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Posts posted by Kadi

  1. List of new talent changes as of Beta 8926:


    * Sheath of Light moved from Tier 5 to Tier 9.



    * Divine Plea changed so that you gain 25% of your total mana over 10 sec, but the amount healed by your spells is reduced by 50%

    * Seal of Light - Unleashing this Seal's energy will deal [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 1 ] Holy damage to an enemy. (Damage reduced)

    * Seal of Wisdom - Unleashing this Seal's energy will deal [ 20% of AP + 32% of Spell Power + 1 ] Holy damage to an enemy. (Damage reduced)

    * Seal of Righteouness - Fills the Paladin with holy spirit for 2 min, granting each melee attack [ 2.8% of MWS * AP + 5.5% of MWS * Spell Power ] additional Holy damage. (Damage reduced)


    * Holy Guidance (Tier 8 ) now increases spell power by 4/8/12/16/20% of your intellect. (Previously was 7/14/21/28/35%)


    Blizzard clearly is trying to remove a lot of bloat from the tree, but again - it still suffers from too many GOOD talents to allow any deep hybrid playability.

    Holy likey very much! :yahoo:

    Kadi hatey very much! I can't believe that they're nerfing Holy, which was underpowered anyway in WotLK, and even in the 'endgame' of TBC. Holy Pallies frustrated with Tier6 dungeons won't find a lot to love here.

    I quoted the sheath of light change, because that is a HUGE nerf to a holy pally who doesn't want to exclusively sit in the back of a raid and heal a tank. I was playing around with a Holy/Ret build with that talent because it was shallow enough in the Ret tree to be able to take it and still be able to take enough points in Holy talents to do good spell damage and healing. Now in order to take that talent, I'd have to lose TWENTY points in holy talents, and while it's obviously something that is soooo good for Holy pallies, it no longer seems worth the cost. I thought the talent was put in place in the Ret tree to encourage holy paladins to 'hybrid' a bit into Ret and add some solo/pvp ability to the spec, and I wonder why they decided to make that change... other than the obvious 'Oh noes, this makes holy pallies OP OMG we need to fix it before (insert other healing class here) complains!!!!.

    So it appears I'm left with the choice of 'decent melee and decent healing' or 'good healing but good luck killing anything without someone else smacking it in the face for you'. I already have that now, and it really sucks. *SIGH*

    And here I was starting to think I might actually keep my Pally as my main in TBC... now I'm back to thinking it'll be my Shaman instead.

  2. With a lack of enthusiatic replacements, I'm just going to cancel ZA this week. Hopefully we will be refreshed to tackle Zul'jin's stronghold next friday.

    The next 2 weeks we will need only one replacement, that being in a ranged DPS slot (one of Hunter/Mage/Warlock/SP/Boomkin/Elemental Shaman), so if any are interested please let me know.

    I would like to bring Burana to this, if possible. I have the nights free, so I should be good to go if needed!

  3. 4. Can a brother get a salv? I dps 60 secs for P1 and 30 secs for P2. If he resists FD, my dps =0. Since this fight is very dependant on tank juggling and staying under 3 tanks in threat, salv is a must. And don't forget-"insignificance" can be resisted.

    Only if your name is Eigun, and you ask after everyone has been buffed and ready to go. ;)

    In all seriousness, if anyone needs pally buff changes, please ask me... preferably during the trash before the boss, or as soon as you notice you don't have the right one (in case I forget to change, I am senile!). Also, if you could tell me which buff you want it to replace, that would be helpful as well, since the person assigned to the buff that you're replacing will likely be the one to give you the new one... just to keep me from going insane on keeping it all straight. IE: You want Salv in place of Might or whatever.


    Your friendly neighborhood Pally Buff Coordinator.

  4. Waldo, any time you need some back up heals for those multi-mobs, just give me a shout. *hugs*

    There's nothing more important I can do with my time than keep you boys alive.

    What about us girls? *inno*

  5. Nothing new on the jewelcrafting trainers for you yet, Holyssa ;) There are two new rings on the jewelry vendor in Dalaran, so if you happen to be in the area, check them out...

    I saw them. But the prices made me vomit in my mouth a little.

    Oh, want a good laugh? Onyxia gets killed by two ret pallies...

    ...in one minute.

    My god, I'm tempted to bust out my own ret gear, bring Kadi to Ony, and splatter the ol' dragon just for giggles.

    I'd be up for that. Trying to level as Holy spec is making me cry. I thought I would be lazy but... I think I'm going to cave and go ret while in beta. I can respec for healing goodness whenever needed, so I'll try to keep up on both sets of gear.

    Also, there are new blacksmithing patterns in, Holy, but they are all Prot spec. I doubt they are upgrades for you, but if you catch me in game, ask me to link em to you and I"ll make whatever you need.

