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Posts posted by greenbull

  1. Confirmed?

    Because I have one Essence on my inventory, and Huato has the rest of the components.

    Next time we met online, Huato, let's go to the Steppes and get the Arcanum, so I can apply it to one of your items.

    And, knowing that we can apply to other people, we can just do some runs to get more and more Burning Essences.

  2. What we can do in the farming department:

    UD Strath, straight for the Pallid (skip the other bosses/mobs) and farm him for Lavawalker Greaves. The thing is, it's BOP, so we need the interested plate-wearer on the party.

    DM West, to the Magister, nice FR leather shoulder (anyone can use, seriously, on Fire based mobs there's no need to worry with armor), and neck.

    BRD to get the Coffer, Incendius and maybe stretch a little to go for the Ambassador Flamelash just after the Bar that drops cape and Mail hands.

    UBRS, just to the first elemental boss that can drop the Wildfire Cape (+20 FR).

    Tomorrow I'll be on for some time and anyone wishing to do one of those places let me know. I'll be on for Maube's Onyxia too.

  3. Well, I'll make my sharpening stones, buy vials for my potions and try to farm some Dark Iron.

    In other venue, we must organize BRD runs to get FR enchants for people that already have the Libram, and from there kill Incendius that always drop a FR item that can be used.

    Any other assignment that I'm leaving out, please appoint me.

  4. (I got the name from an orc name generator, but since found out it is a name of an old computer company. Probably what that bin once contained.)

    Zilog is the creator/maker of the Z80 processor series. Lots of personal computers on the 80's were based on that processor, like the MSX and Sinclair. It was used in consoles like Mega Drive as a secondary processor, and in the early Nintendo GameBoys. Today it is still used as a microprocessor for simple and small applications like controlling temperatures in oil tanks, scientifica calculators, etc...


    greenbull, proud owner of a MSX and Z80 assembly addict :angry:

  5. I use them, but seems like the hosting is having problems with GD so they're not auto-generating very well.

    I wish that everybody uses the addon for updating the roster, mainly because quests and recipes/etc...

  6. 295 FR, 322 with normal buffs, with 30 bonus def. Forgot how much with the totem. I'll be removing some FR gear to get +def and +stamina but nothing that would drop me bellow 315 FR (anything higher that 315 makes no difference on the end).

    Next wed I'll be completing "hands of the enemy" and getting Ocean's Breeze to replace one of my +19 FR green rings and do some moving around to get the best FR/+def/stamina/armor combinantion.

  7. A few other things, I am not an idiot, when I say my 6 year old home built comp can't handle something, please don't tell me I am wrong, unless you wish to provide me with a new rig. I always try before I decide. Also, while I appreciate and accept everyone's opinion on what is needed/useful/required/helpful/kick-ass as far as mods go, I know the limits of my comp and what I have been able to do without them, please don't preach and please don't try to "correct" me or denigrate my stance on the matter because I disagree with your dogma. Thanks.

    Well, I can hardly believe that using a well configured CT_Ra (as waldonnis said) would slow down a machine that, even being 6 year old, can handle 40 people instances like MC/Onyxia and graphic intensive encounters like Geddon.

    just my 2 cents

  8. +crit is cool, agi:crit on warriors is the same as other classes (not rogue/hunter) so it's a pain to get any good bonus on that.

    Persuader has a good DPS and and +hit and +crit, but still a slow weapon, and I'm looking for a reasonably fast weapon.

    Verissi, the weapon you're thinking in ZG is the Bloodlord's Defender. Since ZG group I started (and it was months ago, ask Gordan), Belaru (the MT there) saw it drop only once. It's rare as hell.

  9. So, we're progressing well and well thru the core and I hope that in some months we can finish gearing the bulk of our raid and get some tries at BWL.

    Currently I use Timeworn Mace as my tanking Main Hand. It's a nice tank weapon and probably the best pre-MC/BWL. The thing is, it's speed and low white damage is starting to make the friday fights a little harder. So I went to the warrior forums looking for tanking weapons and found some cool stuff:





    WTF, crazy moo, are you stealing rogues? Well, fastest weapons are very very good for tanking. It means more heroic strikes and less problems with parries and misses.

