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Posts posted by Eisaac

  1. Yes, there are a few 'glitches' in the system.

    Before the upgrade I mysteriously couldn't get more than half of anothers cash while I wiped out others with even better spy/sentry than the first.

    The money was a bit more than what was written.

    You sometimes get and extra soldier

    You sometimes get extran turns

    And some more... :)

  2. I can give a few advices, but not too many, I don't want you getting me too quick ;)

    1. This is a long term game, measure your success in weeks, if not months. You get your recruits once per day (Not every hour)

    2. Your recruits (attack/defense) give virtually nothing to attack/defense but the quantity give you your hourly income, so you do need many.

    3. Soldiers maybe give (almost) nothing to attack/defense but weapons/armor do. So if you have 100 defense soldiers and another attacks you with 10 untrained soldiers with a "Two Handed Sword", then, yes, he would wipe the floor with you, but you can also be the one holding the sword ;)

    4. spy let you see others gold and sentry hides yours from others. (you can see also all items of another, but it would seem there is a bug in the 'spy' section)

    5. Buy, buy , buy. BUT, only TWICE. Explanation: You buy ALWAYS with the gold you have. Money spent is safe. Yes, maybe you will have to buy 267 Daggers (first buy) and yes, you lose 25% in the sale, but those daggers are safe from attacks and when you sell the 267 daggers, you immediately buy one "Two Handed Sword. (second buy). <= do some calculations here, you will see this is much, much more than 'worthwhile'

    There are many many more things to say, but you know, never give your edge :)

    Good luck!!! :p

    EDIT: I wanted this to cost in blood... so...

    (Against Trademaster, 1 attack turn)

    Your troops inflict 5,679,203 damage on the enemy!

    The enemy sustains 0 casualties!

    Trademaster's forces attack and inflict 39 damage on your army!

    Your army sustains 3 casualties!

    You defeated the enemy!

    You Gain 61 Gold.

    HAHAHA I knew beforehand that it would do me (much) more damage, it's just for the joke in it... ;)

    I lost 3 mercenaries which cost 10,500 gold...but at least I can spent that much on a prank ;)

    Trademaster lost.... 61 Gold.... Good trade, isn't it?

  3. There is a 'Security level' allowing to post by it.

    For example, non members (guests and 'awaiting authorize') cannot view the "Real Life Pictures" category.

    But, then again, they wouldn't even be able to SEE the categories, let alone post in them.

    Maybe this is the cause of a few problems

  4. First read this post: (I know it is pinned at 'UO Leaders Announcements')

    Responsibility, by Lord Ser BrightBlade

    This post is VERY important to read, and apply. (Although nowadays we don't see people 'bossing around' others, which is mentioned there)

    We are trying to enlarge our community and we want interaction with other guilds.

    If you happen to recruit, or meet someone who wants to join, please note that although we CAN fight highlighted people, we DO NOT, EVER, attack without provocation OR interaction (=we are NOT PKers, nor LOOTERS!!)

    At any time, also note the actions of others, so we can find more good people and avoid the others.

    Our behaviour affects not only ourselves but also others. One can ruin the work of many, and it is much easier to throw dirt than cleaning it. Help build, live 'clean' and hopefull we will not have dirt to clean.

    Trust our leaders!!! they know how to get you out of trouble, just don't cause the trouble :)

    At any rate, if you want murder added to the 'interaction' (in guild or not), know that it can easily be done, and it doesn't even have to be with a single corpse (=ROLEPLAYING!!!)

    The next tip is good for all things in life, so it fits here also: Whenever you wear a uniform (be it 'army', 'hospital', 'UPS' or even the local burger house) you are an ambassador for that place. Treat yourself with dignity and you shall recieve the same attitude.

    (UO Uniform is not only the apron, it is first your identity tag....)

    Also, UO journal makes text files and can 'refresh the memory' but can be edited or changed with ease. Have a screen capture program ready at all times, and if you don't want to, you can use the fact that pressing 'Print Screen' copies the screen to the clipboard and can be pasted to 'Paint'. This is harder to tamper with.

  5. I will say here what my characters are doing. Feel free to interact, here, in-game, or just post what your characters are doing, so others may start the interaction.

    IMPORTANT: Please remember that if it is posted here, it means YOU know what they are doing and thus can 'accidently' come accross them, but your characters DON'T necessarily know all what is written here! ('You' and 'Your character' are not the same thing)

    (all experienced roleplayers, don't be offended ;))

    Valentino (Senator of Trade):

    a. Hammering or Sewing (crafting) at home (Trinsic west gate), at Haven or Delucia.

    b. Mining ore at Felluca Minoc mine site (where it is safe)

    c. Home, attending duties.

    d. Enjoying food and drinks at Trinsic tavern

    Thorax (Dragoon Knight):

    a. Fighting at despise, at ogre lords island or titans/cyclops

    b. Sitting at the Trinsic tavern (I would say 'drinking' but he's not much of a drinker, RP related, those who know why, know why...)

