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Posts posted by Gordantell

  1. Hey all,

    I will be doing some serious cleaning starting next week. If there is anything you want grab it soon. If there something lingering in the front porch let me or an elder know so we can pull it out for you.


  2. Gordantell signing up.

    I just want to add something for anyone coming from the sunday run:

    This is Maube's run, no one from Sunday will be in any kind of raid leader roll, we are just participants. Again, Maubes raid.


  3. 40 people have vied this post, no one has responded to it?

    If you have questions say something.

    If your interested, even though not sure if you can commit yet, please repond. I can't look up who has looked at it, so I have no idea what you are thinking.



  4. Hey all,

    Here is teh Crusher post for the new 25 man Naxx. The Sunday Run is looking to transform into a 25 man naxx run. All the current participants of Shelah's 10 man have first dibs. We have some folks form Jasena's guild interested and a few others from a 10 man that have been farming 10 man.

    Please post here if you are interested. We will be using this thread for organizing then get out own pinned.

    Any Crushers interested in coming, that rean't currently in the 10 man please post your: Name, Class, and Spec (and any spec your willing to change to).


  5. Hey all,

    The Sunday 10 man is looking to move up to a "25 man two day run". At this point we are gauging interest and availiablity. We currently have around 20 already interested. This post is for those we have been talking with and any other non Crushers that watch base camp (crushers please repond to the post I'll be putting up in Wartent). I will be putting up a post to be pinned on Wartent for everyone that is part of this new raid.

    If you are interested, please list your: Name, Class, and any Spec your willing to play (List your prefered spec first). Also note any previous Naxx experience you have, either 10 or 25. Experience or lack therof won't necessarily keep you from the raid, we just need to know for planning.


  6. Crushers,

    As the guild message states everyone above peon should now be able to access the bank again. Currently most folks will be able to deposit as much as they want (please keep bank policies in mind) and withdraw one item a day. If you need an additional item you can ask an Elder to withdraw it for you.

    About a month ago a few crushers (three that I know of) had their accounts hacked and the guild bank was plundered. Morgh did an "emergency" shut down at that time while the Guild leadership discussed our options.

    One thing we did was to make sure each Elder had one of the Blizzard Authenticators for extra security. There was talk of trying to get everyone in the guild to get one, but we determined it would be very difficult to verify and that we didn't feel comfortable making anyone buy something in order to be part of the guild.

    I will, again, highly recommend them. Just ask anyone that's gotten their account hacked.

    If you have any questions or suggestions please post a reply. Just wanted to let everyone know what was going on.


  7. Please Just reply to this with your inscribers name when you have a full list or are just a few (say around 10) away from a full list.

    For me my Paladin in Jasena's guild is close to full.


  8. Hey all,

    As most toons have the inscriptions they want, and most guild mains with inscription have or are nearing a full list I've decided that the bank no longer needs to keep these. It will free up room for enchantment scrolls and holding on too books for the "insane?" achievement that will be implemented soon. I'll be clearing the bank of inscriptions this Friday. I've also updated the Bank rules to reflect this change.


  9. ok, so we never got 10...

    Anyways, It's time to start focusing on the 80 instances and heroics, looking for a start tim around 1pm now, give some of our west coast folks time to wake up :-).

    Again, Im hoping there is enough interest that we can field two 5 mans for a few hours. If your looking to get geared up this is a good oppurtunity.

    Keep in mind that Mains will be given precedent over alts, if your main is already raiding on another night I will only be taking your alt if we can't get a spot filled (though Mains that wan't to pitch in and help..like Kalea has offered too are alwyas welcome).


  10. Hey all,

    Just a quick note, the last tab, where we were storing items for the WotLK expansion is being turned into a Pre-WotLK tab. All pre WotLK items will be moved there, accessability will be the same as other tabs (Withdraw only, with elders being able to deposit). Just keep throwing your junk on the front porch and one of us will make sure it gets put away.


  11. I have to second Smeds sentiments. I'm slowly limping along with Guilozak. Sundays and sometimes Saturdays are the only days i seem to be able to count on getting any playtime in. Once I get closer to 80 I'd love to join in on the Sunday action. So, hopefully I'll get off my arse and get some leeling time in this week.

    Hey folks,

    Just want to say again, that these Sunday runs are intended to help get people throught the nonheroics first so we cna get leveled and geared, so even if your not 80 yet please consider coming.


  12. Well, with one set of Crushers well on their way I think its time to get another group going. WHat I want to do at first is use some Sunday hours to run instances, 5 mans and then heroics once we get everyone fleshed out to 80, and then do some raiding (Starting with Nax).

    If your interested respond below, you don't have to be 80 yet as we will be doing non heroics to get quests and loot out of the way. I'd prefer this to be peoples mains.

    thinking noon to 4-6 pm server, hopefully hit a few instances, with two 5 mans going till we combine for some raids.


  13. Ive noticed that we are slowly working our way up on the leveling ladder. I think we have what 8 level 80's by now.

    What 10 / 25 mans are we gonna start out with and progress to?

    Also how many groups are we gonna run with.. Meaning.. before the expansion there was talks of Baracko's group being one group, Shelah and Holy's group being another and not sure if Gordantell was gonna continue on a 3rd group.

    I do see that yeah being level 80 should be something that most people are working towards as a goal so then start some raiding but others are also exploring and taking the slow path so I just wanted to see if there was any confirmation on what is planned from each raid leader and what time each wanted to try and start their raids.

    For me I'm still working on getting to 80. I've been alt hoping a bit too to avoid pushing to fast. I'll want to wait be waiting for most of the guild to reach 80, helping out where I can before even thinking about raiding. I agree with Holyssa that heroics will be the place to be for awhile.


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