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Everything posted by Kelnica

  1. Kelnica

    EQ 2

    I'll definitely be playing EQ2 although I'm not sure I'll have it on release day - it might be a bit later. Not sure how well it will run on my 'puter but even if all I can do is stand in town and wave at people that's fine with me!
  2. For me it would be a tie between the Munchkin and the DM... assuming they aren't one and the same, that is...
  3. Kelnica

    Hidden Glade

    Beautiful work... and "eye candy" for those who appreciate the beauty of the human female form! EDIT: To make it (hopefully) more "politically correct".
  4. Very interesting... thanks for posting this!
  5. Haven't yet gotten The Sims 2 but it's definitely on my "To Buy" list!
  6. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as well.
  7. Excellent!!!!! Thank you so very much, Wolf!! *hugs*
  8. Finally! Star Trek MMORPG Info
  9. How tragic... my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
  10. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
  11. Yep! Voted and it worked fine!
  12. I am having the same problem as Earwen -- my registered username is Lady Zen.
  13. Honest opinion? IT'S OUTSTANDING!!!!! >8]
  14. Excellent! I wonder who they will cast in the roles (especially if Lucas continues with Luke/Leia/Han/Etc. storylines)?
  15. Will the ability to archive PMs be reinstated?
  16. Wow! Talk about completely being out of the loop! I had NO IDEA this was going on!
  17. This sounds like something I'll definitely at least try...
  18. Yep, the new forums do indeed look nice! Thanks again for all of the work you put into making this a great place to 'hang out'!
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