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Everything posted by Holyssa

  1. 1. I wuv you. 2. A good tank is a b*tch to find. 3. Druids are funny. 4. /AFK 5. With you around, we will never see [Local Defense]: "The Scryer's Bank is under attack!" 6. Who's going to make me leg armor kits? 7. Open mic + nostrils = comedy gold. 8. "Why is Orcala in Shattrath?" 9. Holy crap, it's an authentic female druid. 10. Harne plays his shammy, and Eigun's a douche. Who else am I gonna hide Holy under when in bear form? ....I think that's it. >.>
  2. Updated 9/9/08 with a link to PsiVen's TPS (Threat Per Second) tank weapon spreadsheet. 9/10/08 - Added a link to some blue dungeon gear for tanks that can help prepare for Naxx/L80 content. Warriors/DKs can look at it too due to the changes in paladin tanking gear making the pieces so similar. Oh, added a handy-dandy WoWHead filter for potential tanks looking for a Patch 3.0/WotLK-friendly weapon.
  3. Happy birthday Smeddy!!
  4. Does he fall through coffee tables? I mean, he IS still Lord of the Floor...
  5. Other items (ie - non set pieces, Badge gear, Black Temple/Hyjal/Sunwell items) Boots: Chests: Gloves: Helmets: Pants: Shoulders: Belts: Bracers: And before you do the whole Zoidberg scream and go "ZOMG! Mah spellpowah! WARGHLGRLGLMGRGHL!", keep in mind that a lot of paladin spells scale with attack power, and it makes things somewhat easier in terms of gearing up...see my post in the Training hall for more insight. ...oh, I say "somewhat" because that pink piece of armor you've been lusting over is now fodder for the warriors as well. Remember: sharing is caring! ^_^ A lot of pieces gained strength, lost avoidance, and in the paladin's cases lost any signs of Intellect. Probably to go alongside the changes to Crushing Blows.
  6. Top rows: New stats in Beta and possibly Patch 3.0. Bottom rows: Stats if you were to equip the pieces today. Paladin Tier Sets: T4: T5: T6: Warrior Tier Sets: T4: T5: T6:
  7. By Kalgan (it's a list of changes, so anything NOT listed didn't get touched...at least not yet): WTF...humans get Feign Death? I guess this will stop them from whining about not being able to roll hunters (and the human males are funny as hell when they die, I gotta admit), but it looks very silly. If I'm reading it correctly, it's just a very fancy aggro "pause" button. I can live without Mana Tap, since the mana drained isn't anything to squirm & shout about. They need to get their percentages correct. Night Elves get 3% Nature Resist, yet other classes get a flat 2%? I truly hope this is Kalgan having a case of the stupids (what else is new?) & it's a simple typo.
  8. Last night was a breath of fresh air guys. I think we pretty much one-shotted everyone with minimal casualties. Bring on moar pwnsauce!
  9. Sweet. At least Tigole is doing something right for a change and realizing that silly stuff like this is just going to distance the player gap even further. I'm glad a lot of the lore-sensative ones are gone. I can't possibly see "<AFK> Arch Druid Orcala" sitting in the middle of Dalaran among a myriad of others with silly names. A better title would have been "Master of Manimals" or even "Ruler of the RAWR-Bomb" >.> Some of the titles sounded really neat, and I think Blizz should allow players to buy them with Achievement points after completing a specific list of criteria. Ex: unlock Crusader title for Paladins by doing all the class's quests, becoming Exalted with all major capitol cities & having done a certain amount of the "head" quests (Onyxia, Baron, Magtheridon, 5-man Kael, etc). We already have a bunch of Naaru Champions & Hands of A'dal. Why not?
  10. Holyssa


    That last pic just screams: "Is Warcraft time over now?" ;D He's adorable!
  11. I believe it's been like this for a long time, albeit somewhat bugged. During Hex Lord in ZA, I'm able to disarm traps (assuming a hunter is in the raid) from about 10 yards away merely by clicking the hotbar icon, then the trap itself while in mid-combat.
