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Posts posted by Eisaac

  1. Now, after I blessed your computer to be well, I can go ahead and bless you :) :

    Happy Birthday Kodoz!!!!


    I wish you all the best and that every one of your wishes come true.

    (you don't want to kill Thorax for (mistakenly!!!) attacking you a few times, do you? ??? )

    I will raise a toast for you today. I hope you will raise many ;)

    EDIT: Kodoz, I saw that you need healing (attack add-on) so I donated the stats :)

  2. I voted YES.

    My thoughts are, that people in the front are extremely hard to catch if you start months after. That way, it is virtually impossible to have some sort of linear progression among the rankings, which allow all to play with the ones close to them in rank.

    Moreover, I think the system can be reset every, let's say, 6 or 12 months, with the final rankings in a pinned post.

    Also there can be two final rankings: The army ranking and wealth ranking, this is because wealth can be traded and divided in a way, which distorts the ranking. (current example: both Devin and Rusty can sell a few items, buy other things and fly past my second place, demoting me to fourth. All this even considering the waste of 25% in the sale of items). This is not a programming problem, because it doesn't need to be programmed, I don't mind calculating wealth for a few (1-3, not 10 :)) scores of players.

    One bug: The spy missions have a problem.

    Two minorities: Change "Citacel" to "Citadel" and "Stealph Horse" to "Stealth Horse"

  3. ...it should have been the same but with a few minor changes (underlined):

    One day I came home only to see T.H.E. is missing. I checked all around, maybe it was just my imagination. I was worried. T.H.E. means a lot to me.

    I went back into my home and took a few breaths, closed my eyes and sighed. I almost cried.

    It took me some time to get up and go to my PC to see where T.H.E. has been. But, as I opened the explorer, I saw something is in the spot of T.H.E. . I was shocked. It looked almost the same, yet it was newer and it had more shine. I opened it. By some strage trick my old login fit exactly. I got into the new T.H.E. and saw all T.H.E. posts are inside, but it was still not the same. I opened a thread, there was a nice present there (mouse hover). It was for us! I lowered the sun shield and there was, along with my posts another nice present (fonts)! I went out and around and reopened the front page, and there were some more presents there (colors, army and attack add-ons, and a few I haven't opened yet)!

    I was overjoyed! But, I KNEW who to thank for all this

    Balandar, this story is a small present for a huge work done, and for all who may have helped you on this task. I don't know you, yet we all know who you are. You are always there for T.H.E.

    *Bows deeply*

    (maybe the first story will come true for you, I know you will not reject it :) )

  4. Let me tell you a short story:

    One day I came home only to see my car is missing. I checked all around, maybe it was just my imagination. I was worried. My car means a lot to me.

    I went back into my home and took a few breaths, closed my eyes and sighed. I almost cried.

    It took me some time to get up and go outside to see where my car has been. But, as I walked outside, I saw a car is in the spot of my car. I was shocked. It looked almost the same, yet it was newer and it had more shine. I opened it. By some strage trick my old key fit exactly. I got into the new car and saw all my things are inside, but it was still not the same. I opened the glove compartment, there was a nice present there. It was for me! I lowered the sun shield and there was, along with my music another nice present! I went out and around and opened the trunk, and there were some more presents there!

    I was overjoyed! But, I still didn't know who to thank for all this...

    Now I can tell you that the story is mostly fictional. It should have been...

  5. This is not an advertisement, since I have no gain from it. >:L


    Someone sent me the link and I checked it. There is a totally free :D MMORPG called PlaneShift. This whole project is intended to be completely free of charge, just download the client and play.

    It is still very 'raw', many skills still can't be developed and there are, for example, NO ranged weapons yet and so on.

    EDIT: As it's still in development, and has a long way to go, it should be LESS stable than other games. Currently, I'm only experiencing fatal error when exiting the program. For others, I hope there will be no problems.

    Quotes from the site regarding the licenses:

    "For players:

    The first goal of our team is to make a free game for players. This means you will not have to pay for the game, nor pay a monthly cost. You can install our software on many PC as you like, play it as much as you want.


    "For developers:

    Code is under GPL license, this means you can get all our source code, study it and reuse it as soon as you keep it open and give back to us your changes.