    The other good and fast options are



    And those two are the ones that I may be aiming for, if someone care to explain how hard is to do the Questline in silithus :dancing_smile:

    And Blackguard would take a serious ammount of farming from my part, and finding someone that can make it.

    Well, there're always the obvious choices:



    Quel'Serrar is actually my most hated weapon ever. It's related to how it's boring to get it or doing an Onyxia raid. Broodlord Defender was my dream for a lot of time, but the luck involved in getting it is beyond my reach, I think. The advantage of some of the daggers/swords above is that they either be crafted or rewarded from quests, that means that + time farming is reflected in 100% chance of getting it, while doing DM or ZG over and over again can either reward me on the first run or never. I always prefer 100% chance, even if it means that I'll have to farm stuff for weeks.

    But, o'course, I'm only posting this here because I want opinions from everybody. :D

  10. First: Greenbull is a 300 Blacksmith (and 300 Miner), with Weaponsmith/Axe spec. All his recipes can be found on:


    Second: Please install the character profiler addon and update the information on the roster, Balandar posted all information about that on a sticky post on http://forums.thehonorempire.net/index.php?showtopic=8895

    Even if you don't like addons, you can just install character profiler, do it scan your char and then disable it. Do it once a month/week and we can have nice things like:


    So we can find who makes what easily :tease:

    It's the computers making your life easier.

  11. It still misses a lot of stuff that went on and you missed :)

    Yeah, there's no way to log all /say and /g going on, and I removed all the Theramore attack stuff from the log too ;) And the whisper exchanged while dueling.

  12. 3rd party programs slow down a machine more than an integrated program... you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

    ::bangs head on the wall::

    addons are not 3rd party... addons uses built in language and variables... Great part of Blizzard's UI is made in that same language.

    whatever. if you think you're playing ok, whatever.

  13. Nice, some useful stuff and I still don't have to slow down my comp with add ons!

    Well... There's no difference, Fomor. If you look inside your Interfaces/Addons folder you will see that you HAVE addons, all from Blizzard. Since 1.8 (I think) all complex interfaces are addons made by blizzard. The new RaidUI is all there. It's encrypted, but they're there.

    So, the new RaidUI is bigger and has a bigger memory usage. I

    Using addons add to the game's memory usage? Yes. But the updates on Blizzard's default UI adds the same way.

    It's a illusion to think that only because it's made by Blizzard on the Default UI it will not make the game heavier. In time, Blizzard will add so many things to the game that our current machines that run it well will start to have problems and we'll need an upgrade to keep up with memory/resources usage.

    It may add less to the resource usage because Blizzard com compress and add stuff in ways that the common addons can't, but don't think that they can add stuff without adding to the game size, they're not that magic.

  14. Because otherwise you'd still be giving money to SOE?

    Shush now, Blizzard is good to us.

    Admit it, Cwn, you work for blizzard... :p

    I downloaded the patch, but the installation complains about a wrong CRC on a .adt file, I did all the hacks I could to try and save my current installation but no game. So I reinstalled the *** game and right now I'll wait like 2 hours to get the big-boned 400M patch, and pray while it downloads because on the EU forums people with the same problem reinstalled like 10 times with no luck :\

  15. *grumbles* I was having fun without it...*grumble grumble grumble stubborn grumble grumble*


    You can still get by without it. You now have some of the features that are the most important (raid messages, ready checks, targeting windows). :)

    Cwn is just mumbling because she noticed that, eventually, all CT_Ra will be default on WoW, then she will use and think "why I didn't used it before..." :p

    But with the new channels and ready test being in the default UI, the compatibility goes up. If CT_Ra uses the /rw to broadcast message, even people without CT_Ra will see the DPS ON/OFF spams, etc...

    Just need the tank windows now :) I don't want to hear again on a Raid "I was trying to find him to heal" after the 2nd tank dies and the priest was trying to find one toon in the middle of 40 other people... :|

  16. For anyone interested, the log of the whole raid chat of the meeting. It's kinda hard to read.

    [06/19/06 22:02:08] [uglutz] this will take longer than mc

    [06/19/06 22:02:12] [Maube] Uki day! Dere be a lot tah cover so ah will get it started! (and leave out the IC speech for ease of reading and typing )

    [06/19/06 22:03:01] [Maube] Alrighty. There are a lot of new members that I would like to say WELCOME to! I will take my time to get to know ya'll a little better =) and I hope the regular crushers will aspire to do the same

    [06/19/06 22:03:14] [Greenbull] is everybody in this raid?

