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Posts posted by Skywatcher

  1. Consider the 3000 penguins killed tonight a warning. Give me King Krush, or more cute little critters will die.


    Skywatcher Ironhoof...er..I mean...Anonymous.

  2. Sometimes, one's reaction changes as one goes through a list:

    1. Bloodthirsty no longer generates Happiness. --What?
    2. Carrion Feeder no longer restores Happiness. --What what???
    3. The Feed Pet ability now instantly heals 50% of the pet's health. Cannot be used in combat. Requires diet-appropriate food. --Okay, but no happiness gain????
    4. Guard Dog no longer causes Growl to generate additional Happiness. --What what what???
    5. The Happiness/Pet Loyalty System has been removed. Hunters will no longer have to manage Happiness for their pets, and the previous damage bonus for pets being happy will now be baseline for all tamed pets. --Oh. I get it now. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!

    And on top of that: Glyph of Mend Pet is now Glyph of Greater Proportion, which increases the size of the pet slightly. And you melee types thought Grumpy was big and in the way now...

    I'm somewhat happy, yet sad at this potential change, just like the removal of having to level your pets. It makes it easier to get/drop pets, and that's also the bad thing. Oh well, time to figure out which pet has the largest model, and use that outside of raids, Rwar! And that also means that hunters only have one meaningful minor glyph, feign dead, considering all the rest are pretty much worthless. Go Go Big pet filler glyph!

    Hrm, I wonder if this means that a spore bat can pwn better now.

    I really didn't mind leveling pets with the recent changes that put 'em within 3 levels. It didn't take long and was a good excuse to do Tol Barad dailies.

    It'll be nice not having to worry about pet happiness, but then it's not something we've had to worry about for a long time. Heck, the talents meant that the only time any of my pets weren't fully happy was after they'd died and been rez'd a few times in a short period. I do like the food heal, so I'll still be devoting a couple bag slots to pet food.

    As far as minor glyphs, don't let Blizz know we still have a useful one. If they realize that, they might change the FD one to a glyph that makes your pet pink or puts a cute bow around its neck.

    Hmm. Grumpy wearing a bow tie and top hat...I could handle that.

  3. Sometimes, one's reaction changes as one goes through a list:

    1. Bloodthirsty no longer generates Happiness. --What?
    2. Carrion Feeder no longer restores Happiness. --What what???
    3. The Feed Pet ability now instantly heals 50% of the pet's health. Cannot be used in combat. Requires diet-appropriate food. --Okay, but no happiness gain????
    4. Guard Dog no longer causes Growl to generate additional Happiness. --What what what???
    5. The Happiness/Pet Loyalty System has been removed. Hunters will no longer have to manage Happiness for their pets, and the previous damage bonus for pets being happy will now be baseline for all tamed pets. --Oh. I get it now. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!

    And on top of that: Glyph of Mend Pet is now Glyph of Greater Proportion, which increases the size of the pet slightly. And you melee types thought Grumpy was big and in the way now...

  4. Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! At least until I tame Chromaggus!

    I dunno that I could do every Monday though. I've got a friend who likes to log on on Mondays and slowly level our Worgen together. Still, that could probably move to another night.

  5. Well ya swayed me, Scryll. I'll keep my armored brown Truffle. I'd hate for him to have to go back to that dorf.

    I know it's silly, but I get a bit sentimental about my hunter pets. Heck, I even wish that when letting them go, the menu choice was 'Release.' I hate choosing 'Abandon.' It makes it sound like I'm dumping them on the side of the road or something.

  6. Let me start off that while 25 pet slots sure seems like a lot, for some of us it's still not nearly enough. I should also add that I grow kind of attached to most of the pets I tame. Yeah, they're just pixels, but I still hate letting any of 'em go.

