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Posts posted by Kaerfiremane

  1. *ahem*

    Attack Logs

    Atk Hp Str Def Str Hp Expires Comment

    Chris -0 -40 Kaerfiremane -0 -47 2h 15m Frag (0)

    Chris -0 -28 Kaerfiremane -0 -46 Expired Frag (0)

    Chris -0 -38 Kaerfiremane -0 -47 Expired Frag (0)

    Chris -0 -28 Kaerfiremane -0 -47 Expired Frag (0)

    Chris -0 -25 Kaerfiremane -0 -47 Expired Frag (0)

    Chris -0 -36 Kaerfiremane -0 -47 Expired Frag (0)

    Chris -0 -31 Kaerfiremane -0 -47 Expired Frag (0)

    Chris -1 -20 Kaerfiremane -6 -41 Expired

  2. Im so proud of us! What an achievement we have made. A Truely great thing happened last night. Just shows you what a great group of people this is.

    The faire doesnt come back to town till Sept 5th, so you have some time to get those last 2 elusive cards. Just check the AH for "elementals" for the next few days. Another option is farming humanoid mobs for cash and faction - I could reccomend the undead in WP (the ethereal ones near Scholo). That way you get AD faction as well as money.

    Anyway a great achievement all. :D

  3. Edit to above, the *6* and the 8. :dntknw:

    Oh, and don't worry about pitchin' in for now. Thanks VERY much, but I think I can save the clan some expense by at least giving the ones who drop it a few shots first, or at least wait and see if a cheaper seller comes along ;)

    Rhoach you don't understand - that was my thinking too.

    4 Solid weeks. Like, 3-6 attempts a week. And 2 elemental invasion bosses. I was even off some days and spent time running them.

    This card sells for 400-600g, frequently. 350 is a good price. Im honestly looking out for you.

    Glad to help you farm it but I know its going to be really frusterating for you - it was for me, seeing all 7 of those cards taking up space in my inventory wanting my trinket :D

  4. Reposting from the main boards- a good read :


    Courtesy of the fine folk at Black Phoenix, working to make a better tomorrow for the Argent Dawn community.

    Okay, a lot of these posts of late have boiled down to "I'm angry 'cause I don't have the chance to do what you do!" I'm therefore going to share with you some not so top-secret information.

    1. Play until you hook up with a cool group of people. The founding fathers of BRL were just a bunch of moops who hung out together doing UBRS runs until we were doing the place in 50 minutes or less. This isn't saying we were possessed of vastly superior skill, but if you play with the same people often enough you become familiar with their style of play and adjust your own accordingly, and eventually a seamless balance is reached. They don't have to be guildmates, either... almost none of us were when we started, some still aren't. Doesn't need to be a full 40 people, either, a good 10 buddies will get you well under way.

    2. Read up on the encounters, ask advice, do whatever preparation you personally consider necessary, map out a strategy. Then be prepared to chuck it all out the window and die on the first pull. Several times. All the strategies in the world can't make up for just plain learning this stuff yourself, as each and every group is different... you'll have to adapt once you're in there. But with a solid base--those players you started out with--you'll get things down in no time flat.

    3. Figure out what your needs are (x-number of healers, decursers, etc) and start personally inviting people you know to be good at what they do. If you're tight with another guild (or guilds), get their people in on the action. Do NOT go spamming for pick-ups in Ironforge or Orgrimmar... accept it just ain't gonna happen with a pug, which is why Blizz intro'd Zul'Gurub. You need people you at least know something about, who know their class and understand their role in these raids, and that are reasonably reliable.

    4. Once you've got your raiders, a good 40-60 people to cover spots on nights others can't make it, you're ready to begin. This is by far the most difficult and lengthy part of the process. But the point is it can be done by anyone if they just put a little effort into it (or unless they're well-known asshats nobody wants anything to do with... if that's you, sorry I can't help you, but I'd suggest kissing some serious to win people over). Snag one of those free boards with the ads from Tickle to keep everyone posted, or have someone in your group with some web-savvy build you a website. You'll likely all be in different guilds, so communication is important.

    5. Schedule your first attempt. And show up. Do you best, but accept that you probably won't plow through to Lucifron in the beginning much less Ragnaros. Your next attempt, SHOW UP. That's one of the biggest hurdles you'll face... people get discouraged, and there ARE people in on these things for the loot and not the fun of playing new content and overcoming challenges. Seperate the wheat from the chaff, bring in new people as needed, but don't give up and keep working at it. In a month you'll look back and say "Remember when we wiped on that first Firelord pull? Man, that was funny... now let's kick Golemagg's arse."

