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Guild Leader
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Everything posted by Syban

  1. Hello everyone, Vigilance has been reformed on the Ebon Hawk server. If you would like an invite please send a message to Ipos.
  2. Ok Vigilance has been reformed on The Ebon Hawk server. Ipos and two other random peeps are in the guild currently. For those who would like an invite shoot a message to Ipos.
  3. Sounds good to me, can't say I'll be on a huge recruiting spree but keeping the fires lit is just my speed.
  4. Going to have to go with no at this time as well Though they'll have the "up to level 15" here soon, I think they're going to try to milk as much as they can from the public while they can.
  5. Sounds good to me, I'll be on sometime after maintenence tomorrow.
  6. Alright, I should be available for the majority of Tuesday to do what ever is needed to be done. I've already started draining out the coffers on Shien, though about half way through I started thinking is all this really necessary? Most of what is left is just schematics no one would want to use in the first place anywho.
  7. Well I'll be around for a few hours roughly starting around 5 AM EST on the 18th. Would it be better if I transfered leadership at that time to someone else?
  8. Alrighty, I'll try to start the process as soon as I can. Though I'll need some other peeps to re-start the guild on the new server.
  9. Wholly Mcblurry balls of waaah? Last I knew guilds couldn't be transferred over, but I would be more than happy to get the guild over on Ebon Hawk. The issue is, is that I'm on a long work stretch right now and I won't be available for long periods until after Tuesday. Though I will be able to log in tomorrow morning and pass leadership to someone who can work on this tomorrow afternoon. Just tell me how you would like me to proceed and I'll try my best to help out. I've also put member names on my friends list in the event we wanted to reform on Ebon Hawk, just haven't seen anyone around is all. As with Shien my character names are Syban, Ipos, Magnetar my Agents name is different and I can't remember him off the top of my head.
  10. Well I'd rather not hinder those who would like to travel to greener pastures. I'm sure I'd be able and willing to run things eventually but it'd probably be long time in comming.
  11. By all means rob it beelinde. I was going to make trash characters and move stuff over but I don't know whats going to be happening in the next few months for me in game and for the guild. That being said, is there a desire or want to recreate the guild at this time or would we all rather just take our respective steps away for now?
  12. Transfered what I wanted to to Ebon Hawk as well. Good luck everyone, was a quasi-fun run while it lasted.
  13. Well I'm still here and I'd like to do more but it seems the Shien server is in the crosshairs to be transfered away into obscurity. So with that said, I'm not to sure how long I'd like to keep playing a game where missmanagement by the parent company ends up punishing the player. So, being the transfers seem to be timed wonderfully I don't think I'll be in game for long.
  14. Well I feel I'll be around for quite awhile, that being said what's the story with the Cantina Regulars is that dead and gone?
  15. Well as I see it there are many problems with SWtOR and I'll try to go through them and see if they can be fixed to make the game better. EA and no.
  16. I'm also a bit bewildered on the info given and lack there of, though I'm officially donning my rose tinted glasses and wanting to believe it's because it's the first and they need to gauge public response. I'm still giving the game the "WoW curve", so my fingers are still crossed on where this'll eventually go.
  17. Smuggler is fun, especially the scoundrel class in PvP. My best record is 42 kills and one death so far. In case you Vigilance people are wondering... yes I am singling you out in combat.
  18. Congratulations everyone.
  19. I have to say I'm not impressed nor interested in what is offered with these quests at this time. Perhaps my opinions will change, but wow... not a way to go.
  20. Well, the thing that's getting me is that this is all mechanics, that's great but start working on environment. Give us the tools to create the game we want to play, stop pandering to numbers and programs and make a game where people can Roleplay. That was the one thing I think SWG had down pat, was the options we had for Roleplaying. In my humble opinion it gave more life to that game than was originally intended.
  21. Still as a guide for those new to MMO's or wanting to tank in runs it's a good start. Also it explains nicely how the threat reductions work. As a Sniper DPS I ruv my countermeasures.
  22. Congratulations everyone.
  23. I will not be able to make it this Thursday or next Tuesday due to work. (3-8, 3-13)
  24. Yep this Thursday (3-1) I won't be able to make it due to work. Would there be a possibility to reschedule the run for another day this week?
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