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Posts posted by Gordantell

  1. *Initial caveat (feel free to add the following to any/all of the replies below): A lot of these restrictions were set to avoid the mass of junk that would accumulate. If we end up having a lot of extra space in the tabs then restrictions can defiantly be loosened, but initially I would like to see how it fills up with these rules.

    Those sound like good ideas although a bit strict.

    How about having one tab of the guild bank for 'retro' items including patterns? A lot of people are rerolling new characters, or just levelled their current characters quickly and could probably still use BC and preBC patterns and materials.

    Considered this possibility, but pre BC patterns, and soon BC patterns, are only going to be worthwhile if someone is a completest. And if someone is/wants completeness then they should be willing to do whatever farming is necessary, though patterns for purple quality items will probably be left alone.

    I agree that green quality gear is not worthwhile to put into the guild bank, but what about green quality mats? Some of these are hard to get (khorium comes to mind), and benefit only a few professions which inherently makes them more valuable. As for blues, there are blues, then there are garbage. There are some blues that are highly sought after, should we be limiting the number of those type in our guild bank? For example the Braxxis' Staff of Slumber, or the Pathfinder's Band. Then there are the garbage blues that should be vendored or DEd, like the Pauldrons of Surging Mana, which probably shouldn't even be in the guild bank at all. If you are talking about pre-wotlk blues and limiting them to only one slot apiece then that makes sense, but stuff like this can be put into a retro tab.

    To each their own. One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure. That being said, not everyone plays this game to min/max their character stats. I don’t. So Instead of judging what is useless and what isn’t, a one of each limit is fair and impartial and doesn’t assume any certain style of play.

    As for potions, with the changes (can only use one potion during combat) potions are near completely worthless, but flasks and elixirs are still good, so is it still worthwhile to put potions in the guild bank?

    Again, one mans garbage…but with the change it is defiantly something to keep an eye on.

    Perhaps the answer to this is to make a tab that is only for deposits that the officers then can make some decisions on to the usability and relative 'quality' or 'desirablility' of the item, and then they can decide whether or not an item is worthwhile to be put into a longer term bank tab, and the ones that they deem not worthwhile to keep they can deal with at the end of every week so. All the other tabs would have to be set to withdrawl only for everyone but officers. The benefit of this sort of layout is it will keep the tabs organised so people can find stuff. I know right now there is a lot of junk everywhere, for example the protection potions which nobody uses (or even planned to use during BC), or the BEM flasks which takes up alot of slots that could be used for more valuable additions.

    This is a great idea, and will check with our fearless leader upon his return on working out a change like this. Only the GM has the ability to make this kind of change so I have to wait for his Real Life to free him up .

    By limiting the number of slots, etc., especially within the first six months or so in WotLK you are going to make people hesitant to use the guild bank for fear of putting in their 'awesome' blue just to be vendored because there is already another one in there, or a person taking out an 'awesome' blue because they don't want to potentially deprive another person who might need it more because who knows when the next time it may be available to the guild bank. The crushers have a history of generousity that I wouldn't want to see disturbed from a rigid management scheme.

    If the problem is a matter of guild bank tab space, hopefully the problem will be solved when we liberate the excess slots of 'junk' stuff (like protection potions, BEM elixirs, etc) as well as the tab that has BC mats in for the the start of profession grinds, as well as more stringent regulation of stuff in general, such as keeping gear in a gear tab, crafting mats in a crafting tab, preventing common materials (i.e. white quality leather, herbs, ore, cloth, etc.) from even being put into a permanent tab (i.e. keep it in a volatile tab so it can be used right away, or vendored after a short while), etc..

    The problem is space, and the limits set are a starting point. Though you make a good point and enforcement of the restrictions will definatly be lax in the beggining. See caveat at top.


  2. The following limits for what you can find in the Guild bank will be used, please respond with any suggestions or questions you may have about this policy:

    1. No more pre BC item (including patterns and mats), and no more BC items after a couple of months (thinking February).

    2. No green quality crafted or drop items that aren't consumables.

    3. No more then one of any crafted or drop blue items and no more then one stack of blue quality mats, no limit on crafted/drop purples.

    4. No more then one stack of each kind of consumables (armor patches, food, ect.) excepting Potions (were Potions are distinct from elixers/flasks/ect).

    5. Anything deposited into the bank beyond these limitations will be vendored/auctioned and the proceeds deposited into the bank.