    So, players can use it. And, Developers, I know some of you are reading this... (I've seen your profiles :cool: ) you have a challenge! Besides for the unemployed, they have open jobs around the world!

    Last but not least:


  6. Ok. So it wasn't a guild hunt... we all came to defend our Empress alt, Aoshi Elric, while she was breaking lockpicks on locked chests... :)

    Initial attendance: Aoshi Elric, Robert Eboneye, Desi and Thorax.

    First picture: Already piling up the corpses, Seshy on the way


    Second picture: Almost as the previous, I wasn't sure the focus was ok :orc:


    Third picture: Seshy and Mareak joining, as well as an annoying pest


    Fourth picture: "If the pest has nothing to bother, it will leave". We ignored the pest and it left :p


  7. What do you all say if this week we'll have jousting training, before the weekly meeting? (Like 6pm EST)

    Remember, there's nothing like a meeting after a hard hour of training... Ahhhh, the smell... :)

    Besides, I can joust with Thorax and come to the meeting with Vale' ;)

  8. Good luck to all newer and older (Desi ;) ) people on your knighthood quests and tests!!!

    You should know, that this is a step that every new member should make. After all PGoH are the guardians of Trinsic and its surrounding. The citizens trust us and we should not disappoint them!

    But, as being knighted is a step you should take, there are steps you could take, steps to take you higher. There are many open high ranks in PGoH. If you have the desire, just try! :)

  9. First, let me hope aloud that you will find a miraculous way to stay with us all the time.

    Second, I have to say that the two advices you already got, from Anfalas and Kodoz, are the best two options also in my opinion. So, I can only offer more room to spare. If you do give your things for safekeeping, have a list of all that you give, just for order sake.

    Third, last but not least...

    And this goes to all of you!!!!

    Never, but NEVER, give your post the name "Questions about when I leave"!!!!

    First I saw it "Questions about when I leave", last post info by Blair.

    Then: "Questions about when I leave", last post info by Chris.

    Then: "Questions about when I leave", last post info by Kodoz.

    Then, a minute or so from now: "Questions about when I leave", last post info by icuburn. (me of course :) )

    This can really give someone a heart attack!!!

  10. Hello all PGoH!,

    As your dedicated UO photographer, here are a few shots from Kodoz' Birthday

    (celebrated 21st of January, 2006)

    1st Picture: Ariana says her blessings


    2nd picture: Kodoz got a what? A Llama? Here Kodoz decides that since the Llama is uncooked, he will go for the roast pig


    3rd picture: Kodoz, after holding Charlie's hand, gives the birthday cake to Charlie and starts eating (or is it kissing? :) ) the whole roast pig


  11. The research group attributed the dwindling volume - which reflects only games sold on CD-ROMs - to increased game play through Web sites and subscriptions to massively multiplayer online, or MMO, games.

    WOW!!! this is a stupid research!!!

    MMORPGs are, and have been in the last few years a considerable force! They should have made a research considering the fact that if you buy a game with online subscripion fees, those fees should be considered as purchasing the game over and over again every month...

    One purchase of 30$ MMORPG game, with a yearly subscription amounts to 150$ per year, for ONE game!

    ONLY considering 1 million WoW, at a yearly cost of 150$ each, amounts to 150 million! (and I know not all stay but this is only one game!) I presume by this that they 'neglected' more than half the sums and 'attributed the dwindling volume' to 'increased game play through Web sites and subscriptions'


    What next? hamburger consumption without McDonalds? World trade without the US? shaving with no Gillette? Bicycling without Shimano? (last two hold approx 90% of their markets)

  12. I have a funny story about role play systems comparison showing the downsides to each. I heard it long ago and hope not to do injustice to it.

    Here goes:

    They were 4 companions. 3 of them were standing in front of 3 evil creatures, the creations of the God Zenthor.

    One was called "Rolly". He was faced by a fierce one-eyed orc. (representing the Rolemaster system, many books and tables)

    The second was called "Super". He was faced with an evil super fast villain, flying too fast for the others to distinguish. (representing the Hero system, calculations...)

    The third was called "Shadow", he was faced by a bizzare plate shod ogre. (representing Shadowrun)

    Stage one:


    Rolly swung his sword and paused. He apologised to the orc and said "I have to check my table, how much I need to roll using a sword, subtable small, subtable piercing, subtable... the sword struck the orc an hour later...

