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Everything posted by Jasena

  1. Jasena


    Spleen, I know someone who's account was hacked awhile back. Their characters were transferred to a different server. Fill out this form and they should look into it: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?tag=transferform Best of luck, Jasena
  2. Kier and I would like to apply for your "tough" challange on Tuesday!
  3. First pull is @ 7:30 server time. invites go out @ 7:00
  4. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...00&pageNo=1 Reading carefully between the lines, I sense further nerfs are incoming for Ret Pallies. And I quote from Ghostcrawler as of yesterday. "We are really trying hard to not overdo anything but even the last round of pretty severe nerfs didn't seem to do enough to Ret's dominance of PvP" Any further nerfs to the retribution tree will most CERTAINLY cause collateral damage to Prot and Holy as well. The Paladin class has been slammed already, and any further nerfs will pretty much render us impotent at level 80. I'll be honest, you can count me in the camp who thought Ret was a bit overpowered and could use a small tweak. I never in a million years expected an almost 50% damage reduction with further nerfs on the way. As of right now, Jasena's dps is horrid. I have two weapons at my disposal. Seal of Blood, and Holy Shock. Pretty much everything else has been nerfed. We were discussing this a bit last night before I logged off. And unfortunately was unable to finish an interesting conversation. SoB is NOT practical for soloing (due to it's life drain) I've found it to be useful in raid situations where I'm not taking damage and can judge until my heart is content. (yes, I'm thinking of you Thaladred.) *cringes hearing V say "your too close Jasena" lol. Holy pallies are already handicapped and with the nerf to JoTW and the potion sickness, and more nerfs incoming, I'm not sure how we are going to be able to handel high endurance fights. Fights that require movement already push us to the very limit. and fights with raid wide damage still suck. (Malacrass) Beacon of Light is a BAND-AID. Any thoughts from others? V, I'd love to see your thoughts on this!
  5. After talking with Holy, we thought we may try something a bit different with the expansion comiing out. Shelah's run normally does ZA on sundays. But we thought if we got our normal runners together, and added some friends along. We may have some fun in Hyjal for a change. (This will give some new people experience. And others who play alts in Maube's run a chance to play a role they do not normally play) please message me in game, or here to be added to the list (in light of me being a "noob" and completely forgetting Kieranna had already made plans for this Sunday, we will not be able to attend this week. Hopefully this goes well enough that we can join in the fun next week) As of this post I have Perthes - Hunter -BM Kazregerg - Hunter (MM) ? - possible Gordantell - Hunter (BM) Jiris - Disipline Priest Braelor- Holy Priest Lesedi- Holy Priest Shelah - Shadow Priest Lithola - Holy Priest Muato - Feral Druid Whar- Feral Druid (Courtesy of The Rouge Knights) Clanger - Warlock 2 Warlocks - (Courtesy of The Rouge Knights) Tanish - Warlock Ascoli - Prot Paladin Angerona - Prot Paladin Nathaniel - Ret Paladin Cresalia - Rogue Viernedelen -Rogue Burana - Elemental Shaman Kleenk - Resto Shaman 1 Shaman - (Courtsey of The Rouge Knights) Verissi- (is a maybe) Malystryx -(spelling?) Warrior Kargoch - Warrior (or other form as needed) Baracko- (possible alternate IF he's online and availible) Zuworty- (Possible alternate if online and availbile) Harne-possible alternate Maube was not sure if she would be able to make it if she's on, and there is a spot open, she may want to go. :o)
  6. I have to agree with V. Although i've not played all the way to 80 on the beta, I did play with the talent points and skills I do have access to. I just cannot see any bright side to the changes. I am trying really hard to see how these changes benifit raids,other classes, and well all of us. And I cannot see it. To be quite blunt, from my perspective Blizzard completely caved to the PvP crowd on these changes. Nearly ALL of the changes seem geared toward PvP, arena PvP specifically. And i'm still confused as to why they felt the need to gut blessings such as Salv. (I see many dead hunters, warlocks and a few shamen in the not so distant future.. and can hear Bar wondering why DPS sucks. :oP ) In short, most of the changes to the Holy tree instead of being inspiring or exciting have left me baffled, and outright disenfranchised. If I am far off the mark with my analysis here, feel free to speak up, :o)
  7. Bar, I know Kieranna would be VERY interested in the Shoulders of Lightning Reflexes. :o) thanks!
  8. I am probably going to move Moggaro back to my main, and Jas to be a PvP alt as ret. I'm VERY unhappy with the holy paladin changes. As nice as having a HoT is. The nerf they gave us in exchange makes us almost obsolete. The spell power changes hurt. As now Ret, or Prot can heal almost as well in the same gear. But be able to do more damage, or have more survivability respectively. And they did nothing to fix the mana regen problems that have always plagued Paladins. I put up a suggestion to make spirit a viable stat for us, to at least assist with mana regen. (It would not be that hard for them to add spirit to some items.) As I cannot see how that would make us OP. As for the whole holy shock changes, while they are ok.. in arena.. the changes are pretty much worthless and SUPER mana ineffiencent in PvE making a key change worthless to raiders. Not to mention, raiders are really unable to benifit from things like Lights Grace which decreases the cast time for Holy Light. (which again in a raid setting is super mana innefficent) Another problem is the changes in blessings, the whole "hand of... yada yada" ugh. Talk about confusing. I like being able to put my 30 or 10 min blessing on.. and start heading in to kill things. The removal of Blessing of Salv, is going to hurt. especially high tier warlocks and hunters. If I do decide to stay Holy, I'll probably team with a good MS or prot warrior, and just mess around in arena. (since that seems to be where Holy Pallies are now destined to be. as the matches are short enough mana conservation does'nt matter) I'm excited with the hunter changes. The core hounds and devilsaurs are just dps machines. The core hound is also going to be wicked in pvp. with that debuff that decreases casting time by 50% for 10 seconds. :o) Warlocks will now once again be breakfast food for Mogg! heheheheh
  9. Update: I'm going to go with Saturday the 14th. As it seems most of the week is full of other raids. This is the best shot we have. So plan on Saturday 7/14/07 Invites will go out at 6:00 pm server time. Raid will begin promptly at 6:45
  10. The date is tenitive and subject to change. :O)
  11. I'm putting together a force to slay the demon in the bowels of the Hellfire Citadel. I'm working with Aletia, for a good date for us to make our first attempt. As of now, it is looking like it's going to be Monday July 9th. (So as not to interfer with the Fourth of July Holiday and people's plans) As for gear, this is an almost strictly DPS encounter. In other words, dump as much as humanly possible on the target to burn it as quickly as possible. There is a great synopsis of the encounter on Bossfight.com This is a fairly short encounter. (Most people liken it to Ony) So it's not going to be a huge timesink. The class make up will be as follows: Warriors 5 Warlocks 5 Shamen 2 (No resto) Paladin 3 (All healers) Priest 2 (one shadow/one holy) Rogue 3 (at least two rogues MUST NOT be Sublety) Druid 2 (at least one Druid MUST BE Resto) Mage 2 (still working on what spec mages should be) Hunter 1 (Beast or Marksmen spec) I will be having a damage and healing meter running for this raid, this is only so I know where the raid stands, and where we can improve. I will NOT boot anyone from the raid for not hitting certain benchmarks. Sorry for having to push it back so much. I was really hoping to get this started as early as next week. But with graduations, and the 4th of July holiday.. I really did not think we could get 25 crushers geared and in the same place and in a raid mindset that quickly. So get ready. And let's "Git 'er done!!!"
  12. I am keyed. Not quite sure if I'll be able to make it this sunday. But starting next sunday absolutely! :o)
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