    So, today's post is about boars. Now I don't really *need* a boar pet. After all, they're Tenacity (tanky) pets and I've got plenty of tanky pets. But I've always kind of liked their animations and such. Back toward the end of LK, I set out to re-tame one, since I didn't actually have a tenacity pet at the time. I decided I wanted one of the armored boars. I'd tamed one in RFK as a young hunter and always kind of regretted letting him go. At that time, low level pets autoleveled to 5 levels below that of the hunter. If I snagged one from RFK, it would've been a level 75 pet. It didn't take long to get those 5 levels by doing dailies and heroics, but I was feeling lazy, so I went after the only high level armored boar there was and named him Truffle.

    Yeah, way too much backstory...

    Anyway, since patch 4, another type of boar has become available. The demon piggies in Outlands are now considered beasts. This raises the question, should I keep Truffle, or set him free and snag a hellboar? I like the look of both. The one thing that's kept me from switching to a demon Truffle is that the fella I have now is one that I kinda stole from the Alliance.

    See, before I came along, Truffle was named Snorts and he was forced to live a miserable life being the pet of a stinky dwarf stablemaster NPC up in the Stormpeaks. One day, I swooped down from the sky and liberated Snorts from this unpleasant existence. Sure, it meant getting PvP flagged and having to run like heck to get away from his previous owner as well as a few guards, but it was worth it to rescue the noble beast.

    So here I am, asking for opinions. Should I keep my steel-plated oinker or let him go and snag a demon piggy?

    For any who're curious, all the various boar skins can be seen at:


    Truffle is the Armored Brown Boar model in the middle of the page. The hellboars are below that. I'm kind of partial to the blue/white ones.

  7. Dang. I still haven't named this guy. I have kinda narrowed it down to a short list though:

    1. Bernie (or Burnie)
    2. Charcoal
    3. Ember
    4. Torkoal

    I did think about Bowser and Koopa, but there seem to be a lot of turtles named the latter and a lot of Terrorpene-turtles named the former. I couldn't call him Sparky since that's the name I have to use for my raptor pet (It's a silly thing from the old ZG days on Boven. All raptors are named Sparky).

  8. Great news, cauldron is unlocked now! In the next few days I'll decide on who brings when flasks. We will need 3 cauldrons a night (7 1.5 hour flasks per cauldron, 2 flasks per person over 3 hours, is 20 flasks). a cauldron takes 4 flasks (one of each type - sta, str, agi, int) and some other minor stuff. So thats 12 flasks the raid needs to bring per night... thats 24 for a week. which is roughly 2-3 flasks per person per week. Now we have 3 agi users, 1 str user, 2 sta users, and 1 int user, plus the healers (not sure if they use spi or int, but the cauldron provides spi flasks as far as I can tell for healing specs). so to be fair, I'll be splitting up people to bring not necesarily thier own buff flask so that we have everyone more or less bringing an equal amount of flasks for the raid. A bonus is a flask master can proc extra cauldrons when making them.

    I'll get back to you guys soon.

    What kind of herbs to we need for the various cauldrons? I know what's needed for the agi flask, but not the others. I can start concentrating on the ones we need most for all of 'em.

  9. Is anyone interested in working out a partial or full BWL run? I'm kind of wanting to try to tame Chromaggus. That'll be a challenge in itself, but obviously there's no way I can get to 'im myself. I dunno if anyone still needs to kill Nef, but hey, if we could do that for some folks, that'd be great.

  10. "That's a wolf, not a cat!" "You should get that poor wolf therapy!"

    Okay, so I finally gave in and took Cat to a shrink. Now he's discovered he's not even a wolf. He's a dog!

    But he still thinks he's a cat.

    Now he's going to need even MORE therapy. I hope y'all are happy.

    ((As of today's patch, the Zul'Drak demon dogs which were wolves have been changed to the dog family. So Cat the Wolf is now Cat the Dog))

  11. I'd be danged tempted to try to bring in Boven or Elsae on this. Bov is only dps nowadays though and I don't know that his gear would be anywhere near being useful in ICC. Now that I've finally ground through the tournament stuff on him I can start in on heroics for Justice Points, but it's gonna be a long road to decent gear.

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