  12. News on the class has been hush-hush, but here's a bit of good & bad on you fellas for the next build, plus the "surprise" utility spell: By Gamnin: Ouch. Shadowstep got struck by the nerfbat. As if Warriors and Druids didn't have an easy time with rogues as it is... The Disarm Trap change is neat, but sucks that it requires stealth now. Giving rogues a pseudo-Misdirect (Tricks of the Trade) looks like fun. "* Relentless Strikes moved to Subtlety Tier 1, made 5 ranks for 4/8/12/16/20% chance." ... *slugs a punching bag with Kalgan's picture on it* That's NOT funny! >
  13. Or by the Scryers bank... Seriously folks - We've come quite far compared to the numerous Hydross, Lurker, and Gruul/Sacktheridon guilds. Let's enjoy the damned content while it's still popular, eat lots of babies, and kick some a$$ while we have the opportunity.
  14. Out of curiosity... Those of you on the above roster, I'd like for you to take a look at the two badge of justice vendors (squid lady and the big purple wind chime) and count up exactly how many Badges people still need. Send me a forum PM of how many you need total (just to reduce forum clutter).
  15. Don't sweat it Smeddy - family is far more important than epics. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers, hoping she recovers from the ordeal
  16. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...95321&sid=1 Very long read, by Zarhym: /headscratch
  17. Before tackling the Amphitheater of Anguish, Kalea had told me of a most intriguing quest chain involving one of Azeroth's freakiest farm-status wizards: Archmage Arugal! I had to blast through many small chains to catch up to our mama shaman, but it was well worth it to take a crack at the worgen master. When we were ready, we ascended the rolling hills of Bloodmoon Island, and fearlessly took down his goons one by one. Varlam, a crazed barbarian on horseback. Selas, a masked wolf who finally realized the value of fighting in more than just a loincloth. Goremaw was cleverly hidden at the base of the tower, so we took him out last. The tower at the top of the island wasn't too impressive from the outside...but then again, Arugal's budget probably went into a good portion of SFK before the twink-gear farmers intruded his lawn. Despite it's size, the inner visuals gave you a feeling of dread like none other. Best. Ocean. View. Evar. Mama Kalea & I easily stomped the denizens during our (strangely laggy) climb up. With some added help from Tyrandius, Argual's new spells did not lay a dent in us! Down goes the Archmage, and not surprisingly, he didn't drop Shadowfang . Even worse: he haunted us from the grave when the World Server crashed 4 times in an 8 minute span. Get me outta here!! My only real gripe about this chain is that Arugal himself, while still a fun fight, was disappointingly straightforward: no evil taunts ala Shade of Aran, and no eerie spells to catch people off guard save for Mind Control (oh noes!). Would have been nice to hear him bellow out "Release your rage!" one last time The rewards were rather satisfying in the end. Holy got some spikey new shoulders, and the chain rewards a generous amount of XP. But damn, Blizzard: fix yer sh1t!
  18. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...65192&sid=1 By Eyonix: Early hairstyles, talent teasers, and inscription training sounds nice. Trainers for inscription will be in capitol cities, so no need to swim to Northrend to try something new. Blizzard loves teasing with it's players...just like God teased Moses in the desert! >.>
  19. I gotta do the Pit event in Conquest Hold at some point, but yea...last night was crazy-fun, and I earned oodles of XP despite the server being a wanker (4 crashes in a row!). It's no Goldion Hammer, but the Crimson Cranium Crusher will serve Holy well as an instance-tanking weapon, and has all the right numbers which obey the new tankadin threat mechanics - high white damage, a generous amount of stamina, and decently slow. It has my luv. *hugs the hammer* Thanks for the help you two - I can't wait till this all goes live > (I'll upload a pic of Holyssa holding the hammer when I get home).
  20. http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t29453-combat_...ngs_level_80_a/ The author of RatingBuster has posted numbers related to level 80 conversion rates based on formulas found within the client. Looks like rating curve nearly doubled compared to the 60 -> 70 grind...mama mia! Bear in mind that this is from build 8714, so not everything may be final. But if you wanna do some number-crunching, happy reading & grab some Aspirin .
  21. *waves a finger from side to side* We no longer actively go to the tower with our Sunday group, since Zul'aman now beckons us (although if attendance is wonky enough, we'll still make an occasional trip to kill boredom/brain cells/get easy badges). However, a kind troll-priest did pass by seeking some help not long ago...
  22. RAWRSAUCE! I still have Heroic Strike Shield of the Righteous! *makes a mental note to build a Block Value set*
  23. If they broke JC again, I won't eat a baby...I'll eat a damn nursery. I'll have to dink around on Beta a bit before ZA tonight...unless one of our other Beta pallies can test this before me >.> Hulk Smash! Let me guess - more pitfalls? *looks at her small hip flask of water from said fountain* ...I suddenly don't feel so well.
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