    [06/19/06 22:03:34] [Maube] That being said, I am implementing a new procedure for applications.

    [06/19/06 22:04:14] [Maube] To join the crushers, you have to have a Sponsor from a Grunt or Higher rank. As a sponsor you will be required to help your sponsee learn the ropes per say.

    [06/19/06 22:05:45] [Maube] The Sponsor will purchase a tabard for the Peon so that when the Peon obtains Grunt Status, the Sponsor can give the Tabard in full pomp and circumstansce

    [06/19/06 22:06:29] [Maube] Which brings us to Promotions. Normally after 2 weeks promotions were given from Peon to Grunt... but I have found that some Grunts are lacking in basic Crusher Lore

    [06/19/06 22:07:30] [Maube] So to be Promoted... you need to not only learn Crusher Lore, but think a bit on your character, come up with a background or a RP reason why you wish to gain rank in the clan. Trying to bring some of the RP spirit back into our not so tiny guild

    [06/19/06 22:08:06] [Maube] This goes from Peon up, gives you something to do on Tuesdays :p

    [06/19/06 22:08:47] [Maube] Due to this, I will be implementing more rewards for outstanding Roleplay that scale on your involvement and types of Roleplay

    [06/19/06 22:09:11] [Maube] Not only do we have a reward section on the Website, but In game rewards will be put into place =)

    [06/19/06 22:09:50] [Maube] Which brings us to Guildchat. Lets TRY to keep it IC! even if you are asking for something, Rp it a little and you might find yourself getting a better response

    [06/19/06 22:10:26] [Maube] (())'s are fine every so often... but lets try to keep it more IC, and I am guilty of it as well!

    [06/19/06 22:11:03] [Maube] Going to TRY to have meetings once a month if not more, just to keep us all in touch with one another, and give us a chance to meet and greet some of the players we may not know as personally as others

    [06/19/06 22:12:37] [Maube] We are a group of Mature individuals who play this game for fun. Our mentality is not about the loot or the rewards, but rather on the comraderie we feel for one another. This is an extended family, not a group of uber powergamers

    [06/19/06 22:13:32] [Maube] Share the experiences! if you find something cool, share it. Ther is more to this game then PVP, PVE and stuff like that. Heck I have been showing people into Hyjal... great place to REALLY see the beauty of this game. there are great places to visit

    [06/19/06 22:13:40] [Maube] and stories about every one!

    [06/19/06 22:13:52] [Huato] Huato wanna see Hyjal

    [06/19/06 22:14:06] [Cwnannwn] Ooooh, take me too!

    [06/19/06 22:14:15] [Maube] There is much to do besides raiding, we cant lose our focus that this is a game =)

    [06/19/06 22:14:31] [shalaan] FIELD TRIP

    [06/19/06 22:15:11] [Maube] And because we are a big family... there is one golden rule we HAVE TO ADHERE TO! RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT

    [06/19/06 22:15:31] [Maube] Respect to Guildmates, Raidmates, ALliance mates

    [06/19/06 22:15:46] [Cwnannwn] You mean Hordemates, right?

    [06/19/06 22:16:17] [Tainish] Tainish clomp alliance...nuw me cunfused.

    [06/19/06 22:16:33] [Zaknafeins] can we still kill alliance in battle ground .?

    [06/19/06 22:16:35] [uglutz] RAWR CLOMP DEM ALL! *TWITCHEZ*

    [06/19/06 22:16:36] [Maube] Treat others as you want to be treated. dont talk down to anyone! There are honorable Alliance, but honestly, PLAYERS that we group with deserve our respect, there is a fine line between RPing a cranky onery bastage and being a complete Asshat

    [06/19/06 22:17:06] [Cwnannwn] So salute them when you bury the axe in thier skull. Got it.

    [06/19/06 22:17:10] [Zaknafeins] not like alliance who dont stop spitting on us ...

