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Posts posted by Kaerfiremane

  1. If you get a chance, head on over to the WOW main site and scope out the hunter changes. All classes now have a Blizzard approved Talent configurator, so play with your specs! Who knows what the future holds.

  2. This is obviously not the same people that made battle-net! THOSE PEOPLE WENT AND MADE GUILDWARS!

    Although WOW is just more fun and dynamic - you will notice that Guild Wars had an amazing downloading and streaming system. About twice a week a message would appear "Please Relog, a patch has been released" and you relog, a download happens in 2 seconds and a bug has been fixed forever.

    Guildwars is some network coding genious.

    THIS IS A FOUR MEGABYE PATCH! It's been an hour.

    Invest in a Fileplanet account. Viola! Download patches from a server. Get 500k/s. Live the good life. >:L

  3. Between costs of repairs and other numerous amounts of spending - I have made 31 gold. I just hit level 39 tonight. I plan to hit 40 tomorrow. Is there anyway that you guys could help Khamballa reach his goal of obtaining his mount torrow?

    I wanted that mount so bad, and now that I'm back and more powerful than ever; I want it twice as bad.

    Hopefully my auctions will sell and i'll get some more.

    to use volonazras favorite quote that i use -

    not to sound like a ass but -

    i know im not in the guild but i still think i might help you

    but i did the whole warrior thing and i did blacksmithing and dropped it and picked up alchemy and then blacksmith again

    from 39-41 only run SM runs , and farm in STV ( trolls ), do NOT buy anything off the AH i dont care how much you need it , and by 41 you will have enough gold for you mount and you will have gotten it all by your lonesome , something that makes you feel good :D hehe .

    Let me piggy back and say also that you could try hitting the Graveyard in SM specifically, and failing that kill Trols in STV. They will drop cloth which is always a seller.

  4. Update 8/4/05

    Added Link to Enchanted Thorium BP. I actually made this for someone and maade some money :dancing_smile:.

    All Profits from Invulnerable mail go to guild funds.

    Edit 12/23/05

    Added Edge of Winter and Demon Forged Breastplate.

    While I am no longer a member of the guild, CS will never pay for any of my services, or that of my wife.

  5. By the way - a treatise on Invulnerable Mail - said to be the end all be all Shaman Mail...

    "this armor is the best armor in the game for shaman for numerous reasons.

    1) the more people that are tryingto kill you the more often this procs. In real pvp its almost always an unfair fight. This armor owns and procs even more. In fact go down to gadgetstan and pvp there and the guards are a blessing to you because they do little damage to you and are constantly proccing the armor. I run through gadget flagrantly pking people. Takes a lot of alliance a lot of time to kill me all the while the guards are hacking them to peices and im getting honor.

    2) 5% procs a lot. I cant restate this enough.

    3) in 1v1 matchups this armor is only good vs rougues and sometimes warriors. In real pvp where enemies will go after the healer 1st this armor is godly and easily the best armor in the game. The more warriors and rogues and pallas come after you the more this procs and the more you can just sit there untouched and buff your team, heal and shock and drop totems.

    4) i recomend this armor to any hardcore pvper. IS INSANE. In fact i can honestly say that no other piece of armor in the game (helm leg boot etc etc) increases your chances of surviving and winning most conflicts as often as this one item. I will not be trading in this armor for ANY other epic armor unless they really nerf this armor or amp up other epic armors.

    5) I was at a time concerned about the stat loss i took using this armor so i started using dreamwalker armor again (my old armor) just to test it out. Biggest mistake i ever made and I will never go back again. Real pvp is all about ganging up and focusing fire on one target at a time and no other item or ability on the horde side is better at countering this than this armor. It procs a lot.

    you will not be sorry with this armor once you learn how to use it and understand how it works. Its truly awesome and the best armor in the game for shaman. It is not wasted materials at all. In fact i think for what it does the cost is a bit low.


    tamer "

  6. Greetings Skullcrushers! I will try to kep this page updated as often as possible. Below you will find my items of especial reknown that I am able to produce. Currently, I am Honored by the Thorium Brotherhood. I am working to become exalted with all factions so that I can provide top quality armor to all in the land.

    Axe :

    Edge of Winter

    Plate :

    Dark Iron Helm

    Dark Iron Bracers

    Dark Iron Shoulders

    Imperial Plate Armor

    Enchanted Thorium Breastplate

    Enchanted Thorium Leggings

    Demon Forged Breastplate

    Mail :

    Fiery Chain Girdle

    Storm Gauntlets

    Wildthorn Mail

    Invulnerable Mail

    More than I have listed - but still working....

    Thanks to all for the last addition - the Invulnerable Mail! Fanatsic piece for Shamans.

  7. I read a post on WArrior boards that you do in fact get normal returns from speccing high in Armor. Each 1% is more valuable when you are getting hit for 1500 damage and the comparison was in each armor point as a value of time you live. I have to find the post...

  8. If you are a Warlock or a Warrior, you now have a huge pool of unspent Talent points as of tonights login. So! Whats your spec?

    I am changing mine to allow for the new Shield Slam power :

    5 Shield Block

    2 Imp Bloodrage

    3 Toughness

    1 Last Stand

    1 Imp Shield Block

    3 Imp Revenge

    3 Imp Sunder

    2 Imp Taunt

    1 Conc Blow

    2 Imp Shield Bash

    2 Imp Shield Wall

    1 Shield Slam

    31 Prot

    5 Cruelty

    5 Unbridaled Wrath

    1 Piercing Howl

    11 Fury

    5 Deflection

    4 Tactical Mastery

    9 Arms.

    How about you? :yahoo:

  9. Bonjour ! Merci de venir pour visiter. Malheureusement, nous ne parlons pas français ici. Ceci a été traduit chez Altavista. Je ne comprends pas ce que vous demandez. Je suis désolé que nous ne puissions pas vous aider avec votre question. Merci pour s'arrêter près ! - Clan De Skullcrusher :rolleyes:

  10. Guaranteed all you need is a new account and you should be fine. Do any of your buddies still play? Hit them up for a free activation. Once you make a new accountt you will be gravy. Generally speaking, the company feels that banning your character to be enough punishment. If you want to buy another copy and start from scratch you sure can, though I think your name is likely gone.

    Also - Fury warriors are rocking in new aptch, especially troll fury warriors.

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