    Neve (Espionage Agent):

    a. Walking around the Trinsic-Britain road, stealthily and in simple armor, carrying only a dagger. (training stealth/hide)

    b. Fighting and training combat and healing skills at despise (all around)

    c. (READ 'IMPORTANT' ABOVE!) Checking good that no one is around, and killing a few gypsies...

    Naamah (Arcane Crafter)

    a. Sitting at home, studying and writing or mixing potions (training inscription or alchemy)

    b. Buying and selling at Haven mage shop

    c. Reading at Britain great library

  6. First, Tavern night:

    We meet on Saturdays, and after it there is the tavern night at the Trinsic Inn, so we can go to the Trinsic inn or go together to somewhere else, to be decided at the meeting earlier.

    On one of the other days of the week (to be decided), we can have a "Roleplay meeting", dedicated to really roleplay, have a storyline to play and so on.

    Second, fight nights are most welcome, as we don't train too much on PVP, or at least I don't... as for helping, I can also craft and bring resources as I have some in 'PGoH Treasury'. Also, if we want to have a few rings, I will remind that we have about 4 Luna Lances, so we can also Joust.

    Also, we can use the 'UO Tavern' for its purpose and add roleplay here (IC posts), start and add to ingame roleplay.

  7. Hehe, you already missed it here :)

    btw, I think it is, maybe, a lovely idea but a bit stupid....

    It is one yearly excuse for something you should do on a more regular basis.... (once a day or once a month or whatever fits (shorter than a year!!!!!) :D ).

    Anyway, lots of love, everyone! >:L <- roleplay one a girl ;)

  8. At our current size I see no real need for more "cohorts" unless....

    It can be fun, but planning it too big could make another guild within the guild and we can't afford a split now. I think it can be a cohort, to begin with. Also, aprons are a good sign of allegiance. Also outfit can be somewhat more open but types of cohort clothing can be limited. This way, it will boost PGoH.

    Good luck recruiting!

  9. This is the story of Naamah...


    Naamah is a young elven woman. Strange, but elven. A human looking at her she would seem like a 25 year old woman, since her build is a bit large for an elf and also her skin tone is somewhat closer to the one of humans. Only a closer look, or a lucky glange under the hood covering her head would reveal her true elven heritage. An elf would also be able to say that she has passed at least a century of life, but even elves cannot know exactly the age of another.

    Naamah is almost 6 feet tall. Very tall for a female elf. She may seem a bit large in size for an elf, yet not full as humans tend to be. Another identifier, is hair. Rather, lack of it. Naamah has no hair whatsoever. Nothing.

    Another remarkable yet elusive thing is a touch of fiery red tint in her eyes. Only a few watched it but when angered, one could swear he saw red fires in her eyes...


    Naamah is a scholar. She spent years and years by the light of a candle. The candle was almost decoration for the elven sight but the humans by her side needed it. As in contrast to her different appearance, most scholar stereotypes would apply here. Smart and witty but quiet and distant, she studies her arts and works to perfect her proficiency with the pen (Inscribe), the book (Magery) and the Mortar and the pestle (Alchemy).

    More on her behaviour and attitude will be explained in the following...


    Someone creeping and looking into the old magical book tucked away under the folds of her elven robe would find Naamah's diary. At a first glance it looks like an old and thin scrapbook, but with a simple, yet mysterious word of power, magical papers appear, telling the Story of Naamah...

    And the story, or at least parts of it, goes like this:

    At last, I have waited long years to write this, so I will not humiliate myself to me by mistakes of the young.

    I do not know my parents, I know nothing of my ancestors. I was found, as an infant, by Brother Ruben from the order of the Sacred Waters, a place, a monastery which existed somewhere unders the swamps of Papua. Brother Ruben was a human, most dear to me. He was but a young man and already a leader among his people and believers. He found me, or so he told me, in his arms... I do not know how or why but he said, and I quote: "it was a the most peculiar time in all my life, I had walked the dark road from our temple to the outside world and although it was just after my waking time I had a strange desire to sleep. I can swear that I only put my back to the wall and the next thing I remember is that I awoke, lying on the ground to the sound of a crying baby. I was in the same spot, yet my pack was spilled all around, I was covered in my new overcoat, which looked as it was dirty from several days of travel. Something was heavy under it. That thing cried and moved. That was how you came to me. An elf from the underdark, A spark of life, that is what you are to me".

    When I was found, I was wrapped with a black blanket, on it was a single word, written with a magical thread, which looks like fire burning. The word said "Naamah" so that is where my name came from.

    (A lot is said here about growing up, but a hundred years of history could be a bit boring... yet maybe I will add some more here)

    Meanwhile Brohter Ruben passed away. I was 74 at the time and he was already very old and sick for years, his body was burnt and spread over the waters of the swamps. No one but me cried for him, at least not aloud, as it was forbidden by the strict rules of the monastery. I cried a whole week as this was my father, my mother and my dearest of friends. He had not the heart nor desire to discipline me, as my love for him and to my arts was almost as strict as the rules of the monastery.

