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Lord Logan

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Everything posted by Lord Logan

  1. UOHoC Chat Log Posted Feb 13 2004 2:33PM CST (GMT -06:00) The log to this month's (Thursday, February 12) UO House of Commons chat has been posted. The topic of the chat was: General Discussion. Lord-Xanthor - *Du_Hast_Cooper* Are there any plans to improve the party and/or guild systems? Fertbert - We have some high priority fixes tentatively scheduled for pub 24... we intend to make guild maintenance easier by improving the guildstone interface a bit.... Fertbert - We're hoping to address the problems with removing/promoting members of large guilds, and also make it easier to manage large guild alliance lists. You can read the complete log of the chat by clicking here! You can find more information about these chats at: http://uohoc.stratics.com/
  2. hehe...im going there on business, there is a Weyerhauser mill there and our mill was named thier safety mentor and with me being the vice chairman of the safety comm I prolly will be accompanying the group headed there in June
  3. Not sure, was told it got its name because it so cold there...your ears fall off.
  4. Most likely cant go that far, but I may be making a trip to Ear Falls somewhere in June. How close is that to you wolf?
  5. His heart pounded, the sounds of the crowd drowned themselves out in his thoughts. Bishop reached up, pulling down the face shield of his helmet. "Knights prepare yourselves" cried the herald. Lunging up the awkward lance taking a second to bang it against his shield, Bishop looked across the arena finding his target. Wolf, a knight he had stood beside in the heat of battle many times, his eyes were focus directly back at him. A nod the two gave to one another. The flags which lined the arena dropped, the two dug deep into thier mounts with their heels as they sped towards the center. A sickening thud rang out as the two smashed squarely into the others shields. The crowd stood and cheered as the knights struck the ground. "Double dismount" announced the herald to the crowd. "The score is 2 to 2". The knights of HONOR stood, remounted and returned to thier respective ends. Again a simple nod by both was given. "Knights prepare yourselves" rang from the herald again. The flags lowered, the two charged hard towards each other. *Smash* Bishop could nay dodge the attack from Wolf and before his lance could reach the Ancient he found himself flat on his back again. "Dismount Wolf" The herald announced to the crowd as he lit the scoring lamps, "4 to 2 be the score." Bishop regained his seat upon his mount as the two Elder warriors made their way to thier sides for what could be the last run. Bishop knew Wolf only required a single hit to win the match now. Yet he stayed confident, as his skill had rarely failed him before. Once again the herald sung the words, "knights prepare yourselves". Violently the two headed towards one another as the flags of the arena fell. Wolf's lance found itself squarely on the helmet of Bishop as he flew from his horse once again. This fall would take the warior over the barricades as he landed in the flower garden along the seats. His helmet badly dented, Wolf came to his aid. Removing the helmet and applying bandages to the face of his fallen brother. Bishop sat up and spat several of his front teeth from his bleeding mouth. "Nice shot brother", Bishop stated to Wolf as he stood. Staggering to his feet he turned to the crowd and raised the hand of the victorious one. The brothers of HONOR embraced, "Well done Wolf", Bishop struggled to get off his lips as the area swelled rather quickly. "Give 'em hell the rest of the way", he then grabbed his mount and walked away head high knowing that Wolf would represent the Legion well.
  6. It had been the better part of 4 moons, overly apparent to the Guardians, Logan was not the same. He would spend another day staring blankly out the window of his chambers. His hair had now grown long on both his face and head, eyes that once gleamed brightly were barely visible as his skin drooped around them. He heard the whispers in Olympus, was it the Drow who had this affect on him, was it the death of Steel, or was it meerly an olde man whom was close to his death. It was early still, and as he had done each day just before dawn, Logan walked out of the capitol and down to the waters edge. He would stand there until the sun had completely lit the sky looking towards the horizon. When asked of his actions he would only reply..."The Morning Light".
  7. Good luck Charlie, this game is quite small compared to our worldly matters. Take care of your family business. Best wishes Logan
  8. Lord Logan

