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Posts posted by Skywatcher

  1. Here are the pictures of the two recent tames. First up is Anthriss, who was my faithful companion for all of maybe 10 minutes:


    Next is Skarr, who is the pet I'd been hoping to find. I really do like this model of cat and he's the only one that's tameable:


    Right now, Skarr currently has the default name 'Cat.' I'm open to suggestions for a more proper name for him.

  2. And two more of the challenge tames down.

    I was doing the Molten Front dailies when my scanner went off. Anthriss was up! Anthriss is another of the 'molten' spiders and looks like Kirix, only yellow instead of green. Anthriss' big trick is Searing Webs which deal a ton of damage to you. To defeat 'em, you have to be all un-raider-like and intentionally jump into lava. It has to be deep enough for you to swim in. That'll burn the webs off of you.

    Anyway, I saw another hunter trying to just tame as he would a 'normal' beast. He died a couple times. Then a paladin came in and tried to kill Anthriss. He didn't last long either. So I concussive shotted the spider, stood...er..swam in the fire, and tamed 'im. I didn't really want another spider, but hey, it was a challenge.

    On a whim, I decided to do the set of dailies on Fireplume Ridge instead of at the Spire. After finishing the underground bit, I was heading around to pick up the last few when I saw a red dot on tracking. I moused over and saw it was Skarr. Now we've got a number of hunters on AD who enjoy taming the new rares, naming 'em the same as the 'wild' npc, then parking 'em out on the spawn points. I targeted the beast and lo and behold, it was the real Skarr. It's the first time I've seen him in the wild.

    After doing my Super Mario rock hopping and dodging an elemental, I got to where Skarr was sitting peacefully on his floating rock. There were 3 other hunters already there. They either didn't know how to do this challenge or were just getting the timing wrong. Skarr has a rather nasty ability caled Fieroclast Barrage which shoots out fireballs to anyone in range and do huge damage. I got hit with it a few times while others tried to tame him and it knocked me down to about 16k health. The most popular way to deal with it is to go MM spec and use Silencing Shot when he's about halfway through the cast.

    Since I had no stable slots free and wasn't really interested in Anthriss, who I'd just tamed, I let him go to free up a slot. I changed to MM spec and screwed up my first tame. I hit the wrong shot first and had to run out and feign to survive. The second time, I silenced him too soon and had to run out and feign. A couple other hunters tried again and failed. I went in for my third go, hit tame to get him to start casting, nearly waited too long before silencing him, hit tame again and before I knew it, I had yet another cat pet. I'll admit, it felt kinda good having the two Alliance hunters there cheer at me.

    Yeah, I know, more rambling about pets. I'm just happy to have gotten Skarr. Now I need a name for him. I'll try to upload some pics of Skarr and Anthriss tomorrow.

  3. ...and completed.

    So, I was really looking for the new hunter challenge put, Skarr and ran across this guy instead. He used to be Kirix. The challenge for him was his buff Toxic Presence, which deals a metric crapton of nature damge to everyone near him and was enough to kill me in 4 or 5 seconds. I and 2 other hunters (a Nelf and another Tauren) tried in turn to tame the guy. The Nelf left after a few deaths, so it was just two of us trying and dying a lot. Finally, I did it right. Barely. Shot him for aggro, disengaged, waited for his knockback/attack 'n hit Deterrence and tame. I died just as the tame ended, but it looked like he despawned. That's usually an indicator of a successful tame. Running back, I had to wait out a 2 minute rez timer before I could come back to life and verify that, yep, I had me a new green spider:


    151 gold in repairs after all that. I was at 4 durability from the deaths. He's not my first choice in the new challenge tame spiders, that'd be Deth'ilac, who is a royal pain in the tail.

  4. Close, but for total realism, the baker'd need to have to compete with 30 other bakers trying to get in and out of that door. Oh, and maybe chain some anvils to him.

    I just can't really get into the current set of Molten Front dailies. The Hyjal ones aren't bad, but the MF ones are just a pain. They seem worse than the old Isle quests in TBC to me. I guess once things calm down a bit, it'll be better.

  5. During the 10 man last night, someone mentioned not being prompted for their authenticator code when they logged into WoW. I'd encountered that, myself, after I logged in on my main account, then logged onto another, then back onto my main. I wasn't prompted the 2nd time I logged onto my main acct.

    Turns out this is actually a new feature Blizz implemented:

    If you use an authenticator – and we hope you do – you may soon notice that an authenticator prompt may not appear with every login. We've recently updated our authentication system to intelligently track your login locations, and if you're logging in consistently from the same place, you may not be asked for an authenticator code. This change is being made to make the authenticator process less intrusive when we're sure the person logging in to your account is you.

