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Posts posted by Corellon

  1. If there something lingering in the front porch let me or an elder know so we can pull it out for you.

    Would it be possible to open the front porch to withdrawls until the end of the week? It seems like that'd be a lot easier than pestering an officer... there is a lot of stuff there that hasn't left the front porch in weeks.

    No, you can pester them. They like that . . . "snickers"

  2. NoooOoooO!!! Ah needs my PreciousSSssssSSSSssss!!!!

    Don't do eet MAN!!! *says Wren*

    um. . . you wouldn't have any . . . oooooh I don't know . . . RUBBER NIPPLES!!!! Hmmmm?

    Call dah police!!? *says strange man at door*

    Oooh, I'm soooo confused!! :)

  3. We have a WRT 54G Linksys router here at work. We have to reset it about once a week. Since I'm not allowed to touch it, it does have a firmware update that would fix it. But it does real well inside of the all metal building I work in. At home I use a mid ranged Netgear, I will edit this when I get home to give you the model. I havn't had any trouble with it. This one I can mess with too :).

  4. Just a reminder, when reviewing your damage done and dps, don't include trash pretty much ever.

    I understand that, but when running pugs most of the time you run into a lot of "know-it-all's" that think differently. In some cases will not allow Locks in their group. I call that narrow minded and not looking at the big picture. Problem is that if I cannot get my dps up a bit, I will be overlooked for groups. There are nights where I can get into a few good groups and a ton of nights where I run into the "snots" of the server and end up leaving the group. Plus with the talent points getting returned now for the second week in a row, I'm getting more and more frustrated with Blizzards activity. I've lost 2 DoT's and have gained very little with other comparably equipt Locks. I test out different strats on each encounter to see what's giving me the best for my bang. I just haven't hit the right combination yet. What really ticks me off right now is that I get rated on the trash and if the dps isn't quite right, I get the boot. This happens still more than it should. I have put everyone of the group leads that boot me on ignore so I do get into group with them again. In any case, I'm still looking for more feed back on what other warlocks do in their respective areas of expertise. Trying to stick it out in affliction, but may try out destruction to see how that goes. For those that have given suggestions and have read this thread, thank you for you help. I'm still seeking the "magic bullet" for this class. :nub:

  5. I'm now getting strange things in different group make up's. Some groups with the rotations I have been using after patch, have been lower dps than others. Trying to narrow it down, thought it may be due to pally buffs, but some groups without pally I get great dps. Seems that when the group is caster heavy, more times than not, my dps drops. I don't see many others with that issue. I group with some of the same folks and it changes from group to group. I have taken into consideration different buffs from Shaman, pallys and DK's etc. Also I have a choice of Hit/Haste/Crit gear to play with the stats there too. I do know when in a 10/25 man that with all buffs my dps jumps to almost 3k. Just wondering if thats normal or if the rotation/faceroll is off a bit. I do tend to generate alot more agro that most other classes now too. But that's only bad with a inexperienced tank.

    Talk amongst yourselves and report back to me at once!!! :nub: :nub: :tease::lostit:

  6. *raises hand*

    I run too, in the mornings. I had to stop over the winter thanks to New England snow and ice but I've started back up as of last week. So I'm cheering you on and me on too. Hey wait, we are both mages, lets both blink!

    *giggles* *gets the smelling salts ready for the crash* :D Don't blink in proximity of each other, you know how that will work out.

  7. Dabu, very good information. I haven't yet experimented with that particular item yet. There was a chest piece and helm that I had messed with to get mats but wasn't really impressed. Although there are a couple of JC items the are easy to make and can produce similar results.

  8. Ok, so working on Affliction spec, I have found that using CoA, Corruption and SB spamming seems to keep me in the black for most 5 mans doing trash. On bosses keeping UA,Haunt, Siphon along with prior mentioned and maybe an Imoliate once in a while seems to put me into a good area of dps again for most group. I have gotten into a few that 3k of dps is required to break even. I can reach 2k on boss fights and 10-25 man raids I'm getting about 2.5k - 3k depending on buffs and crits. Yes, it does seem that Haste>Crit for my spec. I am still experimenting with various series of DoT's and SB Flame spells. Havn't seen a great deal of difference in any of them yet. I've even tried to just "faceroll" to see if that helps. Anyway, still looking for the "magic bullet" to give me that edge in dps.

  9. As Demo, I started out with corruption, curse of agony, Immolate then shadowbolted with refreshes on corruption to get glyph to proc. In heavy fights Metamorph would play a role also. Major glyphs, corruption, felguard and shadowbolt. Felguard would be the pet of choice, mostly on passive except on trash mobs. DPS out put was no different in 5 10 or 25 man runs. It sat around 1.2k, using crit>haste.