    Super started chasing the villain, while calculating: "if the villain mass is about 100p and you travel at 0.9 of the speed of light, and my weight is 120p and I travel at 0.95 of the speed of light, how long will it take me to catch the villain?" he flew (at 0.95 of the speed of light) to the local library and got a few physics, algebra and infi books.

    Shadow raised his missile launcher and shot at the ogre, who disappeared in the dust made by the explosion of the missile.

    Stage two:


    Rolly landed a hit. He again apologised to the orc and went back to the previous room to get the book labled "hitting a one eyed orc" to check the tables, to see where will the orc be cut, considering what he is wearing, and the fact that his open eye is brown and he has a short hair.

    Super sat with the villain to read the books from the library.

    Shadow blinked as the dust cleared and saw the ogre standing unharmed in a deep crater and thought "he must have a better defence rating than my attack rating" and shrugged. The ogre blasted Shadow with a bomb and shadow disapeared in dust.

    Stage three:


    Rolly went home to find the book saying what happens if you hit the second eye of a one eyed orc.

    Super and his villain sat down crying over the torn remains of the mathematic books.

    Shadow blinked as the dust cleared and thought "At least my defence rating is better then his attack rating, too" and he invited the ogre to a game of bones in the center of the crater.

    Stage four:


    Then the God Zenthor appeared in red smoke and booming voice and said: "My minions may have failed, but you can expect only a horrible death."

    At the point came a small person to the room. It was the fourth companion (representing AD&D) "Sorry guys", said Invincible. "it took me some time to pack half a ton of equipment into my belt pouch, and my horse into my backpack". Then, he drew his diamond bow, shot 4 arrows and impaled the 3 monsters and one annoying fly.

    Zenthor said "you puny people!!! I will crush and grind you and your souls will suffer eternal damnation..... MUAHAHAHAHA"

    " 'Death', is not in my dictionary" said Invincible. He smiled and charged Zenthor with a +150 sword against dramatic gods... :D

  13. Here is a short story: (That NOW I can laugh about...)

    I was playing Middle Earth Role Play (MERP, a d100 system). Just started a new character.

    As a good Game Master (GM) once said: "First think of your character. Know th character, know his background. Then fit in the numbers."

    So, I had a new character. A dual weapon wielder, a ranger. I knew where he came from. I wrote a brief history. I wrote his parents names and his grandparents names.

    This character was to meet with the other characters during a fight with bandits. So I saw the fight. I saw the bandits. I attack...

    First roll of the dice, 03 - I fumbled. (Roll on fumble table)

    I roll fumble, 100 (Worst that can be) - "You break the sword, Roll a C slash critical on yourself"

    I roll C slash critical and it turns 90!! - "The sword hits you on the head and you die instantly"

    How is that for a character's first swing? what a LOSER!!!!

    Can you imagine a fighter rushing into battle, fierce look on his face, lifting his sword and then clomping himself, breaking the sword on his head and dying? :)

    Oh, one more thing. Currently I play D&D 3.5 edition. We are 6 in the group. 3 are lawyers.... Believe me NO ONE EVER looked into the D&D rules so closely, only to come up with 4 different conclusions on every sentence in question.... :rofl:

  14. I voted for role play events.

    could have voted also for tournaments, guild events and even

    festivals, but I view them as equals to what I voted.

    Take two online PGoH, one "\wanna hunt?" and you've got a hunt.

    Promotions? if you really want one, and you are prepared for it, you will get it sooner than later.

  15. In one University there was a prize-winning contest. The studentes were required to write the shortest story possible, considering the fact it must have these 3 elements:

    1. Religion

    2. Sexuality

    3. Mystery

    The winner of the contest wrote:

    Dear GOD! I'm Pregnant! But who's the father? >:L

  16. This is great!

    I think first of all we all need to make some effort in recruiting. There is always a drift away so let's recruit!

    Also we need to be careful with the high promotions, we do want to make the right decisions!

    Advancing legionnairs to knights with the codex testing and maybe a small quest/request would be a good place to start looking for the high ranks.

    Strength and Honor!

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