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Posts posted by Eisaac

  1. It was bad luck I missed the nude hunt :(

    This can be a great idea! we can use the opportunity and when we die (not if... :cool: ) we can go and learn about new places and see new things.

    Oh, may Thorax take with him a bottle of his favorite drink? ;)

  2. They are probably not reading this, but, Balandar, it would be better deleting advertising posts, because closing the thread still counts as free advertising.

    A decent company that wants to advertise on the site would know who (and how) to contact.

    Oh, and:

    Support our Sponsors!

  3. It is great to see the two great people for real, instead of the avater :devil:

    I'm so very happy for you that you could meet!

    Oh, and if any wish to visit the holy land, the tour is on me!!!

    and I did see the earlier pictures of charlie on the forums, here are shortcuts for the lazy :D :

    (the picture of Charlie karaoke singing was removed :tease: )


  4. Some are plain stupid (but funny) the others make you think... ;)

    - Why do cartoons, that don't usually wear clothes (Bugs Bunny, for instance) wear a towel when they come out of the shower?

    - Why do we wash bath towels? Don't we use them when we're clean?

    - Who was the first man who looked at a cow and said he's going to drink what comes out from between her legs?

    - If there's a spelling mistake in the dictionary, will anyone know?

    - If you're expecting the unexpected, does this make the unexpected expected?

    - Why is the vanilla ice cream white but the essence is brown?

    - Why do we press the remote buttons harder when the batteries are weak? trying to 'juice' some more electricity?

    - Why when you're dialling a wrong number you always get an answer?

    - How do you write zero in roman? IIIIIX?

    - If a store is open 24-7, 365 days a year, why does it still have a lock on the door?

    - One picture is worth a thousand words. How much does a picture of a thousand words worth?

    - Every single country have a national debt... who do they all owe to?

    - If nothing sticks to teflon, how is it attached to the frying pan?

    - If a rabbit's foot is lucky, how comes it didn't help the rabbit?

    - If you want to fail something on purpose and end up succeeding, then what the hell happened?!?

    - If there's New Zealand, where was the old one?

    - Isn't it ironic that if you want to buy alcohol and they don't believe you're old enough, you show your driver license?

    - Why does the sun make the hair brighter but the skin darker?

    - How come Tarzan is beardless?

    - Do you think it's a coincidece that your pointing finger is exactly the same size as your nostril?

  5. The bright side of UO :

    Rarely crashes and maintenance lasts 15 minutes (daily). Updates 2 hours. :yub:

    Come to think about it, Borg, you have waited about 7 years for that to happen and then went to WoW for the headache! :laugh:

    At least we KNOW it will be better in another 7 years! :cool:

    Stay safe,

    Strength and Honor!

  6. There is nothing in the world I can say to make things better, but know that we will be thinking of you and praying for you and your family.

    Losing a child changes the soul. It is like nothing other and it can't be overcome in full... yet, I hope you will regain all that can be regained after such a loss.

    Be strong!

  7. The Gooooogle ads are customized by area and by the cookies, more than once I saw ads for an Israeli roleplay games shop (hebrew ad) and one for MotoGP merchandise. Both are my main interests and probably have many cookies on my PC. That is nice, and useful. :yub:

    Amazon, on the other hand, send only books and CD/DVDs to Israel. I tried so much to get some toy of gollum for my wife (she adores him) but they refused. :cry: (Yes, that means I couldn't find here a gollum toy... does that makes Israel look pathetic or what?!?! >:L )

    Oh, but it was so funny speaking (one of the times) with Amazon! a woman voice answered and I swear, I still don't believe she was human! she spoke so evenly and with the same tone/dialect that it took me a few moments to realize it was no answering machine... :)


    My friend had serious internal injuries and the doctors even considered lung transplant. During the surgery they used on him some experimental durgs (which cost a few 10K$... the insurance of the police/army states that they will pay whatever needed to help, and it did help!) and after almost two weeks, all the tubes were taken out and he was fully awake. There is no nerve or cognitive damage that could be seen but the recovery will take some time. But, time is a small thing after he's out of danger...

    My hopes are still with the family of Devin's friend. Please update.

  9. During my long time of roleplaying (about 16 years since I was introduced to D&D 1st edition) I had to think of a whole lots of stuff (you all probably know this, you are there too :devil: ). Dungeons, Campaigns and numerous characters. Listening to heavy metal helps!!! :lostit:

    I have based a few characters on the lyrics of songs, or just took a bunch of motifs from some and combined them together.

