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Posts posted by Borg

  1. 2009 will have 1 monthly RP ingame guildmeeting which will be during the last week of the month (varied timeslots and day) and cover the standard Peon Promotions, any Boss Promotions, Elder title awards as well as a special Topic which will be declared in advance to allow players to participate in RP around that topic and or discussion.

    AFTER the meeting an assembly of those interested will occur and we will work at gaining BLACK WAR BEAR MOUNTS (slaying leaders of ally cities) or Wintergrasp .....a PVP activity.

    The INGAME CALENDAR will be utilized for announcements and scheduling of the event....the website will as well in the forums.

    Promotion Award satchels will be designed as a goody bag of bank items to help the newly promoted in thier skill growth or overall gameplay experience......Elder Scryll spoke up to be willing to help Elder Gordantell with selection of items from the Clan Vault.

    Clan Vault and its security....strong support for the Blizzard authenticator.

    Given the recent hacking activities the Bank is on LOCKDOWN

    We will in next month begin to loosen up the lockdown currently in place and the item withdrawl limit will be put at...


    Warden=0 (mains can send things to thier alts)





    This is a matter of security and integrity....providing a safe place for longterm gaming....that includes the stockpiles that our members toil ....in somecases DAYS AND MONTHS to establish.

    Application procedure for entry into guild......remains invite only with sponsorship required.

    Morgh's real world awards will have a signup to participate in them.....if a player signs up for the program (address/contact information) then upon receiving an award it will be sent to them. If they do not sign up for this program...Morgh will not pester them for pics or info.

    Morgh still does need Elder images for the website projects.

    To continue the effort to become the WoW Roleplaying guild website within the Blizzard Guild Relations.....we need to produce a knowledge base (RP VERSION) on our website as well as participate more in the Blizzard Forums and have ingame events.....links on the website will be completed as the sections are updated (with some images from Elders)

    Akin to this there will be new links for gamecards and Blizzard upgrades etc on the marketplace to simplify members or visitors in aquiring items to help them make their World of Warcraft experience easier and more fun n secure.

    Raids and RP events are still open for members to conduct and create new...no one has been denied an opportunity to run either...its all about the players commitment and understanding that it takes TIME and effort to get it down and efficient.

    The Lunar Festival is coming up and it is hoped that all Elders (8) are able to complete the event so that they will have the RP Title of Elder available ingame.

    As pointed out from many during the meeting....utilization of the website should be urged for large Q n A but particpation in TS conversations is allowable and ingame indeed.....the belief of tiers of levels are non-approachable should be dispelled.....sure there are obvious times its not possible....Raid events, RP events, Battle events etc.....but that is a fraction of the majority of gametime for most. The website is a tool many need to utilize more frequently and easily.

    Thank you for your time and gametime fun....we thank you for your support

    *does Bartles n James Wine Cooler commercial nod*

  2. What is the Boss rank anyhow?

    The answer is that it is not just the next step a player reaches in promotion within the Clan Skullcrusher system after Grunt.....it is ALOT MORE than that and ALOT more responsiblility and time commitment.

    The Boss was created to be most like that character within a squad in the military....the tough as nails, gone through the ringer, been there done that and knows how to get in and out of the sheeaaat with the most effectivness and glory. The rusty old sgt....the leader of the squad that the squad would run through hell for and back again just for a cup of coffee for him....and do it with thier eye closed knowing he can guide them and everything will work out.

    The Boss is the go to guy/gal for quick answers and knowlege of a certain situation......RP, PVP or Gamer.

    The Boss has the good of the many as his core motivation....he/she only succeeds if the team succeeds....alone he/she maybe powerful...but in a team....they are invincible.

    The Boss commands respect and exudes confidence without having to ask or say it.


    The primary goal of the Boss was to become the level within the guild that was the core recruiters....they know what is expected of a Skullcrusher ingame and out of game....they know what the Clan needs as time progresses there will be classes, professions and weak spots that need filling....training that needs completing....glory to be won and fun to be shared amongst the whole clan.

