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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    IT'S A GIRL!

    Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 5:53pm cst my wife gave birth to a beautiful 6 pounds 6 ounces baby girl with bright blue eyes and a full head of light brown hair. We named her Lilly Alannah Reynolds. I'll makes sure to post pictures as soon as I can get some developed.
  2. you know... if you were a vampire you would heal up faster....
  3. That's the whole point of it balandar
  4. Also, if they go to the police before the police track them down they supposedly can't be charged with fleeing the scene (though that one sounds fishy) Im ok because I was still in bed at the time. The car was parked at the curb and they took a big chunk out of the front driver's side corner.
  5. If some drunk son of a balron hits your car, gets out of their car, and tries to run, take them down and detain them til the police arrive! I was informed by the police this morning that often drunk drivers will flee the scene and hide out until they sober up because if they're not drunk when the police get ahold of them they can't get a DWI. Of course, the fact that they leave their car behind (and in my case their cellular phone too ) further demonstrates the lack of forethought
  6. *sends Dr. Codene a map to the hospital* get well soon
  7. I heard today that tokuno artifacts and minor artifacts will be out the same as they are now through one additional publish. I'm not sure of the original source of this statement, but if it's valid we've got an extra month or so to harvest what we want
  8. I kinda doubt that it'd be the same hues as the artifacts (probably simpler colors or just the minor artifact kind), but looks like mismatched armor will soon be a thing of the past. <Brekkee> *Vaen* It was mentioned that the dyes for armor may be put into a champ spawn system on Tokuno so that the basic idea never leaves and we don't have to deal with mismatched armor again. Any more information on this? <MrTact> Yes. <MrTact> (How much to reveal, how much to reveal . . . ) <Leurocian> Go ahead spill the beans! <MrTact> OK well the current thinking is we would make minor artis, as well as the pigments, drop as part of the Serrado champ spawn.
  9. come to the next one and you'll see more than a picture could show
  10. If anyone's planning on trying The Matrix Online, Brightblade and I have characters on the Enumerator server. This is classified as a "hostile" server, so you're much more likely to have to pvp here. I highly recommend siding with Zion, because if you side with the enemy I will be sure to lead the Furious Angels in a hunt to locate and delete you
  11. (shout) People of the City, attend to my words! Some of you have come here invited. Others stand here now only because of random chance, passing by on an errand, or making their way to work. They shall likely never realize their fortune, or the bounty of truth which is placed into their lap today. But rest assured I can make them understand. I can open their eyes. A very smart man once said that reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. But what if that persistence is also an illusion? Man has always sacrificed truth to his vanity, comfort and advantage. He lives by make-believe. Are we so desirous of these that we would purchase them at the cost of our freedom? Of our reality? Of our very humanity? Some of you know the question. You have asked and answered it. Some of you have dreamed the question, but dare not speak it. Others of you… You have the question within you, in a part of yourself that suspects the truth. Though you may slumber through this lecture and indeed through your lives, it is still within you, in a part of you that cannot help but desire to know the answer. They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. Or rather, they who realize they are dreaming by day… An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted. Are we standing at the edge of understanding, at a time when our illusions are exhausted and all that is left to us is reality? Is reality what we want? Cold, harsh, unyielding to what we might like of dislike? It has always been a choice. A choice left to each individual. But that can change. Illusions, no matter how precious, can be shattered. I have always been gentle. I have always used a velvet glove. But trust me when I tell you that I have a hammer now, and I am not afraid to use it to shatter those awakened. Those who have been deceived can be enlightened. (shout) If what was taken from us is not returned, all this and more shall come to pass. This I promise you, in Neo’s memory screenshot1 screenshot2
  12. I don't believe the devs would be open to imposing a system that would permanently remove a space from being able to contain player housing. Removing the house could work and then you have to rebuild. An alternative would be that spawns could be placed in AND around the house to make it an occupied area and pretty-much uninhabitable. Each spawn could keep track of the number of enemies killed from that particular spawn either within a given time period (like champ spawns) or total. When a particular spawn is defeated that one would be deactivated and removed. Once all the spawnpoints in and around the house were defeated the house would be safe again.
  13. I jacked into the Matrix Online beta test this evening and was greeted with a bullet. Today pvp was enabled against seemingly random people (someone told me it went by what side of the war you're on, but some allies were red to me too). I promptly hyperjumped out of the chaos and headed toward Club Succubus in search of relative safety. As I entered the area I was afflicted with a Fire Virus, a deadly and previously unheard of program recently created by the machines. Nearing the club I heard the shouts of countless agents attempting to exterminate all humans in sight. Looking up I saw a giant eye high above the clouds and knew something was VERY wrong. I contacted some former allies from back when I worked for the machines and was informed that the matrix was being purged of all human life. Many freed minds were in mission teams with well-known personalities such as Niobe, Ghost, and others trying desperately to save all they could before the end came. I stood on a rooftop with my old friend HitokiriKnight, who by affiliation should be counted as my enemy now, watching the carnage below for several minutes. The next sound I heard was that of my neck snapping as an assassin grabbed me by the head and flipped me off the roof to the hard ground below.
  14. I've been having a lot of fun on this one, though I'm currently taking a break from it til release. Current best faction in the game: Furious Angels (zionist) It'd be great if either some more T.H.E. members joined up or started an allied faction
  15. If anyone here decides to try out MxO, look for a character named Balance1 (or possibly Balance after the game goes live if they fix the bug with my name reservation)
  16. Chris


