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Everything posted by Waldonnis

  1. Congrats, Huato!!! Can't wait to see the pics
  2. Remind me tonight to move Wald out there (I'll likely forget) or at least reset his hearth to Kargath. Word of warning: I don't carry many shards normally and won't have time to gather a bunch of them (I don't require many for PvP, so I don't bother farming them), so I'd have to defer early-raid summoning and healthstone duties to others for a bit.
  3. I would, but I seem to be permadead lately
  4. Honestly, while using stronger passwords is encouraged, fact is that this isn't a secure sign-up and cannot be relied upon at this point, no matter how complex your password choice is/was. What's done is done here already, so pointing fingers or trying to explain it really doesn't do anything to fix the issue. While I don't really like the idea, I agree with Chrys...I think we should consider cancelling the raid tonight...not to "send a message" or anything (could've been someone that doesn't even go on our raid), but more to keep attendance and DKP in-line with how sign-ups have been working so far. Last thing anyone needs is more drama because someone who signed up early got bumped by someone who arrived at MC earlier than they did. It's Maube's call, though...
  5. Dump the mage in favour of another priest. If sheeping were any value in there for the encounter, I'd say the mage would be ok, but there was little I could do the last few attempts we made. AoE does so little damage when it's just one mage (and is too easily interrupted)...and having a non-healing cloth-wearer really puts a strain on healing that isn't really needed. Another priest would give you even more healing as well as an additional shackle, which may make that last barrage much easier to handle, given the pace of it.
  6. That's what raidinfo was saying...*shrug*
  7. *checks Wald's dust and shard stash and mails them to Verissi*....oh Maube...
  8. I have the mats for an arcanite rod for Waldonnis (I can do the Crusader enchant once the rod is made), so if you need someone to enchant the weapon, just bring me the materials. I would donate some shards, but my entire stash is being used for Verissi's +22 int enchant. Hopefully, I can catch up with Smed tonight pre-MC and get Green's armor and the rod made *hint hint*
  9. You're not alone...I saw some BoE set pieces on the AH last night for insane amounts of gold (in some cases >100g). I'll keep my eyes open when checking out the AH, though...maybe I'll find a deal. FYI, I completed the first upgrade quest on Waldonnis last night, upgrading his never-worn Dreadmist bracers for Deathmist bracers. The quest is very easy (kill some non-elite bugs in Silithus for a venom drop), but you have to give up 20g as well. The bracers weren't bad, in my case, and are now being worn For the second part of the chain, the guy in Thrall's chamber gives you something to take to Gadgetzan and, upon turning that in, the goblin there gives you another "intermediary" quest. This one's not cheap, though, and involves turning in some stonescale oil, a delicate arcanite converter (ouch), some volcanic ash from Un'goro, and some other craftables. I stopped at this point since I was overtired and also had no clue what piece of the set this was intending to upgrade (I only have the bracers and gloves, so I didn't want to gather that stuff only to wait). From what I could tell, the reward for this part was some bag that is probably used for the next upgrade quest, but it never mentioned any particular set piece requirement as of yet.
  10. Doh, I still need one more Channeler melon before I can turn mine in...
  11. I downloaded the new CTRA and it seems to at least load without errors (wish I could say the same about nearly every other add-on that I use). The CTMod homepage is probably the best place to download it, but be aware that it's getting seriously flooded and you may have to refresh the browser a few times to get it to load: Direct download link Home page
  12. Eek!!!! *hides from the mutton-toting orc and hopes he didn't bring the Fish of DOOOOOMMMMMMMM*
  13. Hehehe, I wish there were a TKA type in WoW I used to love beating down fencers that thought they couldn't be knocked down...good times! I agree on class selection. Try them all out and play what is fun for you! And rogues tanking? Naaaahhh...well, unless it's Grawuulf when he's drunk
  14. Tell your wife to hit the eject button and get that baby moo here already...sheesh! Hehehe, seriously, we all understand, Huato, and we're all excited to see the pics It's been said many times, but too bad, you have to hear it again...much luck to you and your family...and, of course, sendpixplsthxbye!
  15. I have both pristine and regulars stashed away, but not sure how many of each. Just let me know how many and I'll see what I've got to send. I generally keep a stash of every gem and have little use for most of them, so I don't mind sending all of them if it'll help get Green decked out And I agree with Maube, Green...don't take MC tank switches too seriously. MC is still a learning curve for many of us and we're all driving ourselves a bit harder than we would if it were UBRS/Scholo/etc. The way I see it, though, we demolish the lower instances and adapt very well to the unexpected...once we learn this one and get more confident, it won't be much different. For me, I analyse absolutely every encounter I face trying to improve...and sometimes beat myself up over things that I can't control (in my case, spell resists, fluke string of crits that draws aggro, etc). On our first MC run, I was super-paranoid about messing things up somehow (I still believe that a poorly-played mage can wipe a raid more quickly than almost any other class). Don't get caught up in all of that...I'd rather have you tanking and singing on TS than some of the 'super-serious raiding guild' tanks out there because we have more fun and can adapt if things don't go exactly as planned (or at least take our wipes lightly). Those serious guys may be better equipped or know some tricks that we may not, but I'd prefer to laugh, learn, and die than feel like raiding is a job. We can address the equipment problem...not sure if some of the "hard cores" can solve the lack of fun thing, though
  16. I smell a druid/rogue stealth run...or was that Uglutz I smelled? So hard to tell these days... I'd be happy to help out however I can with Hoofie.
  17. Sounds good to me. After posting that, I thought about it this way: why bother trying to make both staves similar with enchants...+int to GBW, +dmg to the Rod, and let each suit their purposes (mana-intensive raiding and lighter raiding/farming, respectively). This takes a bit of pressure off farming-wise and should satisfy my first priority of getting the GBW aligned a bit better to what I've been doing lately. Now to shard-farm...hehehe.
  18. Well, I have a 21 rogue and 26 hunter that would welcome some priestly company I also know a feral druid and hunter in the teens (friend of mine from work and his girlfriend) that would definitely appreciate the assistance. I'm trying to get them both to apply, but the girlfriend is totally new to WoW, so he wanted to give her some time to adjust to the game before going into a guild, especially since this is her first MMO and he wasn't sure if she'd like it. I played a priest long enough to figure out that it wasn't for me (got almost to 30), but from my experience as a primarily solo player, it would've been very hard to level if I hadn't gone down the shadow tree pretty heavily. As for which talents to pick, I totally defer that advice to those with more experience than I...shadow was fun, but it just wasn't for me.
  19. Waldonnis