    Two (GOOD!) examples for songs that can be used to create characters are from the band "Manowar". The first song (Defender) is a paladin. The second song (Dark Avenger) is more interesting: it is about something like a fallen paladin, a 'person' who uses evil against evil (like murderer of murderers)

    (Parental advisory chorus on "Dark Avenger" :nub: )



    "When you are old enough to read these words

    Their meaning will unfold

    These words are all that's left

    And though we've never met, my only son

    I hope you know

    That I would have been there to watch you grow

    But my call was heard and I did go

    Now your mission lies ahead of you

    As it did my so long ago

    To help the helpless ones who all look up to you

    And to defend them to the end"


    Ride like the wind

    Fight proud, my son

    You're the defender

    God has sent

    Father, father, father

    I look up to you and heed thy call

    This letter ends my search

    I'll live your dream now passed on to me

    And I now wait to shake the hand of fate

    Like the dusk awaiting dawn

    So wizards cast your spell

    With no heart to do me well

    So it is written, it shall be


    Ride like the wind

    Fight proud, my son

    You're the defender

    God has sent

    Dark Avenger

    He broke the laws of the elders

    So they plucked out his eyes,

    Took his land and fortune,

    Left him to die

    Bound on the shoreline,

    Left for the tide,

    Sees his life-blood leaving...

    Circling lower, the vultures fly

    His bones may be broken

    But the spirit can't die

    And the Gods see his anguish

    And give him a sign

    From the floor of the ocean

    The ship of the lost souls rise

    And they take him where no one sleeps while the undead cry,

    Where no one sleeps while the undead cry...

    And in the world above

    The elders sing,

    On his land they live...

    Let death's bell ring


    He was met at the gate of Hades

    By the Guardian of the Lost Souls,

    The Keeper of the Unavenged

    And He did say to him:

    "Let thee not pass


    Return to the world

    From whence you came

    And seek payment

    Not only for thy known anguished

    But to vindicate the souls

    Of the Unavenged"

    And they placed in his hands

    A sword

    Made for him

    Called: Vengeance

    Forged in brimstone

    And tempered

    By the woeful tears of the Unavenged

    And to carry him up on his journey

    Back to the upper world

    They brought forth

    Their Demon horse

    Called: Black Death

    A grim steed

    So fiercely might

    And black in colour

    That he could stand as one with the Darkness...

    Save from his burning eyes

    of crimson fire

    And on that night

    They rode up from Hell

    The pounding of his hooves

    Did clap like thunder !


    Burning, death, destruction

    Raping the daughters and wives

    In blood I take my payment

    In full with their lives

    No one can escape me

    On Black Death I ride

    When kissed by the sword of Vengeance

    Your head lays there by your side

    I take the lives of all that I once knew

    The torn flesh of a slow death waits for you


    Burning, death, destruction

    Raping the daughters and wives

    In blood I take my payment

    In full with their lives

    I spare not land or servants

    My wake is smoke and flame

    I take their wives and daughters

    They stand there watching, watching

    Hoping to get my life

    But when I'm through they know they must pay


    Burning, death, destruction

    Raping the daughters and wives

    In blood I take my payment

    In full with their lives

    With their lives

    With their lives

    With their lives....

  10. Audacity is a nice (and free) program that can record whatever you want with the microphone input. I can also email or ICQ you the installer that I have, it is about 3MB. (the version I have is more than a year old)

  11. You have my prayers for the family and the child. May the operations be successful and the recovery swift.

    I have a friend at hospital too, in bad condition, just improved from 'critical' to 'serious but stable'. He had a motorbike accident (he's a policeman, and it was a 'work' accident) I used to play with him D&D with on the breaks at high school. Exceptional roleplayer.

    Also, he has a wife and a 6 months old daughter, I hope he will recover and be back home soon!

  12. Students in an unknown Unversity were requested to write a story, with the fewest words possible, considering the fact it must contain 3 subjects:

    - Religion

    - Sexuality

    - Mystery

    The story that recieved the maximum points was:

    Oh my GOD, I'm pregnant! But who is the father? >:L

  13. I hope all will be better than better, soon!!

    We will all miss you, I know I will.

    Please know that my thoughts will be with you always, I will wait patiently and hope for health, for your mom, yourself and all your family. May you return soon and with a big smile.

    And, leave all worries that you can behind, let us bear them for you.

    Health and Strength,

    *warm hug*

    Signed: Tzahi Bar Sela.

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