    [06/19/06 22:17:45] [Maube] It isnt fun to be talked down to, so remember that when you want to say mage jokes or healbots or meatshields, after a while it really can grate on the nerves

    [06/19/06 22:17:57] [Maube] lol doesnt make it any less harsh =)

    [06/19/06 22:18:15] [Cwnannwn] What if we refer to OURSELVES as meatshields?

    [06/19/06 22:18:31] [Odenn] not much meat on dem bones

    [06/19/06 22:18:34] [Razarael] You're a *rotting* meatshield, Cwn, that doesn't count.

    [06/19/06 22:18:36] [Maube] That respect needs to extend to the Argentcovenant channel

    [06/19/06 22:18:45] [Maube] The AC channel is a group of our allies

    [06/19/06 22:19:26] [betelgeuce] what is the exact name of the channel?

    [06/19/06 22:19:29] [Maube] Just a matter of respect =) I dont want to have to lay the beat down because I hear Clanmates are being a pain in the ass :)

    [06/19/06 22:19:36] [Huato] argentcovenant

    [06/19/06 22:19:47] [Huato] many good horde members gather there

    [06/19/06 22:19:54] [Maube] Feel free to ./join argentcovenant

    [06/19/06 22:20:20] [Maube] That is our main Alliance channel, which brings me to my next order of business....

    [06/19/06 22:20:23] [Maube] USE THE !@)#*()@*$()&)& FORUMS

    [06/19/06 22:20:25] [Maube] =)

    [06/19/06 22:20:38] [Huato] whut dat lat say?

    [06/19/06 22:20:46] [Huato] me nub understand dat gibberish

    [06/19/06 22:20:54] [uglutz] me nub gruk lat

    [06/19/06 22:20:54] [Tamsinela] I don't think I have access to the forums.. :)

    [06/19/06 22:20:56] [Maube] forums.thehonorempire.net IMPORTANT information is shared and left there

    [06/19/06 22:21:20] [uglutz] *edit*

    [06/19/06 22:21:25] [Maube] Once you obtain Grunt Status, you get the password to the 'members only site'

    [06/19/06 22:21:47] [Maube] The link is also on clanskullcrusher.com

    [06/19/06 22:22:07] [Maube] Ther you can access the links to the Argent Covenant Forums

    [06/19/06 22:22:25] [Maube] A lot of questions can be answered on those pages =)

    [06/19/06 22:23:25] [Maube] Announcements, friendly chatter, help with classes, it all is there =) we are curently working on getting it cleaned up and easier to find what you need

    [06/19/06 22:24:00] [Maube] Also it links you to the whole Honor Empire, which the Crushers are a part of, it is a Multi Game Forum =) some of us have dabbled with the other games and guilds

    [06/19/06 22:25:15] [Maube] TS servers are usually up and active =) feel free to come and chatter over useless things

    [06/19/06 22:25:25] [Maube] Wolfzone is currently down, but there are backups!

    [06/19/06 22:25:41] [Maube] Check out the GuildInfo tab in your Social Tab

    [06/19/06 22:27:01] [Maube] Also... I am looking for Class Leads. Normally we would use the Captain Clomp,. but until I can find someone to run it monthly, I may just have to nominate people.

    [06/19/06 22:27:29] [Maube] Executive orders and all that =)

    [06/19/06 22:27:49] [Maube] Starting next week... I am implementing something that used to be active when I first joined...

    [06/19/06 22:27:55] [Maube] The Skullcrusher Lottery

    [06/19/06 22:28:55] [Maube] for 5 gold you get to pick your 5 numbers. Every wednesday before MC I will randomly roll the 5 numbers. Everyone who sent in their gold with their numbers (1-75) will be put into the running

    [06/19/06 22:29:01] [Cwnannwn] Wait....does the winner get hit with rocks? I read something about that once...

    [06/19/06 22:29:25] [Maube] If your numbers match you win the pot. If not, the pot will become cumulative

    [06/19/06 22:29:44] [Zemus] 1-75?

    [06/19/06 22:29:51] [Maube] Numbers will be posted on the Forums/Website for all to see, including the previous winner

    [06/19/06 22:29:57] [Odenn] me win

    [06/19/06 22:30:07] [Maube] Just a way to bring a little more fun =)

    [06/19/06 22:30:46] [Zemus] Do you pick 5 number then you roll 5 times and if it hit you win?