    Since the day of Ruben's death, I started to hear strange stories, stories about myself and about demons. I did not believe any of this. I spoke to no one, and no one spoke to me, I was almost an outcast at my home and I didn't know exactly the reason why. I was left alone and so I accepted it, as it gave me the quiet for the study of my arts. But something else changed, I don't know exactly what it was but without the guidence of Ruben something else was amiss. The monastery itself seemed to die slowly. Leaks started and the swamp above started to win over.

    It took a long time, but one day I awoke to the sound of cracking. I woke and walked around. All were as they used to be, they sat oblivious to the sound, studied, read, ate and drank. I wandered for almost an hour. The sounds grew louder but only I heard them. Then, I heard a loud crack and saw a bright red portal open beside me. And, as a red hand reached through the portal and pulled me, I saw the ceiling collapse...

    I was shocked. I didn't have time to react and I heard familiar words with a foreign accent, a bright blue portal appeared and I was shoved through it.

    I fell through and bumped into someone. It was... I focused a bit... looked around... books... tables... lighted windows? who did I bump into? he lookes like a librarian?

    It took no time to understand that I was in Britain great library. Whoever saved me knew what was best for me. I was given food and shelter for the stories and arcane knowledge I had from the monastery. But, it took me a year to gather my courage and go out. I wandered around almost aimlessly which was wierd enough! I spent some time around Britain and some time in a place called "Haven". It had some quiet parts. I liked it. So, I stayed a while.

    One day, I was approaced by a strange lady. She was mute and blind and almost fooled me to be helpless. HA! what a mistake! This woman surprised me quite a bit! Her name is Aoshi. We spoke for some time, at least I spoke and she wrote back in a notebook. I think the quiet with only the sound of the pen on the parchment of the notebook kept me open and attuned to this interesting woman. very interesting. Remarkable. She told me stories about hunting with friends and about the complexity of locks, which was fasicating to me, and we spoke of our our mutual affection to the power of the self, magery. I had one friend, true friend in all my life. He was long gone and I still feel young. I take interest in this woman, and her friends. I hope this will be a new way for me a new start to the rest of my life.

  10. Hehe, nicely done!

    Now, I have only the story of Thorax (link at signature...)

    But, Doc Vale''s story is already put pen to paper, but not finger to keyboard...

    And the other two, Neve and Naamah are already thought of, but it will take some refining, before they are published.

  11. I started uo something like September 2004.

    A friend of my wife, from her work, knew I like D&D, roleplay and fantasy books and the like. So he did two things: One was saying to my wife: "Don't say I didn't warn you, it's addictive!" and the other thing he said "Let me just show him (me) the game"

    In the end, he showed me the game... it took me some time to get used to this new world, it is a world, living and holding itself for its own. It is, as Charlie said, a world of many REAL people, it is never the same and you can always do what you want. The game can be a new game every day, depending on time, people involved and the scenery.

    It took me way too long to discover the wonder of guilds. For a few months I only toured the world of UO, finding random companions for hunting and not much more. I don't know how or why I checked CVL out. I just wanted to join a guild, to see how it's like. So, I posted at their site and I was contacted with Lady Sabrina of CVL, we sat at a table at her UO house, and she asked me what I wanted from a guild, what my expectations are. I had no real expectations, but roleplay came up. So it was Lady Sabrina who introduced me to Lady Charlie of PGoH. I joined PGoH on April 10th 2005 with Thorax. Currently all my characters are PGoH and they even hold some respect in the guild (I hope :cool:)

    By the way, some might know this friend who introduced me to UO. He had the characters "Black Cat", Wiz Cat" and a few more (of course) and he still owns "Cat's Mall" at Luna. Sadly, he converted his religion to WoW.

  12. OOC:

    Charlie and Kodoz are now finishing their first year as Emprors. Let's do something with that!

    My suggestion is to have a celebration, with as many people we can get, food, games and fireworks are in order.

    We can also walk around and "carry" our emporors up high...

    As for schedule, This week we have a fight night (see Charlie's post, http://forums.thehonorempire.net/index.php...=0entry41383) So I would suggest next Saturday, before the meeting, like 6p.m. EST. BUT, as you probably know, I am a guy with "special needs" (too much time difference :lostit: ) so if you want, we can have it after the meeting so we will have time and also we can collect people from the tavern night and make our presence clear there.


    (a bulletin spread all around trinsic, and at the town crier post on every major city)

    Hear ye Hear ye!!

    Celecration in Trinsic and in Olympus Castle!

    A year has elapsed since Empress Charlie and Empror Kodoz became our leaders!

    Let us celebrate, for them and for us!

    Schedule will follow shortly...



    Senator of Trade


    PLEASE, Please post replies, so we can arrange a nice celebration!


  13. We've all heard about people having guts or balls. But, do you really know the difference between them?

    GUTS - is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being

    assaulted by your wife with a broom, and having the guts to ask: "Are you

    still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?"

    BALLS - is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of

    perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the ass and

    having the balls to say, "You're next."

    I hope this clears up any confusion on the subject. :yub:

  14. Rusty, or if anyone wants to quit the army add-on, just change your army type.

    You will then lose everything and until you are timed out automaticly (I would guess two weeks) only newbies will get a little money from you, the stronger will lose more than they get in attacking...

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