  6. Yes....it is true.

    The Clan has been tagged with 10 entries as a group into the Beta of WotLK.

    The list was made up of....











    There is no NDA...so we can chat about it and such.

    All of us were requested to make 1 Death Knight and given the option of copying over 4 characters to the test server.

    We are creating the guild charter and will work on testing out the guild/raid/etc functions.

    I also received a Beta on day one (through another source), so even though I'm not on the "Tagged as a guild" Official list, I do have my two level 70's over there (Kadianan and Burana) and have made a Death Knight as well (Syrah). I would be willing to help with what the guild was asked to do, and I plan to level up my characters so I can help participate in the 5-man runs and whatnot.

    I will probably also transfer my hunter, Kadivya, as well to test out equipment balance for someone who hasn't gotten any of the Tier Sets (unless Tier 2 and 3 counts!) going into Northrend.

    I did sign the charter already, and am on the CrusherOOC channel so I look forward to seeing everyone there!

    EDIT: To clarify, my 'another source' is a friend who happens to be a Blizzard Employee... I didn't buy it off Ebay or anything. And no, I can't use him to get keys for other people.

  7. You see her during the courier quest for the Deathknights as well, when she creates the Scarlet Onslaught. They shoulda killed her when they had the chance! *inno*

    I haven't been this far into Northrend (I've had terrible luck with the world server going down every time I try to play on that continent), but they have HUGE amounts of 'color' for the Scarlet Crusade people in the Deathknight area. Random-drop 'notes' and 'forgotten mail' that gives a lot of color to that particular group.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing more of it on Northrend, since the General makes clear that they're moving to focus all of their efforts on that continent, and the Lich King has written them off as being foolish for doing so.

  8. I would be interested in doing this, however I am sometimes not available on Sunday afternoons. If you are keeping a list for 'backups', I would like to be added to it as my Shaman, Burana. I still need T4 pants since they only dropped the shaman token once on all of Maube's Wednesday runs. I would also be willing to bring my healer, Kadiana, if needed and I'm available.


  9. *walks behind Kadi as the packages are being past out, grabbing scrunchies from new grunts and flame-shocking them on the spot.*

    Nice try, but due to the Clan's overwhelming anti-scrunchie bias, I made sure that these were fire-proofed before I gave them out.

  10. *Kadiana delivers small packages wrapped in shiny foil to all of the new grunts*

    "Welcome! Here, have a present! Sorry they aren't my favorites, though. Just don't let Kailand have them!"

    (Inside, is a slightly-used hair scrunchie which the blood elves, for some strange reason, seem to like... and a bar of bloodthistle-scented soap.)


  11. If you want to become a regular, or want to offer up your name for the sub list please let me know. We are shooting for a start time of two so we can get as far as possible before the Latter Sunday Kara run starts (looks like we will have to end around 7).

    Please add Burana to your general Substitute List. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it 1 sunday in every 3 (including this coming Sunday), so I don't think it would be fair to sign up as a regular.


  12. If you need more DPS, I can bring my Shaman, Burana. The only reason that I didn't express interest earlier is because, starting in a few weeks, I will probably have to miss one run in every three for RL commitments. The proposed 2pm start time will work well otherwise.

    So if you could put me on your 'back-up' list, I'd appreciate it!

  13. It's a judgement call for healers. I usually am not a full time tank healer (I heal the raid, then tank) so I heal the tank and keep an eye out on the raid that's in range, usually I'm aware of what they're doing, if they're cursed, or burning, then I switch to heal them rather than the tank.

    I've stood in doomfire before (temporarily since that stuff hurts) and popped healing trinkets and spammed bind heal to keep the tank up. All of our healers have done that, and as long as you're sure that you're not looping the fire (for example run across a doomfire wall to get to tank healing range, NOT running back to tank healing range while the fire is following you), it's fine. You have to be darn sure you're not going to die while you do that though =p

    Thanks for all of the advice, Beans! It has been very helpful, not just to healers/priests, but to our raid in general. I appreciate having you here to give us a few pointers. :)

    Two of our MT healers are paladins, so we can bubble to run through fire if we have to without taking damage, which should help us in this case. With a bit more practice, we'll get this fight down, especially now that we're running a bit of BT and seeing some of these things on other bosses (even if Supremus' fire doesn't hurt nearly so much!). Our work on Vashj/Kael is certainly coming in handy as well.

  14. Great diagram Kadi, thanks!

    My only suggestion - although may not be too viable not sure - would be to group up the ranged around each of the 4 de-cursers just a bit more (rather than purely even dispersal) - so that it might be easier to distinguish if the fire is headed for your group/neighbor.

