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Posts posted by Corellon

  1. Toldar, as long as someone gets hurt I'm gonna be happy :devil:

    I'm sorry neither team is even on my scope for rooting for. I'm primarily a steelers and dolphins fan and yah they both suck but those are my teams :devil:

    Would like to think the commercials wouldn't be as gimpy as they had been over the past couple of years. Otherwise I'm just watching a movie or sit around in game reading comments in city chats.

  2. *starts to draw out a perimeter for the new arrival*

    du you lik dah veeu ub dah stream or dah hillz?

    *takes into account of the reckless rogues and the slight smells about the camp*

    mebe yu lik dah warmth ub dah firez about camp?

    *finds a perfect spot and stakes it out*

    der you be habbin a spot dat haz a view and iz warm on dem cold nights!! :D:p

  3. Sorry. . . Can't see signing up for anymore raids at this time.

    Can't say that I would really like to. . . my atitude has been very poor over the past few weeks.

    As soon as this little problem corrects itself I may give it a go. But xmas is getting close and I get really moody there too.

    *goes back to his tent and shuts up*

  4. Bar, thats not what your profile says on eharmony.com. . .

    It say's that was one of your turn ons. hmmmmm there must be more to this.

    Anyway Maube I'm sure you get all kinds of suggestion on how or what may fix that crying thing, every baby is different you just need to find out what makes this one happy. Our problem was the iron in the formula but you never know. I just thank gawd that I don't have to change diapers anymore, but again that may change. . . Grandkids!!!! ACK!!!!!!!!!!! *hears the distant sounds of gears turning* :lostit:

  5. Verissi is touching me again!!!!

    Vrugz is making faces and Kytae won't stop telling me what to do. Baracko took all his marbles and won't share either. . .

    Yes, this and more will be next!!!

    Looking forward to a time you may return to the game along with the co hater Katak. . .

    Thank you for dropping the note, lets us all know how your doing and it's looking like it's going good for you. :lostit:

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