    green meanie the original
  17. link to the only authorized fan-made video from inside the game GOOD game! Fifty thumbs up! Hint: If anyone here decides to play a Zionist or Exile, please save me the trouble of tracking you down and just place your head in front of my guard's shotgun. The machines are humanity's best hope and all who stand in our way will die
  18. Chris


    Soke, I've got the perfect game for you. You can even get into the beta test and try it out just by preordering: link to the only authorized fan-made video from inside the game. I can't say much due to the annoying NDA that means nothing since absolutely anyone can get into beta, but
  19. Your EVIL Test Results (Score: 180 out of 200) 90% Extremely EVIL! You are the epitome of evil. Not only do people and animals steer clear of you when they have a choice, but your gaze can terrify even the most steadfast of creatures, and can even wilt plants! Everyone who comes into contact with you is afraid of you, and when you speak people are mysteriously entranced by your words, sometimes even absorbing some of the evil energies that you project like a bright aura. Everywhere you go, people begin to treat each other in a petty and cruel manner. We admire your ability, and are quite proud to call you evil. You are making fantastic strides in our cause. To call you a demon seems almost an understatement. You suck the life out of everything, ruining the joy that people take in even the simplist of every-day activities. You yourself are incapable of feeling bad about anything evil, nor do you feel good about what you do since 'good' is as alien to you as not breathing. Being evil is a way of life for you, and you know no other existence. Revel in your evil nature, and go forth and continue your rampage of destruction, cruelty, corruption, and so on. Our thanks to you, you give us something to strive for ourselves!
  20. I was supposed to spend the day yesterday picking out wedding music and decorating the church, but instead I spent it in the emergency room with food poisoning. They pumped me full of fluids and drugs and now I'm feeling MUCH better and can finally keep some water in me, though I'm not allowed to have any solid food beyond maybe a cracker or plain oatmeal or something. Anyway, at 2pm cst today I'm getting married.
  21. The roster only shows the number of characters. If there were 60 characters and everyone had all of their characters in the guild then there'd be 10-12 members. Sixteen sounds like a safe estimate since most people these days dont put all their characters in the same guild. Also, the list on there is definitely out of date. It still lists my characters and I've been out for I think around a month now.
  22. Over the past several years this guild has taught me many lessons that will forever impact my life in Britannia as well as in the "real" world. You guys helped me to finally begin to understand the true meaning of honor, and have pretty much gotten me to FINALLY start growing up (I was around 8 years behind on that when I joined ). Major changes in real life have made it next to impossible for me to take part in anything relating to the guild anymore and I don't forsee that changing. It's been my great privilege to be a part of this family, but now I need to step onto another path. I'll still be in game when I'm able and can ALWAYS be called on by any member of the empire for help and I'll do everything in my power. Strength and HONOR in all things. *folds his apron and places it in a sturdy chest*
  23. Chris


    high population can, in some games, make it easier to find a group, but in this case it justmakes it hard to move
  24. you get money from posts and from your troops. More troops make more money and gnomes and undead and I think one or two others get a bonus to income. To get more troops you have to go to the training menu and pay to increase unit production speed to at least 1. To steal money you have to get an item off the store (not active last I checked), but you have a chance of losing double what you try to steal.
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