    If you can imagine the current mechanics.....5 man team runs for dungeons......a Boss would be the leader and over time in a way he has his squad of regulars....from the guild and as favor might have it over time perhaps finding good players from pugs etc.....keeping a keen eye out for great opportunities and new Skullcrushers.

    This is similar in the small form of the larger Raids with regular players....the difference here though is that in the design of the Boss as the primary level as recruiters always is keeping his eyes open for members across ALL the areas of gameplay......Roleplaying abilities, Player vs Player prowess and the Raid level comprehension. Again a good Skullcrusher can do all fairly well and have one that they really excell at....because as Skullcrushers we support each other and all 3 of the gameplay pillars......RP, PVP, Raid.

    Elders the Generals.....Bosses fill out the ranks as the Elders may need....they are the right hand and strong supportive hand of the groups. As time progresses, there will be areas where these smaller skilled teams will forge together and form the great vast power of the Clan under the grand Clan Colors and Glory(emblem/flag)....a TRUE HORDE ITSELF!!!

    So in a good nutshell.....that is what a Boss is.

    What is after Boss.....currently Elder and there are only 8 of those roles.....and only from the ranks of Boss will a future Elder rise.

    Elders role is vastly more OUT of game, social, communications and in a way management of the guild....a timesink of a true different flavor.

    but that is a different conversation for later....

    For now....that is a Boss.

    Do you know who your Bosses are?

    Who are thier Peons?

    If your a Boss and have questions about recruitment issues.....your go to is......Elder Kalea and Chief Morgh.

    Keep having fun guys and gals....that is the whole point!!!

  3. January 09


    In the past year I have been vexed and countered with posts on the Blizzard suggestion board being removed without a note from the Emissaries of the GODS....over and over and over....so I halted my posting and went back to gaming and planning my 2009 onslaught of ideas and projects for the "world" of warcraft population to ponder and dream about...

    Not giving up my main core beliefs.......Clan/Guild....Community Opportunities

    With the Lich King expansion in full swing there are some new facets that are welcomed and sounded familiar.

    pet/mount tabs like keyring....no need for bank slots

    many tokens turned in to currency....wallet of sorts...no need for bank slots

    While they still need to address TABARDS!!!.....ie Colin Mor's Footlocker idea....works just like the tokens and pet/mounts.

    The new lands offer more adventure but also I see have a great option to solve the question of "how would you pay or gain items etc for some of you idea? Gold? Rep? Faction? etc etc...

    Well....for the Clan/Guild Housing I still believe Faction rep across the guild should unlock the "theme aspect".

    Now in the gathering of items...for buildings or ships in the Naval idea.....one only has to ask the question....

    "Which group within World of Warcraft are the "collectors of all things shiney and in turn would be willing to sell thier own family members for a price?"


    Northrend has a port called Venture Bay...where these Goblins have set up a commerce based on Venture coins....and do not care whom they deal with....Alliance or Horde.

    So.....utilize this PORT city (hub for commerce so to speak) that REQUIRES control of the area to make vendors available...and deals in Venture coins.

    These Venture Coins could be then donated by the player who gains them into the guild bank vault which would then be able to purchase decorations for housing/fortresses/dungeons or Ships/Commerce/Battleships and some of thier cosmetic upgrades......leaving some mechanics of the "dread" a dungeon gains and Davy Jones rep that would be utilized for more powerful upgrades.

    Nothing Ventured.....Nothing Gained.

    (I wont repost the naval idea or the dungeon idea....you can read about it above in this thread.)

    See you soon.....on the inside!!!