  10. Eigun, I'm just looking for any and all information I can use to determine what I can do. Most of what I have read is too old to be of any good to me. Right now, I'm affliction spec'd and it seems that in 10/25 man raids I put out decent dps, but in 5 man groups, it's severely lacking. I had been demo since I rolled him and havn't seen much in dps increase lately. It's great for solo, but I crave groups and quick runs. I'm just gathering information of any type that may help with making a better decision on spec'ing. Since now I'm running recount and it seems to line up with what gets spammed in raid or group, I can now monitor my progress better. For my spec, I've used Imolate, Haunt, unstable affliction, siphon, corruption, curse of agony then if time allows a shadow bolt or two then back to refreshing dots. This would be on a single target, on groups of 3 or more, Rain of fire is the only spell casted till down to one or two. Pet would be mainly the fel hunter and major glyphs are Immolate, siphon life and unstable affliction. This normally keeps me in the 1400 dps area in 5 mans but jumps to almost 2.3k in 25 man. Although I'm still gathering data on whats best to use in gear, I'm letting my crit go for now in favor of haste and the order of stats that I look for currently is spell power>int>stam>haste>crit. With the gear I currently have also I have a nice mana regen out of it. Like I said, just looking for other ideas.

  11. Not being one that can find what he's looking for in web pages easy, I was wondering what the warlocks in the guild use for their spell rotations. I have tried to read a few suggestions on other boards, it hasn't worked too well for me.

    I would like to hear from all spec's and any level. This would be benefit everyone.

    I don't see too many write ups on warlocks, seems it's a hidden knowledge. The ones I do find are from either just before WoLK or 2 years plus ago.

    My ultimate goal here is to increase damage output for 5-25 man runs. Very tired of getting told my DPS is the worst any one have ever seen.

    Changing spec's is not the issue, it's making the most of what the potential is for a warlock.

  12. Hey Smed!

    Well i glanced at your spec really quick and i noticed a few things. I would honestly consider putting points in Improved Heroic Strike, Cruelty, Armored to the Teeth, and Deflection. Those 4 things alone are gonna increase your aggro generation SIGNIFICANTLY. You will obviously loose some defensive base stats (you will get all that back plus more as you upgrade gear).

    But all in all, just stick to it man. Warrior tanks are always strongly needed especially in raids. I wouldn't let a couple heroic runs phase you at all. And these are just my opinions, take them or leave them.

    Thank you for you input and thoughts, I will work on some talent point swaps and test them out. As for a few heroic runs, I have taken smed on numerous raid and heroic runs before and after expansion and have notes to cover all of them. I cannot go as far in a raid or dungeon as a warrior tank. But as a mediocre dps, I can go quite far and fast with either a pally tank or death knight tank. I barely have any gear and got UP heroic done in less than half an hour with my dps warlock and have yet to complete it on a number of attempts with smed. This is just one example, I do have a long list and it's not getting better. In any case I haven't ever given up, just relaxing a bit on other classes. I'm just been tired of working so hard on my warrior with no results to show for it. It just seems more satisfying to play my warlock and not have to worry about agro for a while.

  13. Well, I have had my eyes opened wide again about warrior tanks. Smedlock has tried without success to tank UP heroic. Last night with an undergeared warlock, still wearing tier 4 level 70 stuff, rifled through UP Heroic in about 35 min. With a Paladin tank. My run from Tuesday night was with the same undergeared lock and watched UK flash before my eyes and then the same group did Heroic VH. Now with all this being said and I've seen alot more than that before expansion, I have come to the conclusion that warrior tanks just don't have what it takes to tank and havn't for more than a year. I'm not griping, not not upset, just looking for some ideas on how to make a warrior tank better to at least be competitive as an off tank. I have begun to use my dps class as a main for now till I can figure out what to do about this dilemma, I would rather be tanking. I won't go through all the observations and facts that I have accumulated over the past year, but blizz has made it difficult to do the thing I like to do best. Until I can come up with some way to make it as a tank, I'll most likely be working on Clanger or Blackhed. Remember to have fun it's just a game!! AND! dps LFG any heroic!!

  14. Joining is fairly simple for T.H.E. folks. But to keep with policy you will need a sponsor. I see no difficulty with that, you can use me. Then contact Kalea and chat with her a bit and everything should be done. Alts may be added after you make it to grunt level. As far as a level minimum, we really don't have one. But I understand your waiting for a few levels. I did the same thing.

  15. Hey there,

    I have warrior tanked for about three years and watched alot of changes occur during that time to all spec's of the warrior. One of your questions is about stances, these are learned trough quests that are given while you train at your trainer. Each stance will give you access to different abilities as well as change your stats a bit to help with the stance your currently in. Although after the last expansion some of the differences have been knocked down. The best way to know how those work is to play with them as you get them. When I ground out Smed I was mainly arms, I didn't know what I was doing either, but it seemed to work well. If your looking to tank, there are alot of different spec's out there that will work well. What you need to do is find one that works well for you. Your playing style has alot to do with how your spec should be built. Once dual spec'ing comes out you may find other things you can play with to be more fun as a warrior. Depending on how it's implemented, it may be a great benefit or just a slight improvement. I have heard stories that you will still need to go and pay for it. If that would happen then most likely I would not enjoy it. In any case we have many good players in the guild that know how to play warrior in many different ways. I'm sure most of them would be happy to add their two cents. If you get to a point you need a hand with quests or instances, I have a few toons at several levels that could help.

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