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Everything posted by Narsica

  1. Yeah I think that's more of a "over time" kinda thing thanks to the crit ignite hits adding more dot damage. Hence why I think frost is the better- it's way more defensive, you'll live longer, and with shatter- you don't have to waste gear slots with getting +crit gear; rather, just go for +damage(whereas fire mages seem to have to balance for both +crit and +damage).
  2. Even though I am a priest, I do have a 60 mage alliance side(I continuously was top damage on raids in MC with him too =D) 33 Frost/18 Arcane Talent Basically with shatter I have a 50% chance crit rate on frozen targets, combined with the frostbite talent, I crit often. My mage had the following gear: Tarun's Gear. Notice though that this was for an MC raid where he needed the fire resist gear- normally his wand is +19 frost, his other trinket is Burst of knowledge(not the faire card), and his gloves are the Sandworm gloves from the Silithus questline. Basically he does ~850ish frostbolts, with ~1000ish with his Talisman activated and he gets up to 2250 on crits. Very good solo spec, and helps with easily taking out one mob at a time rather quickly(He solo's elites very easily, and because his frostbolts only cost 221 mana, he rarely if ever goes out).
  3. Very nice job everyone yesterday =) Because I wasn't there for the clear, I'm not sure entirely how it went, but it sounds like you did great. As far as Luci is concerned, we just need to iron out a few things about the encounter and you guys will take him down easily. Anywhere that we can put suggestions about the raid?
  4. I've done this quest with a few warlocks alliance side, and it was fun but at the same time a pain! You've gotta basically do the entire west instance in Dire Maul and it can take quite a bit of time. For a clear walkthrough, try this link http://www.warcraftcentral.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10197 As you can see, the materials list is a rather hefty one, but that's what you get for a "free" epic mount! =p I'll be glad to help if you ever need a priest.
  5. No problem! And yeah, like you said, it will take just going through the encounters firsthand to actually see how they run. Of course I'd still like if everyone had a little idea, and someone else(whomever's leading) to give an overview before the boss.
  6. Yeah I haven't been in Molten Core since the combat changes in 1.9, so I'm not entirely sure how rezzing someone would work if you're already on an encounter(if they just come back in combat or not). Also, like I said I'm not used to having priests, druids, AND shamans; rather, priests, druids, and paladins, so the whole plan will have to be adjusted accordingly.
  7. Yeah that's how we originally did it, though the idea of having one main group again and an extra healer or two move him to the back of the cave and we kill the two adds away from him seemed to work alot better. Also, this will be new to me because, like I said, usually where that rock formation is, where group 3 stands, we had a paladin behind the wall as an out of combat rezzer. But at the same time, we didn't have shaman's ability to self rez so
  8. LOL shows ya I'm still used to alliance side. Do shamans have a dispell? Honestly don't know much at all about the class =X Well, if you can get 2 main priests up by the MT group, and then have people move in and out if they can and bandage, it should be a fairly easy encounter even with the impending dooms. Also...because it wasn't said before..... Do NOT move to the left side of the cave- you can aggro the imps and then there goes the raid! Wipe inc!
  9. LINKY!!! Here's a link to our forums again with an excellent overview of MC and a "boss guide" as well as a map of the place. It also includes how to handle the trash mobs there, and I would think that everyone would get a great head jump if they read this.
  10. Luci does two things- aoe curse, and an aoe magic "curse". What you do is have the MT, and his group up on the rock balcony fighting Luci, out of LOS of the rest of the raid. Meanwhile the rest of the raid has pulled his two buddies to the back wall and are dispatching them(need another two tanks). The only ones that SHOULD be effected by either of his "aoe curses" is the main tank group- and those can be taken care of by a mage and a paladin running in and out of the little alcove below teh rock balcony to decurse. Also, the two curses are as follows: Impending Doom: This is a 2000 point shadow damage DoT. The damage is all done at the end of the 10 second timer not spread out over the 10 seconds. So you should get a priest to remove it quickly and you wont take any damage. Area Effect Curse: Doubles the cost of abilities before talents are considered. Mage/Druid should remove. No damage is done during the curse, it's only at the end, hence the "impending" aspect of it. You've got 10 seconds to have a paladin cleanse or a priest dispell magic it. Easy enough. Mages should be doing nothing but decursing during this fight(using the decursive mod, you can set a "priority" of who you decurse first. Set this for priests and druids and the MT). Using this setup, you should have again only the main group in Luci's aoe range, and not lose a single person in the fight. Shadow resistance and fire resistance take no role in this encounter.
  11. Here's a link to a ZG video that is an excellent "walkthrough" of the first 4 bosses in ZG. Currently I have it on mortis' webpage but I think you can download it elsewhere. Linky!
  12. No need, honest. During both of these encounters you can position the bosses to do minimal if any damage to the raid as a whole. It's all about boss placement and party placement, and people decursing/cleansing etc. FR is a must for Rags. FR is a must for the main tank. Otherwise, you can(I know, my alliance guild did) easily do all the encounters without shadow resistance gear and very minimal if no fire resistance gear.
  13. Narsica