  4. It has been a solid month of clan excursions into the lands of Northrend…and the coffers of the clan have filled in concert with the new talents and strengths the Skullcrusher members have achieved. Many of the strike teams have carved their own paths to glory and made claim to many a mountain and its plunders hidden deep inside. The new land of Northrend has bent to the will of the Horde and to the might of Clan Skullcrusher. The Lich King himself now can see their shadows growing on the horizons and his forces begin to brace for the inevitable battles to come….those that will either have the snow turn red with Skullcrusher blood or glisten with the reflection of the Skullcrusher standard flying above Icecrown!!!

    Within the war room of the hidden Clan base in Un’Goro Crater-

    “Venture Bay Recon Report….Goblin Naval port catering to both Alliance and Horde…Goblins forces and commerce here utilizing the Venture Coins….resurgence of the forces of the Black River rebuilding”

    “Icecrown Assault note…..Death Knight lines broken and several requesting sanctuary and kinship to battle Lich King”

    “Quartermaster report…..Crates of Relics from Stormpeaks, meats and hides aplenty, satchels of potent herbs and crates of ores piling up caravans needed to return plunder to base…firebase vaults vulnerable to thieves here….new security measures required”

    “Warmaster briefing……Dalaran and Nax float high above the continent as well as Alliance and Horde Warships….Clan will need to build air forces to ensure air superiority in conflicts to come”

    “Reports….reports…..and more reports”; Galam comments as he shuffles parchments to and fro different sections of the War room great table

    As Galam finishes moving around the great table and begins to exit; his imp Zhar’nos flicks a booger at his passing master.

    “Zhar….and you wonder why I don’t summon you more often”; scratching off the imp snot.

    “hehehe Galam lose humor”; Zhar’nos snickers as he bounds after Galam down the Fortress hallway.

    Passing by the barracks doorway; Galam sees several of the wardens sleeping and some slouched over in chairs after a night of cards and drinks. Looking out a nearby window he sees the daily duties being performed by others. A party of wardens prepares to head to the secret passageway to the Sholazar Basin portal left by the Makers.

    A loud shout from the fortress engineer commander careens into the observatory room that Galam now stands in from below…

    Stockpiles are dangerously low Ancient….we need those shipments from Northrend if that is where the main forces are deployed….the barrier needs fuel Galam!!!”

    Galam knows he is right and nods and waves an acknowledgement town into the courtyard. While the Blood God provides the Clan great power and strength it is the combined Shaman and Druid Gods that provide the ability to cloak and conceal the Clan’s great fortress. These gods require sacrifice one with great favor and the other with great toils of from the earth itself. The Northrend civilizations have revealed new relics and shards which contain the power and fuel necessary to meet the needs of the defensive systems as well as the Gods demands. The Barrier Stone requires the energy that is captured by a glorious endeavor and the natural power that the strongest winds, clouds and thickest fog are born from.

    In the Northrend lands strike teams have found sources for both of these within the Stone Keeper’s Shards and the Relics of Ulduar.

    “Well Zhar….I think its time we took a trip to this Northrend and find out why these caravans have not returned yet with the plunder and supplies.”; Galam comments quietly.

    “Whoot…..adventure….finally….whoot!!!”; Zar’nos exclaims as he bounds around the observatory like a jumping bean.

    “GUARDS!!!”; shouts Galam

    Warrior Du and Rogue Katzimoto respond as their clamoring and fisticuffs are heard prior to their entry into the observatory…Katzimoto holding his ear after a smack by Du just earlier.

    “I make for Northrend brothers…await Guard Kimpek’s arrival with the first caravan…I will be seeking out Morgh and the Council of Elders to press the needs of the fortress barrier. You will also have to perform the Blood Stone rituals I will send word about in the months to come…I certainly hope you and the other guards and wardens have paid attention before to the ceremony.”; Galam informs the two coldy.

    “Yup”; responds Katzimoto quickly while Du gulps quietly and nods agreement.

    Katzimoto hearing the gulp smacks Du in back of head as Galam turns to deal with the current promotion listing for the Clan registry.