    [06/19/06 22:30:50] [Maube] Alrighty. I am done with my Blahing. Grimgor and Odenn have something to propose

    [06/19/06 22:31:13] [Odenn] ::ahem

    [06/19/06 22:31:46] [Odenn] for those who may not know, Grimgor is the chief of one of our allies The son's of Draenor

    [06/19/06 22:32:17] [Odenn] an alliance was formed with our old chief Volonazra that Maube and the rest of us intend to keep

    [06/19/06 22:32:48] [Odenn] he has proposed that on given nights to aid in relations with both clans

    [06/19/06 22:33:04] [Odenn] we have a RP/World PVP night

    [06/19/06 22:33:30] [Odenn] we will have a combined strike force of both guilds

    [06/19/06 22:33:45] [Odenn] to be done with hit and run tactics. IN CHARACTER

    [06/19/06 22:33:59] [uglutz] RAWR CRAZED? FIERCE?

    [06/19/06 22:34:00] [Odenn] multiple smaller targets. hit and fade etc...

    [06/19/06 22:34:21] [Odenn] the time has come for us to take the war to the alliance

    [06/19/06 22:34:34] [Odenn] we will get a priest to teach you huato

    [06/19/06 22:34:48] [Odenn] details will come soon

    [06/19/06 22:34:55] [Odenn] i will come for you in the night

    [06/19/06 22:35:09] [Odenn] Grimgor have you anything to add

    [06/19/06 22:35:15] [Grimgor] Only one thing.

    [06/19/06 22:35:55] [Grimgor] This isn't a 60s-only club; I intend to find a place for everyone. Naturally, the more mature the character is, the more variety of assignments.

    [06/19/06 22:36:07] [Grimgor] mature in levels that is.

    [06/19/06 22:36:17] [Grimgor] That's it.

    [06/19/06 22:36:29] [Grimgor] Sign up with Odenn if you are interested.

    [06/19/06 22:36:36] [Odenn] we shall strike fear into the alliance

    [06/19/06 22:36:40] [Grimgor] This will tie in well with Muabe's message about RP I think.

    [06/19/06 22:36:46] [Odenn] that is all

    [06/19/06 22:36:47] [Maube] Very much so

    [06/19/06 22:37:19] [Grimgor] I am called elsewhere now. I thank you for the chance to bring this up, Chieftain.

    [06/19/06 22:37:40] [Huato] dabu Grimgor. Me looks forward ta clompin by latz side

    [06/19/06 22:38:56] [Maube] Are there any other orders of business?

    [06/19/06 22:39:13] [Xiris] latz is a gud guild leader -- dabu Maube!

    [06/19/06 22:40:38] [Maube] Nothing else?

    [06/19/06 22:41:01] [Cwnannwn] can we all go kill something now?

    [06/19/06 22:41:07] [Maube] Oh!

    [06/19/06 22:41:12] [Maube] One more order of business...

    [06/19/06 22:54:04] [Greenbull] DPS OFF on Gromit PRESS ESC!

    [06/19/06 22:54:15] [Greenbull] erm.. is that working...

    [06/19/06 22:58:04] [Maube] So where shall we clomp?

    [06/19/06 22:58:20] [Maube] Shall we go pay Theramore a visit?

  17. I don't have ambitions to create major campaigns just yet (three-pronged assaults on Alliance capitals is probably out of reach for our outnumbered Horde population anyway). Consider this a private war that could become part of the ever-growing Horde/Alliance conflict. As such, our tactics will be of a "hit and fade" nature, in favor of striking an objective and bringing it down before any real defense is put up, then moving on.

    We did a "Hit and Teleport" attack on Theramore. We hit Jaina, then we got teleported to the middle of the sea by her, and the teleported ones were the LUCKY ones, the others were horrible clomped by the mage :p

    But twas fun.

  18. I can help on the pullings :p

    Funny fact: a friend of mine was explaining that to make MC go faster they pull Shazz and Geddon at the same time... Talk about chain pulling...

    And they pull this off without wiping?!

    Apparently, yes... :) But they have BWL in farm status and are getting there in AQ 40. Big friggin raiding no-RL people :)

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