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Argent Covenant Molten Core I


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Loktar Ogar, 'Crusher allies! Let this be notice that there is a new raid starting up, the Argent Covenant's first ever Molten Core raid! Though it is being started and led by individuals in the Sons of Draenor, understand this is not a Sons of Draenor-centric event, but in fact a Covenant-wide one. A fuller account of the particulars of this raid can be found here, but below is a summary:

- This is a startup, PURE SCRATCH raid. Perfect opportunity to get in on the start of a big raid for your first time or... to get in on another one with an alt. No minimum Fire Resist requirements yet, though we would also welcome the experience and gear of veterans to make the launch of this raid smoother.

- This is a loot-driven, not encounter-driven raid. We will be working on getting gear as we go, and go as far as our state of gear/experience allows each night. We'll be happy to kill bosses and put them into farm status, but that isn't the number one goal, so be patient and open.

- Our cool new DKP system. Virtually all drops (except for greens) have DKP and must be purchased. On the flip-side, no drops will be given out to people without them buying it. Practically everything -- including Lava/Fiery Cores and Leathers -- will be a part of the DKP system. Yes, this means we will probably be slower to outfit tanks and the like, but this way everyone can progress together. We will go once a week and go as far as we can go, getting farther and better each time.

- We will not brook stealing from other raids. Yes, we feel we have something better to offer, but we want to respect the other raids. Therefore any character who wants to join us that participates in another raid, needs to tell us so upfront and help us work out a solution that is satisfactory to the other raid leader. If not, we won't have you... simple as that. Be considerate to Maube and Jeroabem. We insist!

- Start time. Most raids seem to start before a lot of folks can get in. Maybe you're a family man (or woman) and just can't reliably get online before most raid leaders are digging in the spurs. This raid's invites will start at 9:00pm, first pull at 9:30pm.

That's it in a nutshell, but there's more to it. Sign up with Bludbeerd or me (Grimgor) in game via mail (he's working on a signup application that should be complete by the end of this week).


Chief of the Sons of Draenor

Co-Founder of the Argent Covenant

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Wow. All he did was post that it was happening and asking if anyone was interested.

He did nothing more than CS has done in the past when they were starting.

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Jero, I'm sorry but both your posts come off as high-handed and unfair to Grimgor (one of Skullcrusher's allies). It's one thing to take umbrage to his post, but no need to tread all over him about it.

I'll leave your backyard now >:L

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Heh, you wanna see real gruff, y'all should see what Fomor posts when he's in a bad mood and not holding himself back. I blame the US Army Ranger training. >:L

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I feel goofy coming in here now, after having missed whatever was said, but I felt it is right to come in and say that I didn't see what was said but I hold no ill will toward Jeroabem in any way (and I am not just saying that in public, I work this way). I have learned FIRST HAND as the mouthpiece/contacts/PR guy for Bludbeerd's raid that setting one up is a major undertaking, and it can be stressful at times.

Whatever was said is forgiven, for I have been in that position before where I said something I wanted to punch myself in the crotch for. Jero, you're a cool guy, and may we now go to slay the digital enemies many times over, with a clear conscience. No slates to clear, brother. No lingering doubts.

<Jedi Mind Trick>

These aren't the Droids you're looking for... He can go about his business... Move along.

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I feel goofy coming in here now, after having missed whatever was said, but I felt it is right to come in and say that I didn't see what was said but I hold no ill will toward Jeroabem in any way (and I am not just saying that in public, I work this way). I have learned FIRST HAND as the mouthpiece/contacts/PR guy for Bludbeerd's raid that setting one up is a major undertaking, and it can be stressful at times.

Whatever was said is forgiven, for I have been in that position before where I said something I wanted to punch myself in the crotch for. Jero, you're a cool guy, and may we now go to slay the digital enemies many times over, with a clear conscience. No slates to clear, brother. No lingering doubts.

<Jedi Mind Trick>

These aren't the Droids you're looking for... He can go about his business... Move along.

It's all good bro, nothing wrong with what you did... or whith what Jero replied(he just said it in a manner that was course) There are a lot of Crushers not in the MC raid (on alts or what not) who I am sure would help you if the times did not conflict.

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Total change of subject and a definite de-rail of my own topic but -- Jeroabem, do you remember when you got your shoulders?

<fond smile>

It's one of those memories that I have where it feels like long ago. If you don't remember, here's a hint: UBRS, you were a level 54 Shaman. Do you remember who was leading the raid?

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Never mind. I was trying to see if you remembered that Lightingjohn was so pissed that I allowed a 54 Shaman to roll on a 55-level Shaman shoulders (even though Jero was very close to 55), that he quit the raid. Good as his word, Jero was 55 that night. It was something that earned a story to my guildmates at the time, a story whose lesson was "watch out for that Lightingjohn guy -- he's laid back enough for my tastes". Everyone I talked to thought it was a bit "assholian" of him to expect that I would have a rule like that. I like being cool about things, so I let ya roll. I didn't know at the time that you'd come to join our friends.

Getting back on track, an update. The good news is that we had more signups than we could take into the raid last night. The bad news is that we's a lotta n00bs, so while we handled the trash without any real incidents, we ran up against a brick wall at Lucifron. Ah... room for improvement! We conferenced afterward and should have a much-improved battle next week.

Thanks for the help, folks, we're in the groove now. Please catch up on the raid policies at our forums, as we'll be tweaking them to improve our subsequent runs. And don't forget to sign up! The raid is not yet in an established state, so signup early to keep someone from getting your spot!



Official Raid forums (for now):


(Raiders Camp)

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So a single issue with someone suddenly disappearing from the game Sunday afternoon (I hope she's alright) has led to an apparent lack of signups that she was going to communicate to us, and now, 2 days after, still no word.

Therefore I am asking that if there are any of you Druid/Shaman/Priest types (we can also take on a few other types -- except Warriors) who would be willing to help us and are not currently reserved... please help us tonight. We need it.

<cheeks burn>

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If you need a priest and it does not affect the Skullcrusher raid, send me a whisper. I am always up to help our friends if work allows.(if I am not assigned to another raid, I will come and help heal as best I can if you need it to get started))

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9pm is invites, 9:30pm is start.

I finally got in touch with the individual in question, but I prefer those I know more than those I don't at this point. I'm a choosy and picky Orc!

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Got a rogue meet 'n greet tonight for the clan. However, if you guys are still workin' at it after we're done, I'd be glad to come help with Slythe (or Rhoach if you guys aren't planning on taking down any bosses).

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Thanks Cwn and Rhoach. Yeah, Cwn... we warriors. Too many of us to go around! If you've ever gone and tried to knock on Raid doors, you're familiar with the question: "Do you have any non-warrior 60 alts?"

Hah! I understand why the question is asked, especially now that I am involved with helping lead a raid myself, but it's always so frustrating for me. Even if we did have other characters that could go (which I do now), it doesn't do the Warrior much good to go with another character.

Rhoach, I forget... what class is Slythe?

In any case, I appreciate the offers of help. I found that missing person and we are now getting things going, but I am prepared for just about anything -- including people flaking out -- at this stage of our raid. Not that it happened last week but still.

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