    6. Loot. There's a good chance you'll see purple even before you take down the first boss. Do yourself a favor right now and use ML. FFA is fine if you're doing guild runs, but ML is necessary in the beginning, especially if you are dealing with 20 or more people in raid you're not all that familiar with. For BoEs the ML will collect and they'll be distributed whenever you choose, during or after the raid (you should also have all reached an agreement at this point as to what to do with Cores and Leather). Now you've finally taken down Luci in a hard-fought battle, and see all that purple! WAIT, DON'T LOOK YET! Make sure everyone's rezzed before you allow anyone to even THINK about looting that hand they need for that quest, otherwise ML might bug on you and people who were dead when the boss went down won't make the loot list.

    7. Now a word about distribution. In the beginning, it pays to be somewhat lax. If someone can use the item (or it's class-specific) those eligible /random for it, simple. As things progress, however, you'll begin to notice you have the odd Warrior who comes on your raid and then never comes again who walks away with Might gear while your main tank for all these raids is still wearing gear he got from Scarlet Monestary. Same goes for other "regulars", who are starting to notice they're putting in more effort only to walk away empty-handed each run... at this point there's two things you might want to consider. The first is, gear up your MT first. The better-equipped he is, the better-equipped you'll ALL be that much sooner, believe me. Second is introducing either a modifier based on player attendence or adopting DKP (Dragon Kill Points... for every boss kill or attempt the people present are awarded points they can then "spend" on items that drop).

    8. Be ready for #@%$!ing the likes of which you cannot believe. "How come so-and-so got an invite tonight and I didn't?" "How come I can't roll on that, it's clearly a Hunter wand?" etc. Bear with it as best you can, be as diplomatic as possible, cut loose the really disruptive and problematic people (and be prepared for them to post to these forums that you're a bunch of elitist jerks under lvl 1 alts afterward). As with all the other suggestions I've made, it all boils down to a little preperation, and whole lotta perseverance.

    9. Don't let your raiders rest on their laurels when you're not raiding. Everyone should be farming resist gear on their own, working to make pots and food and bandages and repair bots for the raid, and getting their hands on as much gold as possible because repair expenses are MASSIVE. Pitch in, stay on top of others, help them make BRD runs for Burning Essence for their Librams, whatever it takes. This is all truly a group effort that extends beyond stepping through that portal and into the instance.

    10. Profit!

    So there you have it... it's not as difficult as it appears, just takes some dedication, and even then you can squeak by with little more than a core group of dedicated people working to bring in others and keep things running smoothly as possible. Before you know it you'll be excited rushing to these forums to regale others with your tale of triumph, only to get shot down for being egotistical and self-centered. Fun for one and all!

    To sum up.

    Find a good group of people and stick with 'em. Do your research, but be prepared to learn things the hard way. Actively recruit people and entire guilds to the effort until your needs are met. Set up a way (forum, whatever) for everyone to keep in touch and get to know each other a little better. Make a schedule and stick to it, win or lose, don't get discouraged. Figure out in advance how you're going to handle drops. Be prepared to change the way you handle loot as the need arises down the road. You will get complaints and lots of 'em... deal with them and the complainers to the best of your ability, but hang in there. Make sure everyone is working to ensure the continued success of the raid even when you're not raiding. Get phat lewtz.

    Again, don't let this seem so overwhelming. There are plenty of people with real-life commitments and very little playtime walking around right now in epic gear. Most importantly, don't allow yourself to judge your raid based on the progress of others or their equipment, and don't judge them in return. It's a game, find a way to make it work for you as others have for them.

    Couple additional notes...

    1. Outdoor raid encounters. Man, this is a free-for-all, both by design and the way you approach them. Your raid will rarely if ever be around to tackle something of this nature, so wing it. Plain and simple. I have personally beaten Kaz and Azure with quickly whipped-together pugs, and suffered some humiliating defeats. Just take what you've got to work with when the world bosses pop and do your best. ALWAYS remember though, to be respectful of other groups who might beat you to it and do not grief the encounter. Not only can it get you banned, it's just plain uncool. Yes, losing out on these can be frustrating to the extreme... just keep at it, it'll happen.