    Crusher MC

    I'll try to be 60 then if you guys want me along
  14. Actually you can honestly get by to Rags with minimal fire resist gear, if any. Just use shaman totems in each group(obviously you still might have a few deaths on the later trash mobs, but no worries). We can start off if you want by killing trash mobs and getting the MT and OT used to tanking two giants together, facing certain mobs, etc.
  15. *puts my 2 cents in if I can* From your numbers, it seems like you guys can do an MC raid. As for the AQ content- to be honest, most people should be geared in MC stuff before that(from what I've heard), which makes MC more of a priority in my mind. Being able to farm MC for gear for everyone means you can do AQ with ease and hopefully progress to BWL and beyond. Also, maybe work on ZG on days you're not in MC? That place has some great equipment as well- alot of it comporable with MC gear. Also, this is just so I know what I should do with Mortis (our folks have been pushing the best they can to get to 60) , you think you guys will be doing this stuff by yourselves? Any room for any mortis members? Obviously we'll have about 5 everyday raiders if we can- but if that takes away from your guys' spots, then I'll have to work elsewhere then
  16. Narsica

    Dire Maul

    Farm scarlet monestary, Uldaman, and possibly maraudon. This is of course if you have a group(probably should just raid it and go for phat l00ts).
  17. Narsica

    Dire Maul

    hehe actually for the staff of dominance, I think it should be- Druids/Shamans priority. Mages/Warlocks(if they want it because Azuresong Mageblade + offhand > *) Priests don't get teh staff of dominance I say this because the priest should be getting the priest epic staff, Benediction/Anathema
  18. Narsica

    Dire Maul

    Yeah that staff is a great druid staff, and a good staff for mages/shamans as well. Priests can get away with it too- but I think they should get a lesser priority on the line. This refers to how I think of the Staff of Dominance in MC as well
  19. I've loved holy(though my alliance 60 is disc/holy). The new changes certainly require you to make a choice in one or the other, and I'm not really sure how to decide for myself yet either. Mostly because I'm not sure how either of the 31 point talents act in holy nor disc. Lightwell sounds iffy- only 5 charges, if you're hit you lose the hot of 800 over 10 seconds(making me think you have to channel on the well or something). Power Infusion looks like it'll become broken- combine that with arcane power, the Talisman of Ephemeral power, and the Zanalarian hero charm, and mages will be doing up anywhere between 5000-8000 damage a pop. Yeah, broken I say.
  20. Narsica

    Dire Maul

    Staff of Mage Halefire is a world drop I believe- but! Rod of the Ogre Magi is the one you'd want I think(off of a tribute run- and yes only tribute run chest, doesn't drop from any bosses) It's 14int, 11 stamina, 7 spirit, +1% chance to crit with spells, +23 damage/healing. Very good staff. I'm after it myself,
  21. Very dissapointed, I actually enjoyed many of the talents as they were before. Now they've changed them(Improved power word shield, spirit of redemption,inspiration, etc) but did actually start at least at making an attempt to make spirit useful(Spiritual guidance, with a nice devout set on and spirit buff, will be very nice. Looking at my alliance side priest in full devout, a glowing brightwood, nice spirit rings, and the spirit buff- she'll be getting a nice bonus from that talent. Not sure what I'll be doing with Narsica as of yet).
  22. Ok currently thinking of two builds- you other priests let me know what you think =p Priest Talents Minimum Required Level: 60 Required Talent Points: 51 Discipline Talents - 20 point(s) Unbreakable Will - rank 5/5 Improved Power Word: Fortitude - rank 2/2 Improved Power Word: Shield - rank 3/3 Martyrdom - rank 2/2 Inner Focus - rank 1/1 Meditation - rank 3/3 Mental Agility - rank 4/5 Holy Talents - 31 point(s) Healing Focus - rank 2/2 Improved Renew - rank 3/3 Holy Specialization - rank 5/5 Holy Nova - rank 1/1 Blessed Recovery - rank 3/3 Inspiration - rank 3/3 Improved Healing - rank 3/3 Spirit of Redemption - rank 1/1 Spiritual Guidance - rank 4/5 Spiritual Healing - rank 5/5 Lightwell - rank 1/1 Or this spec Priest Talents Minimum Required Level: 60 Required Talent Points: 51 Discipline Talents - 30 point(s) Unbreakable Will - rank 5/5 Silent Resolve - rank 5/5 Improved Power Word: Fortitude - rank 2/2 Improved Power Word: Shield - rank 3/3 Inner Focus - rank 1/1 Meditation - rank 3/3 Mental Agility - rank 5/5 Mental Strength - rank 5/5 Divine Spirit - rank 1/1 Holy Talents - 21 point(s) Healing Focus - rank 2/2 Improved Renew - rank 3/3 Holy Specialization - rank 5/5 Holy Nova - rank 1/1 Blessed Recovery - rank 3/3 Inspiration - rank 3/3 Improved Healing - rank 3/3 Spirit of Redemption - rank 1/1
  23. This makes me a sad forsaken I lose what spirit of redemption was(neat change but not what I like from it- i liked dying, insta healing my party by 800ish with a 800 point dot over 15 secs, then being combat rezzed right after to continue my healing) and now it's just....meh. The new power word shield doesn't decrease the time of the weakened soul debuff; rather, it increases the amount absorbed. I liked being able to shield/renew and move on to heal someone else. It was more mana efficient that way. Plus these new talents are spaced weirdly, and the 31 point holy talent, Lightwell- just makes me go wtf? You spend 3 seconds casting it, it has 5 charges( so max of your group can use it lets say), you restore 800 health over 10 seconds(which is what the old spirit of redemption did for you but also healed you by 800 instantly), AND you have to sit there and channel it, similar to using a bandage(begs the question- why not just use a bandage?). Overall, saddened by the holy tree, confused by the disc tree, and still at a loss as to why they buffed the shadow tree even more.
  24. Narsica

    Dire Maul

    I wanna come! Almost 54 and I have my book to turn in, plus I just love that place
  25. Anyone else have any problems sleeping last night? I know I sure did
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