    6. No more Inscriptions, most of our inscribers have maxed out their lists, check the pinned topic for those inscribers that care to share their lists.

    For the near future I'll be leaving special turn it items (like scarabs and coins/bijious) for people attempting to get some retro gear and rep.

    added 11/24/08:

    -We have adopted on of Kailand's suggestions below. The front porch will be Deposit only and the other tabs will be withdraw only. This allows us to be able to keep the tab better organized. If you accidently deposit something let an elder know so they can move it/pull it out for you.

    - The last tab is being offered up for anyone leveling (especially death knights). Please leave a request here or as a new thread and we will get those mats out to you.

  3. Mini FYI - Blackwing Lair is tonight (after Magtheridon)! Before heading down to Blackrock Mountain, please grab this quest from Silithus called "What Tomorrow Brings". It's a very short quest which merely involves approaching the big dragon outside Caverns of Time. The next part, however, is crucial for folks that wish to take a stab at Nozdormu rep, or completing their own AQ Scepter chain for lore's sakes - because the item it asks for is Broodlord Lashlayer's head!

    Also: if you plan on inviting friends/guests from outside of CS, please let me know well in advance!! I think you all realized how much it sucked @$$ summoning people to AQ40 without a warlock at the stroke of midnight. So if you know someone who wants their Nefarian Achievement, speak up. :lostit:

    Hey Holy,

    the mags/grulls run may have to start late tonight (see base camp, I have to work till 7p). Not sure if this will push the BWL run too far back for your schedule. If so I'm willing to dump the run this week. Let me know if you see this.


  4. Hey all,

    I'm working later tonight and won't be home until around 7:30 (est-server). I'll jump on when I get home and see if there's enough interest to do the run tonight. If someone feels like trying to get it organized earlier feel free. I don't have my list of alts here at work.


  5. Ever have that nagging feeling there's something you meant to do? well, I meant to post earlier this week that I won't be around this sunday afternoon. I'll be checking with Smed/Ascoli/Holyssa to see if they want to grab leadership this week. Keep chacking back, will post when I cna talk to them.


  6. Timbermaw Hold:

    Feathers for Grazle / Nafien 300 Rep per turn-in.

    Beads for Salfa: 300 Rep

    Ritual Totems: 1400 Rep

    The competition for grinding this rep was brutal at L60. With the recent boosts provided by the patch, this rep grind became a lot less tedious (despite being a semi-slap to the face for those that did it the old fashioned way), but now you gotta compete with epic'd out friends & rivals.

    Semi slap in the face? Grrr. I won't go into details about how many Furbolgs died to Windcheater's claws, but this is just rediculous. (yea, for the first time I'm actually pissed. 300 per turn in? thats mor ethen a 1000% increase. ######s.


  7. Gord is and always will be my Main. I've never really allowed the changes to get me down, honestly, I never really even analize them. I just adapt and move on. Having so many alts I've experienced the ups and downs of most classes and specs. I do believe that Blizzard makes a good faith effort at balance, and though slow as a City Government in enacting change when it is needed, it does eventually come. So I'll be hunkering down, Leveling Gord, and doing what I always do, farm for hours on end.


  8. Hey all,

    Daughter has a soccor game Sunday so I won't be on until 3pm (server) at the earliest. I know Ascoli has plans and won't be home till 5 (server). Feel free to run Kara at 2 (server) if you wan't. If not I'll see about tossing a group together after I get on if we have enough interested parties.


  9. Gwen,

    So of course I didn't see this till today (monday). Hope every thing goes ok with your tropical depression :-)

    Not making fun of you though, Columbus got the wind from Ike and it knocked out power and downed lines all over Ohio. Some people were withought power for over a week. I work for the City of Columbus (taking calls for city services) and people were on edge about not having power (even though 90% of columbus is handled by AEP). So good luck.

    See ya when its over.


  10. Hey Folks,

    My daughter has a 4 o'clock soccor game this Sunday so i won't be running the Kara run (9/21). I talked to Holyssa and he will be running it (from his Shaman I believe) so the run is still on. I will try to provide him a list of regulars but it may behoove you to log on a little early to get your spot.


  11. Very interesting, almost exactly like what they do with resitance buffs, only the strongets gets applied. Though the list is subject to change, I am happy to see the MotW is in its own category as is Blessing of Kings so that those buffs will still always be useful (note they are not in any of the specific stat buff catagories so they wouldn't be supercede by a bigger buff, i.e. it will still stack with PW: Fort).


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