    “I knew you were sleeping in that helmet you stupid lazy orc”; Katzimoto whispers

    Making a grimacing scowl of guilt Du reaches for a warm gummy bear in his pouch to forget his troubles that soon will confront him.

    “What is it with you orcs and these goblin gummy bears…gah….”; Katzimoto shakes his head.

    “Dey gud und stick tu da teef un woof uf da mout…long time yummy”; Du smacks gummy gel around his mouth.

    Galam finishing reading the Promotion list and re-writing a step by step order for the pair…

    “Here...appease the Blood God and bring these Peons glory to note as well as have some of the warden Warlcoks help you with the promotion statue….don’t mess that up at least you clods."; commands Galam

    “Rojer dat mon”; Katzimoto responds

    “Uk----d-mmmky”; Du tries to respond with gummy goo filling his mouth.

    Unrolling the parchment Katzimoto reads….

    Peon Promotions








    Boss Promotions Now eligible to sponsor a Peon


  5. Whats the chance of rebuilding the Monday Night BGs.....10pm-Midnights

    It looks like I will be leaning toward having Wed or Thurs off during the weeks....for Dec/Jan...will try to nail that down today at work.

    Definitely would like to get some scheduled timeslots up and available to the Crushers....start some Honor Farming for prep on BRUTAL SUITS (Honor Pts) while the new ARENA will be for HATRED Suits if I am not mistaken.....der be some of the old crusher blood boiling again soon.....

    as Vrugz once said.....dunt tuch me....Hate that.....Vrugz full of HATE!!!

    (da huggles n crumpets days for many might soon be over)

  6. Awsome Elder Gordantell.....

    Lookin forward to seeing all those achievments fly by the chat boxes.

    I would only be able to be a sub etc for that timeframe if im not working....great to see more groups forming up though!!

  7. While Morgh was hunting in Grizzly Hills....another battle report came to him this time from Storm Peaks.

    Upon reading the efforts noted and recalling the Council of Elders comments and Clan rumblings over the past months...

    Morgh sent word to Galam (Stationed at Clan Skullcrushers hidden base in Un'Goro Crater) to make Grunt tabbards and a Boss ensignia to be awarded after being blessed at the BLOOD GOD STONE ALTER deep within the Skullcrusher Keep.

    Grunt Promotions




    Boss Promotion


    Smedlock and Kalea are hearby relieved of their Peons....and eligible to go get new onez.

    Holyssa is now charged with finding a solid Skullcrusher Peon and bringing him into the Clan.

    Elder Recongition Titles

    Elder of MERCHANTILE.........Captain Kailand

    Elder of GLORY................Captain Jasena

    *notices many of the Elders still in training*



  8. Here is

    and then I watched this one of someones version of what the kitties are saying.....

    very funny version.....would love to see/hear some of your guys humor on these two cats since we have somewhat of a kitty fetish within this guild ehhe

    I couldnt breathe at the end...very funny.

  9. The WotLK Stockpile for raw resources is up on the guild bank...

    For placement of cloth, foodstuffs.....things we learn we can gather now to be the starting point for any of the skills that will have caps opened up.......cooking, first aid.....

  10. The WotLK Stockpile for raw resources is up on the guild bank...

    For placement of cloth, foodstuffs.....things we learn we can gather now to be the starting point for any of the skills that will have caps opened up.......cooking, first aid.....

  11. Just ran into Bradaek in Scryer Bank.....noticed him in full set Brutal Gear.....

    5x5 rating 1761 and personal 1742.....Keyl's Team 66-43 w/l <==only +23

    Asked a pair of questions....

    1) do they have a set night they Arena or different nights.

    A) whenever we can...not a set night.

    (tend to get weaker teams randomly)

    2) what is the one thing that has helped you be most successfull

    A) Strategy built over time and strong leader calling out targets

    (taken 3 seasons with basic same members to get this far)

    They are in the thick of getting the top slots for rewards and "have it this time".

    I wished him well and thanked him for the conversation.

