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I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tygan Osir. I started SWG on release day and played through August. Honestly, it was pretty painful to play, so I took a break and returned to DAOC.

I recently started to regain interest in SWG and decided to reactivate to try the changes. From a few days of playing, it looks to be rather promising. I am looking forward to meeting everyone in game.

I am not 100% sure what career path I want to take. Currently, I am a novice dancer, novice squad leader, novice pistoleer and a fledgling medic. I am probably going to drop squad leader simply because it still seems as worthless as it was on Day 1.

I haven't been accepted officially in game yet, so hopefully that will take place soon and I can meet up with everyone.

I am still re-adjusting to the game and all of the changes that have taken place and will be looking for advice/guidance.

Great to meet you all!


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Hello and please allow me to give you a pre-acceptance welcome to the ITC! :)

I am Kelnica Santrin, Doctor and Part-Time Session Musician. Please add me to your list of friends, if you would, and whenever you see me online please feel free to say hello! Also, if you need assistance with anything, contact me and I'll do my best to assist you or to at least find someone who is able to do so.

Our 'Official' Weekly Guild Hunt night is Friday starting around 6pm-ish EST and continues 'till we drop! :lostit: We also have 'pick-up' hunts, raids, and the like throughout the week depending on interest, availability of members, etc. as well.

Once again, welcome, and I look forward to meeting you in-game! *hugs* :D

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Good to see you on the boards!

As soon as I get away from this accursed job thingy and back online we can get you officially guilded (Is it just me or does 'guilded' sound bad?) and add that lovely Guildchat channel for you!


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Not sure it sounds THAT bad... however, there are words that (in your case, especially, Dear Syban) could mean REALLY bad news...

Fried, Baked, Battered, Breaded, Grilled, etc. = Bad News For Our "Loveable-Yet-Scaly" Leader :):D:lostit:

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Welcome, Tygan and may the Force serve you well!!

I am Nadjia .. Master Scout & Marksman .. Novice Ranger ... (soon to be Master).. and Master Guild Hugger.

I am very glad you have joined us and look forward to meeting you. You can add me to your friends list also. It's a good idea to go into the PA Hall and look at the members on the guild terminal and add all of them. It's up to date and you can keep up with new friends!

I am usually on Mon - Fri 9 am - 5pm (wow, kinda sounds like a job huh .. yet more fun) and sometimes late at night when I can't sleep.


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Well, I have been officially "guilded"!

Syban was nice enough last night to show me the PA hall and to also set me up with some Ubese armor. Now I just need to get out and hunt with some of you. I need to build up my finances!

I dropped squad leader last night and am currently working on dancer.

I have already made some nice progress in Pistoleer from my previous time playing, so I am thinking of continuing that proffession. Does anyone have some info on Pistoleer? Is it viable or should I go with the FOTM proffession of TKA?

Oh, and IRL - I will not be on much for the rest of the week due to spending time with my GF and also will be going out of town for the next two weekends due to weddings.

Hopefully I'll be able to join you for a hunt sometime. There are so many things in game that I have yet to see! I really want to check out the Corvette and Death Watch Bunker sometime too...they sound really neat!


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