    R/L Meeting

    I have scheduled the days off...so i will have that fri sat and sun
  9. darn....*turns down the music*
  10. Uncooked Birds have been procured...Centurion Nenia, well done!
  11. Happy bithday Hadrian! See we still like you even though your an Eagles fan.
  12. Grapes have been procured...legionairre Nick, well done!
  13. Lord Logan


    Simple fantastic job on the website so far. Great job balandar and wolf. *applaudes loudly*
  14. Brother welcome back! Of course your bunk is still at HQ if you need it. The squires have done a decent job keeping the barracks clean in your absence. *winks*
  15. Balandar...that would be approx. 30 members that are active.
  16. Thats good news Chris, I hope everything gets straightened out.
  17. *tires to sing the happy birthday song*...You look like a mon...Opps....... happy birthday you two!
  18. Sponsor: Shadowclan Orcs Location: Yew Orc Fort Start Date: Jan 24 2004 1:05pm EST End Date: Jan 30 2004 8:05pm EST Recurrance: Daily (M-F) The Shadowclan Orc guild of Catskills shard is interested in putting together a long term plot. It requires many pieces, and this is the first. While we greatly appreciate current Shadowclan members creating new characters for the plot, we are more appreciative of new players creating the enslaved orcs to interact with already established characters. If you are someone who regularly plays on another shard, you are absolutely encouraged to try out Catskills through this plot. You do not need to have any resource for armor, weapons, or entertainment, as Shadowclan will provide all that your character needs. Come share in a diverse shard of role playing. To create an orc for this plot, remember to play your character as an escaped and formerly enslaved orc that has recently arrived at the Shadowclan Orc Fort. Look for other characters who are created for this piece of the plot and interact with them as though you know them. We need someone to take the initiative and play the orc who led the escape. Create your character following the directions on this web site: http://www.shadowclan.org/catskills/gruntee.htm . It is recommended that you mention the enslaved orc background somewhere in your character's profile. Take your newly created character to the Shadowclan Orc Fort in Yew Trammel, pass the simple test and role play out your travels and background, and then enjoy! We will have a meeting Friday, January 30th at 8pm EST/5pm PST at the Shadowclan Orc Fort to lead the first attempt at revenge. The next steps you will be informed of as we progress
  19. Source: UO.com Tell us what you want in the next UO! Jan 21 2004 11:29AM CST (GMT -06:00) Are you a current or former Ultima Online subscriber? Do you live in the San Francisco area? Do you want to tell the Origin team what they should do with the next Ultima Online project? Now’s your chance! Origin, through a contracted research firm, will be conducting focus groups on Feb. 4 and 5 in Sunnyvale, CA (near San Francisco and San Jose). There will be six groups, with 10 to 12 people in each. The groups, about 90 minutes each, will discuss what they like and don’t like about UO. They will also be asked to comment on new ideas. Participants will be paid $100, and they will have to sign a legally binding non-disclosure agreement. That means they won’t be allowed to discuss anything they see or hear during the group sessions under penalty of law. If you are interested in participating, call Nichols Research at 1-408-773-8200, ext. 2020, or email erecruiting@nicholsresearch.com. Mention “Project #C3032” when you contact them. It’s important that we get current AND former players, so if you’ve stopped playing UO, please contact us anyway. See you in Sunnyvale!
  20. Oh my....did you have to take it when Wolf was nakee? Hehehe
  21. Well done each of you, Welcome to SQUIRE...be prepared to shine alot of armour!
  22. Lord Logan


    * Is a Buc fan* *winks at Stan*....But i'd have to say those Eagles will be hard pressed to beat the Panthers. *lives in N. Carolina*...I'll be rooting for the hometown boys! RAR!
  23. *smiles*...The Gargoyle Centurion Galam, The Ancient Wolf, And the Anceint sage Strider...Good company indeed. I was glad to see them all, and hope for many more in the near future and down the road ahead.
  24. Wow...wish i had a job like that...dont know how you handle the pressures
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