    "keep at it...keep at it"

    I said we are fighting to figure out the strategy with all the combinations. ;)

    He agreed that that is not easy and it takes time till it becomes routine......

    use proximo and when you see abcde you and your team will know vwxyz. ;)

  12. MOAR NEWS!


    By Nethaera:

    "We’re pleased to announce a convenient upgrade to the way that mounts and vanity pets are handled in Wrath of the Lich King.

    Players will be able to “learn” a mount or non-combat pet much like learning a spell, recipe, or new ability, and these creatures will then show up on a new Pet tab within the Character Info section of the interface. Players will be able to access and preview their learned mounts and vanity pets through this tab.

    Once learned, the pet icon or mount icon will no longer appear in bag spaces or bank spaces. This inventory space will be made available once again for other adventuring needs. Pets can still be set to hotkeys by dragging them to the hotkey bar, much like any other spell or ability."

    My god...the amount of bag space saved by this...so beautiful.


    Colin Mor's Pet Carrier/KeyTab for the WIN!!!!

  13. I do think when there is 2 Healing opponents.....

    A) CC the main healing class

    B) Focus fire the 2nd healing class...when B is down...all focus fire A

    C) pick thru clothy-range-stealth-armor in that order.

    Our stumbling block has been 3 or 4 healing class opponent groups

    I have seen where if it is 4 they pair up and do an old bonewall tactic of cross healing which ever of the pair is being attacked.....leaving the solo to attack our main healing unit.

    If we focus on thier solo unit they all heal it....

    Perhaps this is one situation where we all go independant and pick one target to each attack?

  14. Yes....it is true.

    The Clan has been tagged with 10 entries as a group into the Beta of WotLK.

    The list was made up of....











    There is no NDA...so we can chat about it and such.

    All of us were requested to make 1 Death Knight and given the option of copying over 4 characters to the test server.

    We are creating the guild charter and will work on testing out the guild/raid/etc functions.

    There are tons of feedback that the devs request and our team has a solid bank of years experience in the gaming genre which will come in handy.

    As more beta invites go out....contact anyone of us to get invited to the guild on the PVE server

    There will surely be more individual Beta invites to our membership and as time progresses waves perhaps of more since the ultimate goal is for us to have 25 of us so that we can push and test the large group raids and battlegrounds as these become available to the Beta testers.

    It is a great honor to have a team of testers and we (guild) will not let them (Blizzard) down.....we now have a direct means of communicating what is right/wrong/cool/not....across all the mechanics and systems of the expansion coming.

    Dreams coming true to some...nightmares to others.

    To me and I hope to all of you....a great HONOR bestowed and our DUTY to serve.

    Sunday LATE LATE is our targeted time to group up and do mass raid/dungeon etc leveling...though all testers have thier own schedules as well.

    Thanks and Congrats to all ...>ALL Skullcrushers for what you have done in the past...present and future is what has led this opportunity to come to the clan.

    I will be creating a thread for screenshots etc for posting and commentaries....it will be inside here the members only area.

    Good job Crushers....and additionally the answer to the question in advance.....Does Blizzard visit our site?


    multiple Blizzard members and devs do.....confirmed....access to forums area...not leadership forums though.

    (personal thanks and wink to them for this opportunity ;):hello::thumbsup: )

    I will continue to work toward getting official status with Blizzard thru thier Guild Relations system....one which if you read up on it has great opportunities for our membership privately.

    Keep up the great gaming, roleplaying and at all times...HAVE FUN GUYS AND GALS!!!!


  15. *Returning from a campaigns in the Alterac Valley Morgh places his battle armor on their stands and sits at the fire burning inside the chiefs quarters of the Skullcrusher Crater hidden garrison.*

    "Enough dancing with those devils this evening?"; asked a skeletal frame from the corner.

    *in a deep breath and turn of his head Morgh grunts and nods an approval as he snacks on some old jerky*

    "There have been several Elder declarations requiring your final stamp of approval my friend"; the skeletal frame remarks as he moves from the corner shadows.

