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Everything posted by Alhazad

  1. Don't worry, Mog. Stick to the outskirts like me and you'll be fine. It's safer out here.
  2. I'll go, because I'm l33t... or something. +80 Alhazad Power when fighting Undead
  3. Yeah, Domo doesn't drop class pieces, just interesting thingies. Ragnaros drops the Tier 2 class leggings.
  4. 42 stitches He's fine, but I can't say the same for his good looks. I lost a shirt and slacks to the incident, my garage looks like a crime scene, and I'm out 20 or so DKP. Knowing what it feels like to be a piece of gauze? Priceless. See? Mags down and all the way to Garr.. I'm about as necessary as a.. a.. Happy Fun Rock.
  5. My -1 DKP is killing me. The day I see 8/8 Might is the day Tanaris freezes over. But anyway... it's good to talk about this stuff, I agree. I was in a raid last night and they were actually discussing DKP prices during the raid, after a boss fight. It wasn't the best time to adjust prices on items and it slowed the raid down a little, and some people mentioned that. There were repeated cries of "take it to the forums!" which were for a while ignored
  6. I think that's how the DKP sharing works right now, Qiris. Seems like a catch 22 with zero sum, because points have to be spent if items are going to someone (even if nobody else wants it). I think points are even spent if something is DE'd, it just is spent by a DE mule. Or, I could be waaay wrong
  7. I was just putting it out there as a policy that some raids use when taking on new members, whether they are guilded or not. I'm sure there are lots of ways of dealing with it, or it doesn't have to be dealt with at all... either way it goes, someone is going to be miffed.
  8. Only big thing about Golemagg is the debuffs. Every time you melee hit him, there's a chance you'll get the debuff. The tank can go the entire fight with no more than, say, 8 debuffs (if DPS is HEAVY) and steady healing and we'll win, or he can be unlucky and stack debuffs past 10, 15 and healing becomes impossible. The debuffs are fire damage (I believe, they're a fiery attack), so FR should mitigate some of that damage. But if the debuffs stack too high, the MT may need to stop attacking. At this time, you can either stop DPS cold until his debuffs expire, or pause DPS and have an offtank pick up aggro. Last week I think it was just a shortage of healing on the MT and dog tanks.
  9. Passing is good, if encouraged but not demanded. I'm of the opinion that if you have comparable gear to what drops and someone else is lacking, it'd be pretty keen to pass to them. Or, if they're near finishing their set, also pass and help them complete Tier1. Especially for long-time raiders. Hopefully this would be reciprocal, but you give to give not to get Just my take on it. As for first-timers getting a shot at gear.. this too has puzzled me. You'll have people that have been raiding for weeks if not months, but they happen to be a little in the hole. Something drops, and it is immediately more accessible to a new person than those already long-in-the-tooth. This can and does lead to a lot of snatch-and-grab raiders, folks who get an item and never come back. I believe some guilds, with or without zero sum, forbid you from getting items on your first run. If you come to the next run, you start earning DKP and have a shot at stuff that drops. I guess that's one way it is handled, possibly not the best, but it's out there.
  10. One can hope that Blizz will add a little love for Prot warriors in.. say.. 1.12.
  11. Alhazad


  12. That second attempt didn't even start well! lol.. we lost two warriors off the bat when moving in, and then the LD thing. Crappy as that was I wish I could have seen it, me ping-ponging North to South and Ony trying to keep up.. haha.
  13. Well me hearties, let's see.. we had a warder visit us during Phase 2, a lot of deep breaths on that phase, and then some unusual warder spawns thereafter. Then my connection decides to take a siesta for a few on our next attempt. Next week...
  14. Alhazad


    <Insert Final Fantasy victory music here>
  15. Slump, yeah. I've been getting handed some raw deals lately. They're stacking up and I'm none too pleased about it. But anyway. There's always Onyxia to ease my worried mind.
  16. Huato, don't go Alliance! Save them for me. Mmm, Draenei girls.
  17. It's MC time! Let's hope for another great run tonight, and maybe a push all the way to Shazzrah! ... that's about all the pep-talk I can muster.
  18. I'm short .. one hand, I think. Sulfuron must die. Sulfuron must also drop Might shoulders...........
  19. "No I'm not-... damnit!" Done that a few times. Alt-tabbed out and had WoW running in the background. "Are you playing WoW?" "No." "Then why is it running in your taskbar?" "... oh, yeah, well, I was in flight."
  20. *buffs with Battle Shout* I'm helping..! :/ If folks need buff .. things .. uh .. Reagents! Yeah, that's it. If folks need them, I can bring a few emergency ones each night. A handful of ankhs and thingers. Candles. .. brain isn't working well today.
  21. And I'm coming for you again, Qiris! "Alhazad is the bomb!" Yes, yes, we all know this......
  22. Hi guys. Sorry the Ony run didn't go better. Phase 1 and 2 seem down pat, it's 3 that we need to tackle now. My observations from Phase 3 Taunt and similar abilities do nothing; the only way to get aggro is to establish it the old fashioned way, either by damage or abilities that produce threat (sunder, revenge, etc.) When preparing her fear, the ground will shake for 2-3 seconds. When her fear is active, she tends to switch targets whoever is NOT feared... IF her main target is feared. If her main target is not feared (he resisted it, broke it, etc), she remains on him. When her fear expires AND if she switched targets to someone who was not feared, she appears to then snap back to whomever was on top of her aggro list (hopefully a tank). To break the initial Phase 3 Starter Fear, I use a trinket that gives me 30 seconds of fear immunity. This is usually long enough to also be immune to her second fear in Phase 3. To break the other fears in Phase 3, I can only use Berzerker Rage, which requires a switch to Berzerker Stance, a pop of the Zerker Rage, and then a quick switch back to Def stance. This isn't difficult, but the timing is. She's batting me around all over the place, so I cannot always see the ground start to shake before her fear goes off. ALSO: Her fear intervals are not predictable. Zerker rage lasts 10 seconds, and then has a cooldown of 30 seconds. This is enough to be immune to one fear or break one fear, but Onyxia can easily follow up with another fear 5, 10, or 15 seconds later before the ability is ready again. Tremor totems... I couldn't tell if they were helping. They did seem to bring me out of the fear early on occasion. I think we have our Phase 1, 2, and transition from 2 to 3 down... the tank/tanks can get aggro. It's then a matter of reducing the times the tank is affected by fear, or breaking fear. :/ Maybe I should stick to the Core.
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