    Glad to hear it and hope all goes well...seems like forever since the baby moo's first "almost appearance"
  20. Waldonnis


    When we get more people with a key! We wanted to go last night, but nobody had completed the key quest. I hate to say it, but this means that we have many, many LBRS trips in our future....
  21. ...now I have to make the decision I've been putting off: +22 int on GBW or Rod of the Ogre Magi (if/when I get one). Suggestions? I'm tempted to drop it on the GBW to use as a raiding staff, but am torn since it would also be fantastic on the Rod to make up for the comparatively low +int. I suppose I could do both (after some serious farming for shardable loot), but will be grappling with this again when we get someone the +spell dmg enchant Glad that I don't have any decent one-handed swords/daggers...that would really make my "hed asplode"!
  22. Actually, you only get the 50% baseline crit chance when rooted (frostbite's chances are even slimmer), so it's much less than half in normal practice. As for the rest...well, I can only wish to have gear like that right now, so it's like comparing apples to oranges. The spec may be the same (or similar), but my damage output is half of that right now and makes frost/arcane lackluster for damage and efficiency. Heh, take that gear on a fire mage and a frosty would seem very weak. If I could've lived with more downtime, I'd probably have respec'ed back to fire by now...
  23. Same I've actually never seen these drop personally. Yay Blizzard for making these a requirement for even starting the upgrade quests...
  24. In many programming languages and number bases, counting begins at 0. In hex (base-16), for example, the sequence of numbers is 0-9, a-f rather than 1-10. Similarly, octal (base-8) representation is 0-7 and binary is 0-1. "Tier 0" is programmer-"we begin counting at zero"-geeky-speak for the first tier of gear. If you think that's bad, though, I wouldn't doubt that they would name the tenth tier "Tier A" and the 16th tier "Tier 10" (hex representations for the numbers 10 and 16) So yeah, I'm mega-geek...hehehe.
  25. Am I the only one geeky enough to think that "Tier 0" makes sense?
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