner demons took hold of Vol. Time came that he needed to return home and face them. Magical study and the combined power of the clan allowed Vol to pass back through the Black Gate. He left the Clan in the hands of Maube and the wise elders. Not much is known about the details of this exodus. Vol speaks little of it, only to say he won a spiritual battle personally and helped pave the way for the clan in outland. He garnered many new allies for the clan, meeting with the Sin'dori Scryers and helping establish the outposts around outland. It was noticed that upon his return, Vol was more omnious, fierce, and powerful than ever. Present: He find himself once again with his beloved family. He welcomes shedding his blood, and pouring out his soul energy; side by side with those he loves. Valiantly they face the dangers of Outland, the forces of the Legion, and the vast armies of Illidan. He is fearless when backed by the Clan. Outnumbered and overwhelmed, he'll fight to keep his people safe and free until the ancestors take him from the plane of the living.
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