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Posts posted by Corellon

  1. First of all I would like to say, congrats to everyone that attended this weeks MC run.

    Second I would like to know what Smedlock did wrong.

    While everyone was taking down Mag's, Smed got pooped on and feared with no chance to heal or recover, this happend in the first few seconds of our second and final assault. Although this sounds funny to some, I'm wasting my time in MC without some kind of guidence as to how things should have worked, or if it all worked as intended. Most of group 8 died and was rez'ed 2 times during the battle. Since it took more than 6 min to take out mag's I completly missed out on the action at the time of the puppies demise. If this is a normal thing then all is well and I may as well not have gone. But if there is something I could have done then I really need to know. I'm not one to break into conversation and demand a rez if it's not necessary to waste mana. That was a tough fight and my frustration should not be a focal point of any kind. Since I really did not contribute to the death of Mag's then Smed should not be getting credit in anyway shape or form for it. I will have second thoughts about attending anymore MC raids until I have understood what has happend and have some how corrected it. I did have fire resist armor, 4 stacks of healing pots and over 100 bandaids. This raid however has left me with very little to continue with as for I blew through all of my healing pots and half of my band aids as well as 4+ gold in damage. I know that this is prolly normal for most of you, but when I log at night I have very little time to go farming for anything to sell or make money on. Alot of the time I'm helping with other guildies, either getting leveled or with quests. Maybe in a few weeks I'll be ready to try again, but until then take it easy in there and have fun ;).

  2. I have guild wars also and love the scenics and the quests provided. Economy is alike in a few ways. It took me only a few days to get to level 9, but I never left the begining zone.

    It can be very video intensive at times. But really not much more than WoW. Combat is similar to WoW. But I never played it anymore than a week.

  3. So sorry, I have not been able to read the forums as much as I use too.

    Huato, Smedlock would be available to help you out in DM, to get the key or to get your book turned in.

    I should be on most of the day saturday and with little or no agro from anyone :rolleyes:

  4. Although I have been in an 800+ Q before, I normally sign in early enough to avoid it. Normally logging into an alt for my girls to play. But this will only work for the short term. I can see that if this continues that I may never log out :) !

    I must say though it's better than the alternative. (example . . .SWG)

    I like playing on a server and in a game that is so well liked. For the most part I find the people that play on this server good folks. There will always be a few spoilers.

    I would certainly hope that Blizzard will not let it's customer base down. I'm sure that they are doin everything in there power to fix the situtations that are occuring on our server as well as alot of the other servers. We are not alone there. I don't think that Blizzard ever expected the amount of people in there servers when they first opened them up. So all the anger should be redirected towards admiration to the game an that as long as Blizzard does what it can to accomadate it's client, that we will all have a friend playing the game :orc: .

  5. Would love to have said that I had turkey, but I'm really lucky to have gotten anything at all, Inlaws ate most everything before we got there. But had BBQ ribs with my mom's dinner :yub: nothing makes a tummy happier than home made BBQ ribs! Buuuuuuuuurp! :innocent:

  6. If I become 60 in the period of time that it takes to get a group together and you don't have a warrior, I would be interested in going.

    Should be 57 tonight and the way I grind out levels I'm looking at 60 in one week. :yub:

    Let me know If I can be of any help.

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