    While you do have a point there, I think it would be a lot harder to compensate for a dead decurser with the 'clump' strategy, unless we make it so that each clump is within range of an adjacent decurser. While I know the tactic is to 'stay alive', I would hate to have to fail because of ONE person dying, and then taking their whole clump with them. People just need to pay attention, and run away in the direction of those arrows (which is why they're there!!) instead of running around in a circle. This is just my opinion, though.

    I made the diagram based off of what we were trying to do Tuesday. If we change to 'clumps', I can change my diagram accordingly. :dancing_smile:

  15. Okay guys, while I know that Calendor is bad with his colors and symbols, I am posting a diagram that I'm hoping even HE will understand.

    I used the picture from Bosskillers (found about halfway down the page here: http://www.bosskillers.com/cgi-bin/bbguild/index.cgi?action=view_guide&guide_id=119&sid=JdRq3Z2bGl ) and made something that is customized to our raid:


    While I know we won't be out there with rulers, this gives a pretty good idea of how we should be standing relative to each other. This layout does make sure that everyone is within range of at least one decurser, and in most cases, two.

    Hope this helps!!

  16. Got a heads up. Complications with the new PC have delayed my being able to get WoW installed. It works fine and it should be ok but my housemate won't be able to fix anything until he comes home from work which is really only an hour before the usual start time. So I probably will not be able to attend this evening.:gruntcool:

    Sorry for the really short notice but this was not something that you can plan ahead for. I had fully expected to have it up and running by then but such is the way sometimes.;)

    I know exactly how you feel. Remember when I was building my new machine a couple of months ago? Hopefully you can work the bugs out quickly and we'll have you back next week. In the meantime, I'll give Kael a punch in the face just for you. *HUGS*

  17. Healing was good from what I could see.

    The only area for opportunity is when Cal begins bringing Sanguinar towards Kaelthelas. It seems we have a "lull" in healing, perhaps a range issue where we can run after Cal and cast? If so, we need some healers stationed in between Cal and the platform to take over for this while Cal's main healers get into position.

    I would run over to Cal after Telonicus was dead, which was shortly before Kael'thas broke loose. I'm pretty sure the "lulls" in the healing are from the fear bombs that Sanguinar drops, since the group coming over from Telonicus doesn't have fear ward. I was feared just about every time during that transition.

    Edit to add: I don't think we need to make an extra effort to 'ward' people coming in to finish off Sanguinar. The healers just need to be sure to spam heals on Cal, even if he's at full and not appearing to take damage during that part of the phase.

  18. I hit friendly with the Akama guys (Ashtongue Deathsworn), so I will check the vendor tonight before ZA to pick up some of the blacksmithing patterns, if they have any. I'm at work now so of course I can't at the moment. :yub:

    Also, a suggestion: The longtime T6 guilds (WW and BotB) should have those patterns and a stash of hearts and may be willing to make them for us for a small fee if we have bad luck getting them ourselves. This could be one way to use of some of the cash that the raid has(?) built up from selling SSC patterns.

    **EDIT** Yeah... Okuno is INSIDE of BT. This is what I get for trying to check forums from work and talking out my arse without looking stuff up first! I guess I WON'T be going to check on those patterns quite yet. Boooo! ... Yeah, I feel like an idiot. *slinks off*

  19. Welcome, Nawtay! It was fun chatting with you yesterday, though I'm sorry if I scared ya when you tried to claw my back. :yahoo:

    I'm fairly new here myself (only in guild for a couple of weeks, although I've been grouping with CS for over a year now!) and they've already made me feel at home.

    Look forward to seeing you around!


  20. Like Cris, I like the idea of required attendance at guild events if you are online. I mean most serious raids have a required attendance policy, why can't guild events?

    Required attendance for raids sucks, and many guilds who have used that policy have fallen apart (like NL). Even if they handed me an engraved, diamond-encrusted invitation made of gold, and they were killing things in the Sunwell, I would not join a raid guild that had attendance requirements. The requirements in raids guilds TEND to: a) create resentment when you lose your spot because of some family tragedy that you can't help and b) attract far too many tools who have no lives and live in mommy's basement. Keep in mind that the current Number 1 raid guild on our server (BotB) does NOT have any attendance requirements (heck, they don't even have guild meetings!), they have no trouble at all with consistency in their attendance, even when they are hitting something for the 128390th time and most of them have the loot they wanted. That was one of the things I loved about that guild, and why it was hard for me to leave to come here, even though I wasn't raiding with them.

    While I think it's a bit extreme to apply to a once-per-month RP event to the high attendance requirements of some raid guilds, I do think that being able to have a choice, and being around people who WANT to be there with you is much more fun than having to be around grumpy-bears who are being FORCED to be there.


    Edit: Sorry for the Double Post, but I didn't see Toldar's response until after the previous one was written.

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