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Posts posted by Corellon

  1. The twelve year old in me, which is the one you all know, say's COOOOOOOOOOL do it again!

    The 39 year old dad in me says, WTF!!!! Where my Dr Pepper!!!!!!!!

    I don't know whats worse, making that video or watching it. It's like a train wreck, you can't look away even if you wanted to.

  2. My two cents. . .

    Please do not blame the raid leaders for there choice of people to put into the raids. I for one know that Maube IS trying to rotate new people into the MC raid. But you must understand there is alot of other people that also sign up. Plus just because you are not listed as accepted dosn't mean that you won't be chosen as a fill in for people that did not show up. Every week we have several people that miss the start time and get their spot filled by others that sign up, BUT you must be online and be ready to go. This may take some time and patience is neccessary. This is how you become a regular to run MC. Now for the 20 person raids these are much harder to get into and from time to time spots do need filling.

    As for attendance into TSF raids, I am guilty as charged for not attending them. I must appoligize for this, but I already attend 4 raids a week as well as help out with the younger ones with quests.

    The thought of the SC using this alliance for a recruitment is simply and completely untrue, I'm online alot and I am an elder, this is not practiced inside this guild. We have lost many memebers to other guilds due to the same type of alliances made. I can name at least 10 of the top of my head, some where good friends. These people are still my friends, we just do not comunicate as much. I do know the anger that is felt when you loose a guildmate to a friendly guild, but this is that persons choice and only that person. So by sending this type of message is just plain wrong.

    The TSF is a VERY RESPECTABLE guild, and have good leadership, I only wish the best for all of its members. We do share a common philosophy, there is no reason that a solution cannot come about.

    Suggestions would be for BOTH the TSF and CS to post on each others site's any and all needs, dates and times, for each of the raids/groups that are in occurance. I for one enjoy alliances and would like to participate more with them. My time is limited online and I can be very busy, but I will when I can help out and would very much like to get to know more of your guild.

    Now, that being said, I would like to think the rest of this string would be more to the positive than anything else. If my post seems unbelivable or if anyone thinks I don't mean what I have said then there is no need to post or even to try to contact me in game, I'm here to have fun not to be harrased.

  3. Sorry that I will miss out on this special event.

    Trick or treat time for my kids and it's my turn at watching them.

    Congrats Relikk!!!

    It's goin to be nice seeing that thing at work, along with the experience of the player behind it.

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