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Lord Logan

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Everything posted by Lord Logan

  1. stractics taken care of brother
  2. I'll throw in another 100k elathiel...i will try to get that on stractics also..
  3. Nice job Bal....One question are the shirts and other misc things still available?
  4. Anyone else listen to Bob Marley while they pvp?
  5. Name...Talkative Númenorean Elven name...Imhuinëion Most like...Gimli Location...Lothlorien Looks like im still the axe man MUHAHAHA
  6. Hindsight is always 20/20...I apologize for my actions/words, trying to impose my beliefs of meeting force with force. I know some cant/wont pvp...*bows head and asks for forgiveness*...If any need protection on alliance hunts, my brother will be there, He's alittle dumb...but he carries a big axe!!
  7. Am I reading this correctly....the allaince has parties large enough to take down champ hunt...but that cant work together to defeat a one/a few reds...are we the only members of this council with brass?
  8. What LoTR Character Are You? THATS RIGHT THE "AXE MAN" IS THE AXE MAN
  9. Greetings my FAMILY! I would like to wish you the very best and safe holiday season. As i crawled me old body out of bed this morning and watched the joyous smiles of the little ones as they ripped into thier gifts, I couldnt help but think of each of you. Wondering how your family was enjoying thier day of giving, and wishing too i could see your faces. Call me an old softy! *shrugs* I joined this guild roughly 6 months ago, seeking activity and new friendships, i never expected the tightly bond relationships with such good people that would come. To each of you whom i stood along side when times looked bleek, to the new ones whom stregnthen our numbers...I hope these bonds grow stronger as we pass through the new year! Happy Holidays, Logan
  10. merry christmas..*is raining here*
  11. Pride the blessed one ye seek is Lora!!!...contact her...she will trade sell and has a huuuuge selection
  12. OMG i forgot two bands!!!!... 1. Tool... 2. Rage...wait did i say rage already?
  13. BAH!!! You wanna pvp... *compiles list...* 1. Rage... 2. Disturbed... 3. Rage... 4. KoRn... 5. *thinks hard*...Rage... Thats all continue on with your lives!
  14. Binky adjusted his backpack and repelling gear, preparing for his mission inside the secretive ORIGIN office. “Then that’s what we’ll do. My elves are all set. If the people need a map of Malas, they’ve got it.”uo.com/ageofshadows/. But the holiday miracles don’t stop there! While the big guy in the red suit has been busily working on the perfect February gift for all the closet necromancers and paladins out there, more hard-working elves have managed to bring back some favorite Holiday Gifts from years past, including a holiday wristwatch, holiday trees, snow globes, and statues - and they will be distributed early next week! In standard fashion, we’ll be releasing these to one shard first, and then all other shards the following day. Since Lake Austin is the only North American shard without access to Holiday Trees, we’ve chosen to release them Monday, Dec. 23rd CST on the Lake Austin shard. Provided there are no unexpected issues, the rest of the world will be able to choose holiday gifts after maintenance on Tuesday, Dec. 24th CST. Happy Holidays!
  15. Both were succesful on the codex test, and even though we had one #### of a time in hythloth, they got the deamon lords sword...so Doddz is ready for promotion to squire...Pride still needs abit more time in for tactics and guild events. Well done both of you. Logan
  16. *spins Wolf 180o* thats the target bud
  17. the things take so much of a whooping they are great for beast training...thats all i need em for
  18. Sounds like a job for my new legionairres...Of coure they will need vet assistance but, a great way for them to learn the tactics
  19. Excellent work...*wishes he could find that 120 scroll of mining* wait I hate mining...*takes it back*
  20. Need to work a couple tames up...any help getting me a shadow ellie will be greatly rewarded
  21. my miner is 93.6 [gloveless]...but to get the ore you have my services as a punching bag!!
  22. *brushes his teeth with his finger*...someone say virgin maidens???
  23. BAH!!! support this!!! *Corp Por*
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