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Lord Logan

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Everything posted by Lord Logan

  1. Oh, if you wanna play really bad, ive seen copies of AOS (Age oF Shadows) for 5.99 at walmart
  2. Most updated copy as of now...Age Of Shadow's...but if you want the extra items wait till 21 Jun 04. Not nessacary to buy a copy for each comp, but you'll have to set up two accounts.(unless you plan on playing on the same account which means you wont be able to play at same time) Now if you want the extra items for each account with new expansion, I believe you will have to buy two disks (atleast thats how it was for AOS) One other little tidbit...One house per account. Hope this helps. Strength and HONOR! Logan
  3. oww that thing cost me 575 gold.....
  4. The Holy Sword, Looks interesting.
  5. *Updated 6/8/04* Sixth reward published
  6. Indeed welcome, now we must get you all fitted for the last apron you will ever wear! Strength and HONOR! Logan
  7. Very well said Pater. Nadjia if you decide to give UO a shot, contact me via icq. The Guardians will help you anyway we can, as the primary basis within our order is "The needs of the many". Strength and HONOR! Logan
  8. Welcome brothers to the family, may you time here be fruitful and your name remembered throughout history as a guardian.
  9. The healer nodded pass the Praetorian which guarded the door. He had in his hand the last possible chance to prolong the Emperor's condition. It was recievd from Alasse Re'uth who had ventured forth deep into the wild for rare roots of healing. He slowly opened the heavy door and stepped in. His eyes widen from what he saw. Swiftly he administered the potion, and moved back out the door. Looking at the Praetorians, his head fell low. "Under no circumstances will you open this door." ...................
  10. The grizzled olde warrior came to his feet, as the blood trickled from his head. He reahed back touching it, bringing his hand back in front of his face giving a smile. I guess i taught him well, he thought to himself. Maybe to well. Bishop walked out of the chambers, into the great hall. Many guardians had gathered to study the codex of standard. A voice came from the crowd. "Bishop, what has happened to ye brother," the voice carried. "Is it time?" Bishop turned to see the Praetorian Malkavian standing behind him. A simple nod was given. The members put thier copies of the codex in thier packs, unsheathed thier weapons and headed for the doors of the Capitol.........
  11. Chloe, Hudson, Legolas, Cyric, Val, and Kaatya..all passed thier tests tonight...Was a very hard test, all of them did a wonderful job. I'd like to thank Pater for assisting tonight. Legionairre Legolas, look into your promotion responsibilities complete what is needed and soon you will achieve squire. Strength and HONOR! Logan
  12. View the complete chat log HERE
  13. *Application received, decision pending*
  14. Lord Logan

    The Joust

    Thats killer bud
  15. I'd say 730-800pm...would be the most ideal time...which of these works best for you two?
  16. Today the man responsible for bringing conservatives into the main stream has died, Former president Ronald Reagan. I believe (you dont have to)....he will be remember as one of our greatest ever. Ronnie
  17. I'd like to thank Lady Breyn for the invite last night. Was alot of fun, unfortuneatly we couldnt make anything happen. We did the puzzles but nada.... Cant wait till next joint venture between our Orders! Strength and HONOR! Logan
  18. Trade my heart of the home fire for it Liz
  19. Travelor sat down and had a chat with our EM, view it here....EM Stone Interview
  20. Senator of Espionage seat has been filled. Cyric, has been asked and accepted to take on the responsibilities of that house. His in game efforts and dedication speak great volumns for him. Support him as I do. Strength and HONOR! Logan
  21. Prolly bout usual, some outrageous amount. Then slowly drift downward
  22. *In* A^E hunt is tonight, thats what your talking about correct?
  23. Lord Logan


    The gnome mafia now thats good stuff
  24. Lord Logan


    Several of us are playing W3 on battle.net, have some pretty big battle at times. But like Earwen said just best to jump in, we are all family here. Noones gonna bite....errr well, watch out for the gnomes.
  25. I will be recieving this one, *knows his luck*...Selling/trading Hearth of the Home Fire!
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