    2. If you've got access to Ventrilo or TeamSpeak, use it. It's incredibly helpful in co-ordinating people, but even if you can't use these you'll do fine (we didn't have Vent until way into things, now we don't know how we lived without it, but we did).

    That's it for now... good luck to you! I promise you when you're victorious I'll be standing in line to say "Grats, guys!"

  5. As the Crushers go up in seasons, a lot of us are itchin' ta raid a lot a' places. I propose a new section of the forums dedicated to forming raid parties. Who's with me?

    Id like to see our forums get more use before we start adding another section. However! There is a call to arms section of the argent covenant site which we should be using for raids too! :D (hint hint)

  6. Rhoach -

    More than happy to help you with this, as I know full well the pain of getting this set together. My advice is dont even worry about the non ace cards - they are a dime a dozen. Even if you have to pay 40 or 50 g to make the last set, its worth it. The ace I spent literally 4 weeks on almost constantly to no avail.

    Incendius drops this, as does Hydrospawn. They are the only two static bosses that do. Pay attention to the elemental invasions - when they occur you will hear about it in the zones (Azshara, Winterspring, Ungoro, and Silithis). They have a good chance of dropping it too, and you should only need 1 or 2 other crushers to help you get the kill. Especially if you have a healer.

    DM East I have the key for (or you can pick the lock, if you have enoug skill). We can run down to lysandris and then hit Hydrospawn and be out in 20 min - then a quick instance reset and repeat.

    I really need to get some farming done this week to have any shot at running instances this weekend (To pay off my own ace :D ) so the next few days may be bad for me. However, Im always willing to help out if im needed.

    We can work something out im sure. Getting a 5 man together wont be an issue. Marj was always willing to come on my runs, maybe hell go for you too. I am sure I could get nautar to come and then we just need one more person.

  7. Meifftor is my hero.  And nice double post, Master of the Mis-tell Muru-mon!  :p  I guess Meifftor deserves two posts, hehe... he's that good.

    Anyway... yeah, awesome live strat raid, wow.  Nice to have the Lepus there as well, Kareyn and Lindureal are always awesome.  Too bad that random priest won the pristine black diamond, but hey.... many Crushers got good things, and we'll be back for more :)

    Oh... and congrats, Muru....





  8. Is' been a wonderful stretch o' carnage lately- eh Crushers?

    I be seein' no reason te cease- who be with me to challenge the Scholomance again? Perhaps ol' Stratholme? Mebbe Blackrock? Er' thar Maul?

    Te arms!

    ((In short- anyone want to do a raid when the maintenance is done? :)))

    I posted on the AC boards - you should register there an advertise there as well! They are good peoplee.

    I am def interested in BRD/Sunken temple runs later this week if any younger crushers want to go (moonena?)

  9. Will do. I did speak to one of his guilds officers, to see if I could possibly get him to unignore me, that I might talk the situation over him, that was  last night though, before I saw the post- I'm really sorry if I jumped the gun.

    What do you suggest I do? I mean I don't want to start a big stink, but I certainly don't want to be blacklisted for raids because of this guy.

    Doubtful that will happen. This isnt the first I have heard of Curik. Give me a chance to look into this more and I will let you know. If he contacts you in game, respond respectfully and coureously - Id expect no less of you but just to make sure you are on the same page :).

  10. Make sure you all have accounts set up and can read/post at the argent covenant website!


    Also make sure you /join Argentcovenant so you can enjoy being part of the alliance. There are benefits to being in the channel and posting, including RP events, knowing when raids are forming and more. Its a great group and the forums and channels make for an exellecnt communication tool - please make use of it!

  11. I am sorry I missed this. I was in an absolutely foul mood after reading 1.7 patch on Friday, and I couldn't log in. You wouldnt have wanted me to come anyway, I was so angry.

    Anyways better now. Glad to see you around :) Hope your birthday was good.

  12. (Im not sure whether I should be OOC or IC in here but to get the point across; my birthday is this friday and I was thinking cause Im new to the guild as well Id like to have perhaps a little party of some sorts.  Tetand will supply free alcohol to all who attend.  Could be a chance to meet guildmates and share stories and RP.  If any would be interested perhaps we can flesh it out more?)

    That sounds like a smashing idea! What shall we do (besides drink) to celebrate your birthday?

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