    We hope to continue improving the authenticator system to ensure the same or greater security, while improving and adding features to make having one a more user friendly experience. If you don't already have a Battle.net Authenticator attached to your account, don't wait until it's too late - http://us.battle.net/en/security/checklist

    If you have comments, concerns, or feedback regarding this change, please visit this thread to voice them so we can consolidate your thoughts. Thanks!

    Original Thread: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2674529777

  6. The staff that drops off Staghelm in the Firelands has an interesting 'use' effect:


    It has a 2 hour cooldown and lasts so long as the druid remains in cat form. So come 4.2, we won't have to worry about Orcala standing in the fire, she'll BE the fire.

  7. While looking over the simultaneously neat/disappointing information on the 8 new gimmick-tame beasts coming in 4.2, I saw mention of this new ranged weapon enhancement:

    Flintlocke's Woodchucker

    To those who used to read Flintlocke's Guide to Azeroth, it's an obvious reference to the Chuck Shot. I really have to hope the thing has an animation that involves a large rodent flying through the air and latching onto the target's face.

  8. Really exciting start to the night, guys. Now if only the WoW GMs would stop playing Rift in order to answer the loot ticket!

    ...but yea. This fight blows. Pun intended.

    What? How can you not love a gimmicky 3d fight in which pets and totems become useless?

    Bah! I seem to have my face blocked by Sard's crotch in that picture.

  9. It looks like there's a login server issue right now. There are a number of posts popping up on the Blizz forums regarding folks getting a message that the server is busy when they try to log on. I'm currently among 'em.

  10. According to this post by Bashiok today quoted on mmo Champion, all the Ruin battlegroup now has access to remote guild chat. That is, assuming you're using an iOS device. The Android version is supposed to be out 'in the next few days.'

    We ran into a bug with the Remote Guild Chat feature earlier today which resulted in a few people being demoted within their guild. We’ve already applied a temporary fix to prevent this issue from affecting anyone else, and we have a full hotfix scheduled to go in the game around mid-day tomorrow. In short, the bug affected players whose guild rank required an Authenticator. When logging into Remote Guild Chat, the game assumed the player had logged in without an Authenticator, so that player was mistakenly demoted due to the security mechanisms in place in the game.

    Until the full hotfix is implemented tomorrow, anyone who is still of a guild rank that requires an Authenticator will not be able to use the Remote Guild Chat feature and will receive an error message in the Mobile Armory app if they try. If you were affected by the bug, in order to be re-promoted to “Authenticator Required” ranks, you must first log in to either the game or website for the game to recognize that you have an Authenticator attached (you can do this now – no need to wait for the hotfix). 72 hours later, you will be able to be re-promoted to a rank that requires an Authenticator. We will unfortunately not be able to re-promote those who lost rank as a result of this issue. However, leaders should be able to promote guild members appropriately after the 72-hour timer has expired.

    While we managed to catch and address this before it affected too many people, we apologize for any inconvenience or interruption this issue caused you or your guild. One of the reasons we’re rolling out the guild-chat preview gradually is so that we can catch and address issues like this. We’ve worked hard to ensure that Remote Guild Chat is a solid and useful feature, and we want players looking to keep in touch with their guildies to have a great experience with it.

    There is some good news! On the realm-support side, we've rolled out the feature to all of the realms in the Ruin Battlegroup today. We're happy with the stability of the service and the feedback we’ve seen so far, and if all goes well, we’re planning to introduce the service on all North America realms within a week’s time.

  11. I'd suggest folks start out with the pilot "The Nightmare Begins."

    Wait. No. People shouldn't watch Zim. They might figure out why my core hound is named Gir. My mission would be in jeopardy! Not that I'm not a perfectly normal Tauren wormbaby. Not an alien!

  12. My cable is out tonight so right now I have no net,phone, or TV. I reported it an hour ago and was told they were already working on it. The whole neighborhood is hosed. Dunno if it'll be back up in time for tonight's raid but Ill log on when I can.

    Yay for having a tablet with 3g for emergency posting. Now if it could only run wow.

  13. My cable is out tonight so right now I have no net,phone, or TV. I reported it an hour ago and was told they were already working on it. The whole neighborhood is hosed. Dunno if it'll be back up in time for tonight's raid but Ill log on when I can.

    Yay for having a tablet with 3g for emergency posting. Now if it could only run wow.

  14. This was on WoW Insider today. It's a bit long and the sound is a bit odd in places, but isn't bad at all. It tells the story of the fight between Cairne and Garrosh from 'The Shattering' pretty faithfully:

    Personally, I still can't forgive Garrosh.

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