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Everything posted by Brainah

  1. Brainah


    ahhh who the hell let vrugz into my thread?! die die die die die <splashs him with cologne and soap, kicks him off a bridge into a vat of soapy water to watch him disintigrate> ahhh I feel better, no more tiki whatever crap thing he says. I am not indulging in man lovin thank ya verah much! I shall not say I have not been enjoying the summer view though, could do with more computer and less sun tanning but not yet. when I start to feel like leather I shall come back and HAUNT YOUR DREAMS!!!!!!11!!111!11!!!ELEVEN!
  2. Brainah


    *pounces on people and attack savagely, smacking up harne and rhoach repeatedly with his claws* nyhahaha hey yall, its brainah, having fun on the orchid isle. hope your all having fun this summer! working as a computer tech and running on the beach in surf shorts! hopefully I'll post some pics of hawaii or what not closer to the end of summer. miss those I bug on a regular basis!
  3. meh sundays are bad for me, I can make wensdays meetings as long as I dont got extra work thrown at me before it since I dont gotta be up early so yeah. I wont make the sunday meetins
  4. hey everybody! I'm sorry I didnt get on till late, I'll try to run the bits that are needed tomorrow after noon closer to 6 or 7 game time. its a chain started in shadowmoon and a long one so I'll try to get people in group as quick as possible, I recommend doing the soloable parts up untill oronok himself. its a quest where you investiage the ruins where guldan is and from there you have to kill 4 type of elementals and collect their spirits, after that the quest chain gets kinda long and slow but its reward are well worth it!
  5. heya all this is Brainah and I have a huge favor to ask for within the guild. tomorrow I intend to do a long long chain quest in shadowmoon and require the help of the current 70s and higher 60's to complete it. in shadowmoon I want to do the chain that goes from the area by guldan's shade and leads along oronoks sons. we will have to kill alot of things including a 71 dragon, his rider and a level 72 elite molten giant thing that casts fire strike and mauls people horribly! I tried to get in a group today but I was to late, so tomorrow at about 5pm EST/2pm PST I'm going to start a group and run through this chain all who want to join in are welcome to join me! Dunnar reply on here, I'll be in game tomorrow promise and then we can rock the house! <bonks sal hard> means you tree hugga! thanks in advance for all those willing to help
  6. remind me to blind vrugz with his pee tub rag before the choice so he chooses the other one but nah really, your favorite evil annoying hyperactive shammy shall be back on the job on the 15th! nyahahaha! I have a hammer with harne's name on it cause he still thinks I used to lose to him in the 40s when dueling. <snorts> I dont really like the idea as I think I will likely lose track of those friends I have on the alliance side as well as those I have on the horde side.
  7. otay so we gots martok, galantarc, vendes, oriah <possibly> visskar, chocoa. well thats not as many as I'd hope but we'll try tonight and I'll mention it in guild chat for those that want ta go and anyone amahli knows. if she is on, welp. heres to hoping I'll see ya all there.
  8. hey all, thanks for heads up on who was interested. I will try to get one going this saturday, thanks for info on raidninja maube but since this is a test run we wont need. its mostly experience and information run, this saturday. I'll start it around 5PM PST so 8PM EST unless people have more info about a time. all who answered are welcome to join, since its the first time invites are open to any who want and from there we can invite friends. this is a first time run not a regular schedule raid yet just to see who is interested and how much experience in the run we have. Meeting time:7PM-8PM EST gathering, slightly lenient on this but please be on time Place: we're meeting in Grom'gol for a head count bring what you need, TS rules are relaxed, please joke during the raid its far more fun that way except when we're doing boss run downs. other than boss fights I'm not going to get on your ass about talking in TS. See ya all there
  9. Well I'm getting from alot of people that saturday is really crusher dead day since now one really does much, so I was thinking that I would like to start or co start a raid on saturdays to AQ20. Criks raid is apparently filling up and we have people who dont attend but who would like to attend AQ20 raids, so I propose we start a second raid of interested individuals and open it to argent covenant members on saturdays as a crusher lead raid. I know atleast that myself, marner, haq among other have expressed interest. if you are interested and we can get some tanks and healers interested in it to start a second raid. certainly in crushers alone we have enough alts that we could potentially field a second AQ20/ZG raid, so if you've interest post here or contact me so I can get a list and we can see where we want to go from there. in general this will be a relaxed raid, we're probably not going to use raid ninja unless I get 30 something people saying yeah I wanna go Ah and since I tend to be awol, editing in here My contacts are: vaotrem@hotmail.com, also my MSN add if you want to use messenger, just vaotrem on yahoo. drop me lines there if you want to avoid having to wait for me to log in to say so as well..... BUT post here first! I'll check it sunday and monday, after that you'll have to send me IM's or emails
  10. Brainah

    hey all

    I found this site a while back with really good BWL <if we start experimenting> write up. look it over I thought it was very informative. http://leftoversraiding.org/eve/forums/a/frm/f/77010864
  11. Brainah


    jeebus h christ, dual wielding in the enhancement tree.... bloodlust... I'm just amazed, I better get my enhancement gear in line! come on all you shamans, lets rejoice at being able to rogue it out nyahaha, I will be enhance once more, cause I just love being an oddball
  12. I saw rhoach and morals in the same post, I damn near had a heart attack anywho I'm going to push the desktop issue, so I might be back soon, cossing my fingers, I'm having WoW withdrawls and visiting thotbott wayyyyyy to much.
  13. Brainah


    pfffft, gordantell spreading rumors about me again?!
  14. Brainah


    dun wanna! I looked at what I could without being able to play the game and I still dont like what I see, they've killed tri-spec which is what I enjoyed in the talent tree. everything I looked at required me to start dropping healing talents and while I dont heal in raids doesnt mean I like losing the ability to at all. meh, I'll see when I get back, there is always hope in 1.12 but I feel like I picked the warden of WoW.
  15. Brainah


    finally got around to reading the reviews, posts and general weal of what happened to shamans in 1.11 and I'm really hating blizzard for tinkering with my toys. I better reroll to something else, I dont want to retalent to have to be 31 in enhancement to do what I used to as a 16/20/15. any suggestions for my return class? its pretty sad when I think about creating and gearing a whole new character for a patch. stupid review, I liked my class better pre patch.
  16. Brainah


    mmm rhoach is back eh?! good, I needed to practice punching things, rhoach is good to be bonking, not QUITE as much fun as harne but still!
  17. gah, its rhoach! step on him! STEP ON HIM!! where's harne, tell his honey to let him go so he can bear form and stomp him! ahhh almost forgot <hits uglutz with a bucket full of soapy water and pushs him back with a mop into the lake> in you go! <watchs fish float to the surface and pinchs his nose> sheesh, do you only bath when I put hoof to arse?!
  18. hey yoooooo, its your favorite rascal shammy back on the case! whats up everyone, sorry I havent been around but I am back home and no PC in sight to play however I am in hawaii so the big sandy beaches and hot sun is baking my brain out to the point I dont think I'd be much use anyway. I might be able to toss a computer together in the near future depending on how long I really want to wait for parts, ah well. miss all you crazy people and I'm sure we'll see each other again soon if not in the fall, so DONT BOOT MY ASS! Take care all of ya, Brainah- dont make me beat you with my stick
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