    Placing the pile of parchments upon a table...Galam, Warlock Undead guard, sifts thru the parchments and begins to read the letter from Elder Kalea.

    "From the tent of the Elder of the PeeTub, I Kalea have found support for the following Peons to be promoted to the glorious status of Grunt in the Clan Skullcrusher Garrison."; Galam reads as he turns and gestures toward Morgh

    "She does have a flare for protocol does she not"; Galam says with a grin.

    As Morgh nods and enjoys the jerkey by the fire he stands and moves toward Galam still reading the parchment.

    "Peon Ferjaman of Uglutz, Peon Lesedi of Kalea herself, Peon Perthes and Vierreenddaahlun....Vierr"; Galam gets frustrated and hands parchment to Morgh

    "Here...not having some mandible makes this name for you to say..."; Galam buffs.

    "Vierelden....heheh I don't even think his previous nickname would have done better for you my friend."; Morgh laughs at Galams difficulties in jest.

    "Gud group...they wull du gud in da days tu come."; Morgh cuts his palm, presses his stamp into the blood on the parchment.

    "Where be the Warmonger and Captains desingations Galam?; asks Morgh as he shuffles thru the papers.

    "Silly bull...your making a mess"; Galam strikes down quickly a dagger that punctures one of the face down documents

    "THAT one"; a chuckling Galam remarks as he moves toward the window overlook of the garrison grounds.

    "GAH....mr mojo....majik man"; Morgh rebuffs as he tears away the parchment to see the correct document.

    "Keep it up....insult me more and youll see what nightmares this Warlock can bring you"; coldly states Galam for the insult of being slurred a form of mage.

    Morgh reads the short list....

    "Elder of PEETUB...............Captain Nawtay

    Elder of CAMPAIGNS.......Warmonger Ascoli

    and your buddy here again Galam...

    Elder of MERCHANTILE....Captain Vierelden"

    "What is this one....Hmmm....Boss promotions....Its been many a moon since we have had this honor....lets see what statues have been formed from the Council Spirit fires"; Morgh comments as he unfurls the parchment and Galam begins to open the accompaning container.

    *ashstone statues are placed upon the table by Galam*

    "a hunter, a paladin, a mage...ooo your favorite Galam heheh, and...there ya go another warlock buddy"; Morgh ribbs Galam.

    "Bring the parchment Galam...we must take these statues to the Alter of the Blood God quickly before the ash statues crumble in this moist Crater air."; Morgh orders as he gathers the 4 statues and he and Galam make thier way to the Garrisons Alter of the Blood God.

    As the two make thier way through the halls of the Garrison they make note of the progress the Clan is making in preparations for the upcoming expeditions. Ancient Maube has returned and with her the knowlege of the frozen land of the Liche King. Clan Skullcrusher plans to make a strong statement in honor of the Horde in bringing this lands power into the rightful control of the Horde. Herds of Raptors are being harvested and outfitted in armors to prepare for the upcoming battles.....the thunder Skullcrusher Cavalry hooves with the ear peircing lightning of War Raptors yells is a terrifying combination that will shatter the Icy fortresses in the lands of the Lich King.

    Reaching the Alter of the Blood God...Morgh and Galam kneel upon the steps of the platform as the ash statues stand below the giant hovering stone.

    "By the order of the Council and Might of the Chief....I Morgh present these grunts to recieve the right of passage to Boss in the glorious garrison of Clan Skullcrusher....loyal protectors and defenders of the Horde!!"; yells Morgh as he stands and raises his fist to the hovering giant stone.

    The alter begins to rumble and shake while the patterns within the platform begin to glow white hot....slowly across the giant stone small trickles of blood begin to form and combine down across its surface. Droplets of blood begin to rain down upon the ash statues and they begin to congeal and harden....the platform surface is now white hot and explodes upward in a fountain of energy and heat...bathing the whole alter area in light. As the light fades...Galam and Morgh put down thier arms that protected thier eyes from the searing light. Upon the table are 4 small vials of glowing blood.

