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Posts posted by greenbull

  1. ::salutes::

    Dabu again Green!

    soooo how many of our UImods will be fubarred when I come in tnight ::laughs!::

    I don't want to think about it... If DAB breaks, I'll cry. But most respectable addon coders test their addons on the test server and by the time of the patch they're already updated.

    Modwatcher is a GREAT idea, but not many addons are compatible with it yet.

  2. I downloaded the uploader and put the link in Sunday. I downloaded the add on for WoW as well and even uploaded data last night...apparently it didn't get there. :D

    If there is no data for my characters, what is it using to report their levels?

    Tonight I will see if I can figure out what the heck is wrong.

    The guildmaster (or other person responsible) has another addon that uploads the Guild data, and in the guild page the levels/ranks/notes of the players are avaiable.

    In the updater, are you using this url: http://www.clanskullcrusher.com/roster/admin/update.php

  3. This is DEFINITELY an awesome thing!

    Kudos and Dabu Greenbull! =)

    Now if only the WoW general forums would let us post it >.<

    Thanks, but kudos go to Balandar who installed and configured this roster. I just pointed out the software :D

    Maube, link the character page on the image, like



  4. Me sent plenty of stuff to bank. Me don't remember all of it, but Amule can say what he gets.

    ((Whoever is the Amule account, upload it's data to the roster, so the "guild bank" link will show its contents. 0)))

  5. Not sure if that's the same one or not.  I got mine from the link at the bottom of the roster page.

    Yeah, the one at wowproflers is thr right one:


    Other Addons that I use for things related to the roster/guild:

    PvPLog: http://www.wowprofilers.com/files/versions/

    There's a version in the same place as the uniuploader and one on curse-gaming, I use the wowprofiler's one.

    It's a cool addon, it shows how many times you engaged pvp with other chars and guilds, and the roster uses its data to consolidate PvP status for all the guild.

    Groupcalendar: http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=2718

    Great for scheduling events. Argent Covenant is using it to coordinate events between all guilds.

    CharacterProfiler: http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=1444

    The addon you must use to update the data that will be sent for the roster page.

    I use a multitude of addons, but those are related to the guild ;)

  6. Alright fellas, I'm having a bit o' trouble setting up the UniUploader.  Under settings where is says "URL - Interface file on the web", what do I put there?  Right now it says "http://yourdomain.com/yourinterface.php" and I have no idea what to put there.  Any help would be appreciated.

    Put this URL on the UniUploader:


    Try to do using the UniUploader and see if anything changes on the roster page... ;)

  7. Looks like PHP or GD will need to be recompiled. The system admin is on a holiday. Hopefully he won't be gone for too long.

    See. If it was a Debian system, that would not be happening :(

    As far as incorporating it, since each character's name is unique, I can create a cross reference table to pull the data from wowprofilers into the other roster, or viceversa. I'll need to look through wowprofilers template to see if I can wrap it with my own. I'll play around with it over the next couple of weeks. It works fine as it is now... except the image creation part.


    Siggen. It's an update on the Signature Generator, that I'm using on the howlingwind one. it uses a DB to store individual configs to sigs and avatars. It's easy to setup.

    I can make a tarball with the current install on howlingwind.org/scc, but your install looks ok.

    Things that I was looking for install:

    Looty: Advanced Guild Bank Interface



    Oh, and that may be interesting to you:



    Happy New Year!

  8. Hey Greenbull, I've started to play around with wowprofilers script. The only problem that I have is to get FreeType support enabled on the server (it's not dedicated), so signatures and some other features are currently unavailable. Unless there is a way to set that up on my account through SSH. I'll need to look into that.

    It integrates with phpBB, don't know if it'll help. Adn you need GD lib and tt support, I don't know how you can get it working without cooperation from the system admin.

    Integrating the roster on the current login system can be tricky, but can be done. The guild must decide what feature set they prefer, the current roster or the wowproflers one, and then port the features that are missing from one to other. I think that porting the current roster features to the wowprofilers one can be easier than the contrary.

    Let me know if you need anything. And enable the pvplog showing in the first page :D

  9. I just wanna make sure we get up to date. BTW thanks, Greenbull, for the roster site-looks like that will be sweet for me!! :D  :(

    Well, it's automatically updated, all people have to do is get an addon to upload their character data.

    Right now you can check the address and order the roster by "Rank", it'll show everybody's guild rank and you can see who is warden, grunt, peon, etc.

    Other nifty things from the roster:

    1) Uploading the info from the "Amule" (Vaultkeeper) the contents of its bags will show up in a separated "Bank" window in the roster.

    2) Writing "Alt" or "alt" in the player note will count it as an alt on the "number of members) right now we have 103 (+2 alts) because only Vegonna and Smiths have "Alt" on the players note.

    4) If using PvPLog addon, the PVP data can be uploaded too, and provide some nice statistics like what guild killed us most, what character suffered more in our hands, the best HK/Honor ration on the week, and the same statistics for each character.

    5) Team finding, if everybody keeps it updated you can find people that has the same quest than you on their questlogs so you can call them to do it together.

    6) etc..

    Feel free to inquiries :lostit:


  10. Hello there :dancing_smile:

    I'm, like Huato, getting my high levels on Blacksmith. Already a Weaponsmith and going to Axesmith.

    So, what I can offer: increase my BS level! To do that I must craft some high level items, I'll craft them for free (o'course) and help with the materials when possible. From the weaponsmith stuff I can do:

    [Truesilver Champion]


    [Phantom Blade]

    [The Shatterer]

    As some of you already know, I'm specializing in main tanking for instances. I need a good one hander to do that efficiently. A fast weapons with stamina/strength bonus is desired. I'm using [Ardent Custodian] but the dps is starting to get in the way. Huato can make some nice hammers and swords, but to do that we need an obscene number of hard to get materials....

    So, what I need: erm... If someone stumble across a good one-hander or some components, let me know :)

    EDIT: just as an example, this is what Huato needs to do a [Masterwork Stormhammer]:

    20x Enchanted Thorium Bar

    8x Huge Emerald

    8x Large Opal

    6x Essence of Earth

    4x Enchanted Leather


    I can get thorium.. and try to buy other stuff, but EIGHT essence of earth are too much :p, and see that this Hammer has a nasty habit of breaking sap and sheep... (maube is going to hate it...). Hrm.. Maybe I just need to run a few DM west to get [Timeworn Mace]

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