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Raid Rant


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MC and Onyxia were an absolute disgrace tonight.

Don't take this wrong but I hope those that were there tonight use this opportunity to WAKE THE #%&$ UP!

If you think Maube is harsh on people running in MC you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what a lot of end game raids and guilds are like. True, we are not an end-game raiding guild; nor do I think any of us want us to turn into that but I think a lot of people want to have the best of both worlds in order to experience some of the higher content (if not, noone would sign up for any raids and we'd just be sitting around RPing only). Maube lets us get away with murder and most of you have no clue how easy we have it.

As example, if someone Shows up unprepared, either missing reagents; random AFKs; unfamilliar with fights; not enough resistance gear, potions, bandages, etc...; I've seen Raid leaders kick these people on the spot and people in the queue will immediately take that spot, no questions asked. Raids are run the same time every week, it doesn't sneak up on you and there is no reason not to have items required repaired and .

There are many runs that will put stipulations out not let you in to say MC, unless you already have 100+ FR before going in the first time along with half of your tier 0; or even have certain add ons installed.

Yes a lot of it seems harsh, but that is what is needed to succeed. We have people getting lazy and sloppy and are not paying attention to what they are doing

That said, remember a few things

Just because you are going to MC doesn't mean you can skip the other level 60 dungeons, you learn a lot about your class in them, HOW TO PLAY YOUR CLASS, and what people in a group will expect of you.

Going to a 40 man raid IS NOT FREE EPIC GEAR.

It is NOT the job of the guild to get you geared and/or attuned to run raids. Yes, most in the guild will help if you need but if you can not take the initiative to do some work on your own then you should not be in end game dungeons.

If you are going into a major raid for the first time; there are plenty of videos and write ups on dugeons and encounters, wowwiki and youtube are your friends. Members of the Skullcrushers have seen EVERY dungeon in the game so you can ask a lot of people in the Clan before hand. Talk to someone of your class who has been there and ask what to expect and what will be expected of you.

Do not wait to be spoon fed instructions by the raid leader.

If you are not familiar with the term "AGGRO MANAGEMENT" or know how to do it; look it up. Figure out what works and doesn't before you walk into Onyxia's lair, not after.

If you are not prepared properly, you are a LIABILITY to the other members of the raid; this means you cost people money in repair bills and even time.

I may come across harsh here to some, but people are going to start seeing a lot more of me poking you in major raids. Verissi is going to run BWL with a brutal iron fist when it starts, and it's not because he's mean or doesn't like you, it's because he is going to HAVE TO in order for the raid to succeed.

I appreciate Maube's desire to do things like rotate people into runs in order to get gear but if you don't show up ready and prepared I would personally take the same 40 people in every week, leave you behind and DE the gear.


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Actually, I am mean and I hate everyone >:L

Seriously, though, Odenn brings up some good points. We really need to tighten up and focus on consistency. Wednesday and Friday couldn't be more different this past week, with Wednesday being superb and Friday being...lackluster. I really wanted us to go to BWL that night, but we were in pretty bad shape at that point and had blown quite a bit of time that I had hoped to spend talking about the Razorgore fight.

At any rate, PLEASE let's focus during this week's MC nights and use the "easy" fights to get more comfy with things like aggro management, waiting for DPS calls, and awareness of our surroundings. Also, I know I've said it before but you'll hear me repeat it, concentrate on the fight in front of you before looking beyond it. People seemed to take Ragnaros for granted after mentioning BWL...and we all paid for it. Every fight (including trash mobs) can be deadly if we don't manage it correctly, which only becomes 10 times worse in BWL.

I won't lecture more here, but we have some rough fights ahead of us and I want to see more nights that were like Wednesday and less (or no) nights like Friday.

Oh, one other thing: I do watch things like reagent use, durability, FR, and even for some items that are beneficial to have...so no slacking off on repairs or reagents!

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