    "Galam encase those vials within soulstones...we must bring those to their new hosts."; Morgh orders Galam.

    NOTE: Long ago the work of Uglutz and Vrugz brought the power of the Blood God to the Clan through this Alter...one of the portals to the GODS.

    As the two depart the Alter..Galam looks back and comments.

    "Getting blood from a stone....hope it has enough for the campain to come"

    "There will be much blood spilled Galam....ours and our enemies....the more we take from them....the more the stone has to give us my friend."; Morgh says calmly as he pats Galam on the shoulder

    "Much more to spill....but thats for tomorrow."; Morgh finishes with as they contiue back through the halls of the Garrison.

  16. Recruitment into the Clan Skullcrusher is by an invite (sponsorship) method.

    An existing member of rank Boss, Longtooth, Elder, or Ancient must accept the responsibility of being a new Peon's (recruit) Sponsor.

    Grunts cannot be sponsors but can if they so choose seek an existing Boss, Longtooth or Elder (who does not already have a Peon) and ask them to take on the new Peon....this could be a delicate matter of ....diplomacy dare I say?

    The Grunt should be certain that the Peon is of the Crusher Calibur and/or metal....will they fit within the fun/family/maturity that the Clan seeks to maintain and expand?

    At anytime a Boss, Longtooth, Elder or Ancient can only have 1 Peon that they sponsor (per account...not per character)...this is to maintain the similarity of Lore (Squire/Knight....master/apprentice...Elder/Peon) as well as keep recruitment from raging in numbers to the dis-service of the Peons etc.

    Once the Peon has aquired a sponsor they should then apply to the guild through the website application process...if this is not possible....via EMAIL within the game engine and the SPONSOR should be asked as well to send in an EMAIL ingame to verify thier support for the new Peon. (Kalea and Morgh should both be sent Emails)

    The accepted Peon should work at learning the Clan lore that we are continually working to expand on the website and ingame as well as getting their name(main char) out there as a great team/fun/mature/brethren that we can all look to for our gaming time fun with. There are 3 main areas(RP,PVP,RAID) that this Peon can excell and it is not required that they are the best at all three but recognize the options for themselves and others enjoying the different aspects of the Wow Experience

    Once the Peon is on the roster the evaluation by the Council begins...this is not a set timeframe but is open ended and upon the point that a Peon receives a majority of the Council *thumbs up*....the Peon is then put before the Elder of The PeeTub for promotion. The members of the Council that make up this evaluation are Elders, Longtooths, Ancients and Chieftan.

    Ideally there will be a Peon Promotion event in the first week of every calendar month but there can be promotions prior or no promotions.

    Throughout the Peon process it is the ultimate goal of the Clan to make sure that this is a good fit for the Peon as well as for the team overall. The Clan overall is an older group of players whom have been together for many game engines and now many years but every month brings us great success in finding even more fantastic players who have the likeminded teammaturity mindset that really is the basis of the Clan having fun during the time we all devote to this game experience.

  17. In this thread I would like any suggestions for a 2009 gathering location and/or agenda for our members to participate in.

    The timeframe window for the gathering would be MARCH 2009 thru JUNE 2009 and allow members to plan/save for the event expenses etc.

    My thoughts of ideas are....

    An expo (software gaming or blizzcon type...where our members could get a chance to interact with devs and members)

    Walt Disney in FLORIDA (members and family fun for those with lil' crushers)

    Las Vegas (what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas)

    Blizzard HQ Invasion (this could be though part of an expo in HQ area)

    If we can decide early and get the dates...we could work with an agent to get group rates for all our traveling expenses to reduce them.

    JULY 1st I will create a poll for the top 4 to then be voted upon by members...hopefully we can then work to getting the event off the ground and into reality.


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